As for the eject button, I will firmly oppose it unless it's accompanied by the risk of death and injury in air combat & ejection. Else it's a stupid "get out of jail free" card.
I thought more about adding a decision: should I eject now, or do I stay in the cockpit and try to save the whole ship? But I'm not sure how it'd work.
And I'm certainly not against risk of injury; actually, we could even have injuries from simply getting ship damage, caused by rough shaking and exploding consoles.
Plus there's the "save the pilot" mission idea.
Yeah, but to make it work, we'd have to have ground combat emulate MoO2's ground combat.
Are we getting Battleoids then?
Anyway, as I said, the turn-based air combat was a very loose idea. I'd just like to see a more competent air combat engine, and I can't see improving the vanilla one.