Agree with this sentiment. However, it does bring up an important point. A player coming in from Original X-Com knows only one global mission occurrence (Terror Site) and understands that if he fails to respond to that mission he will lose lots of points.
The fact that an X-Pirate doesn't lose points from ignoring a global mission is an idea that is never really explained. Perhaps this is something we could make more explicit through a Bootypedia entry.
Both of you misunderstood what my post was about.
There was an exchange about the game diffuculty, whether on not the hardest is hard enough. My opinion is, it's hard but not in a fun way, i mean the battlescape portion of raising enemy numbers and their stats.
My idea if summed up is basically to remove the enemy once they become a cakewalk, by checking if you have beaten them enough times or if you have tech superiority. This way high difficulty could just make those scripts trigger faster instead of relying on more mooks with +20% stats.
And yes, i know that
1. It is already partially implemented, but i'd like it to be more radical(i said so in my 1st post). For example i know watchtowers get removed eventually, but my number would be 3 monts max, not in 1.5-2 years or whenever they get axed.
2. It would take a lot of Dioxine-hours to implement to the current pool. This is why this is just a suggestion, something to maybe keep in mind for future mission timers.
3. It is possible to skip missions. It's not even a point! The point is that you can farm those missions, assuming you play on high difficulty why would you skip a free mission? See, it creates some sort of loop, where: enemies have higher than average numbers and stats -> you farm completely harmless missions to get even -> you get overleveled if you keep farming long enough -> now there's a reason why enemies are overbuffed -> and it goes full circle
And this is why i play on 4 and break this circle: if enemies are fair -> no need to grind easy missions(yes i fucking skip them eventually) -> no overleveling on ratmen -> it's fair because neither player nor ai is ahead.