what about add 1 helicopter, - for example, RAH66-Comanche ? as mid range, attack "vehicle", for slow very small, small, - to medium ufos (respectively, planes..) ?
..and you just MUST add the experimental, prototyphe, TR-3B "flying-saucer", you know,
that with anti-grav, superconductive, supercooled "ring", -gravitic, mass.less effects, by *Skunk Works team"
strongly recommend :p
..and 1 really heavy, HUGE lifter, ultra big transport plane - Mrija, An-225,
or B-380..
\ and /or V-22 Osprey, medium lifter, transport & (close-air)support plane...
also, what about add few new suggestions, to new Rooms, into buildings :
Garden, (Farm) /hydroponics Room,
fully equipped Hospital
un-conquerable Fortress, /Bunker (*Tresor, - smthng like *Panic Room* ), extremely good, versatile, and strong heavy armed, and tought locked..