Please help me to edit in CFG file some options that are become uneditable in game options menu. Pls, don't tell me how it is wrong ang unholly! I know what I want and I want INSTANT GRANADES to become TRUE.
I'm editing options.cfg, saving the file (even tryed to made it ReadOnly) but this option is always getting back to it's locked value (which is False). Please help to break the lock, i need it and i know why!
Also, when I take to the mission 1 (in any soldier's slots) or more grenades which are Activated - they are starting to blow inside the inventory slots of my soldiers right after I end the very first turn... That is so stupid! I want it as it was previously - so I can bring with me to a battleground A LOT of already Activated grenades (to instant, 0 turns explision mode), and just place it one by one into a soldier's hand to trow it one by one (without a need to activate each one of it one by one, as it is for me for now, so stupid).
Please help to unlock this options. If you like it locked - fine, i don't, i'm pretty sure in it, i got my logic, pls let me play how i like!!!