Allright, adding some super-hard late game missions to get all the codices you missed sounds fine to me (missions built in a way than makes them the hardest for somoene who choose the opposite codex). However, even with half of VooDoo locked out, you're still getting a ton of toys; and excuse me but wanting ALL the toys on a single playthrough does sound a bit like needy-whiny.
As for the charger laser.... Yeah it does make the early game easier but there are several avenues of getting ship weapons other than buying; raiding landed shippings, doing underwater adventures, researching Airballs... None of them is banal or obvious, but so this goes; if you're doing well, you get stuff. If you go for easiest missions only, you get nothing and stagnate, and I see no point in holding anyone's hand to de-stagnate.
In my current test playthrough I choose the good ol' Green, but got rid of the Charger around June first year already. Just finished building Ventura (November) and it's armed with 2 Sonic Oscillators and 2 50mm cannons.