
Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn  (Read 4685290 times)

Offline Pyronymer

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5220 on: February 18, 2018, 01:27:42 am »
You really want that much information just... handed to you? What the hell.
No I want the somewhat lesser information of actual damage dealt handed to me. That information would still require some number of attacks to determine if a weapon is on average a good choice against a target, having that information up front is possibly the poorer solution, but at least a solution better than "just use weapons hundreds of times to git a git gud feel for them for no reason".

Up front final calculation damage ranges mean you immediately know if the weapon is the right choice vs that target but not if you are actually progressing with defeating them and will not give you informed decision making on whether to invest TUs in a few more attacks or not.

Final actual damage dealt means you will still need to try out weapons a bit against different targets, and will let you make informed decisions about whether blowing your last TUs on one more attack is a rational choice or not.

Up front calculation of damage ranges that thanks to massive modifiers NOT included in them are completely unrepresentative of final damage ranges are completely useless and only serve to give misleading information encouraging you to make uninformed, incorrect and in a game like this one, game losing, decisions. That sort of information very much should NOT be available.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5221 on: February 18, 2018, 01:34:55 am »
Please. Back in the 90's, we had no tooltips, no forums, no wikis, even no fricking manual, and (in my case) poor knowledge of the language. And we somehow were able to finish the game.

Information given on a silver platter removes an important aspect of the game, which is experimenting. It also kills development of tactics, since otherwise you just go by crunching numbers instead of learning by observation. It basically guts the game, destroys part of the fun, and promotes an uncreative gamer syndrome that on the Piratez channel is generally referred to as "autism".

Offline Pyronymer

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5222 on: February 18, 2018, 01:43:19 am »
It wasn't the same game and I sure as hell am not throwing away other conveniences and features from this game or anything else I interact with of any other sort just because "we didn't have it in the 90s".

The 90s not having something is a terrible excuse for not having it now.

The 90s didn't have this entire mod.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5223 on: February 18, 2018, 02:45:21 am »
Sorry, but this is a Necromancer Guild dangling corpses of Times Past.

Offline sanyaskillpro

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5224 on: February 18, 2018, 04:06:35 am »
I think that NOT having an exact information can lead to a more deep tactical experience.
Ground combat is basically managing risk vs reward. Good gals are hard to replace, therefore the safest way to play is to give everyone various rocket launchers and mortars and just nuke everyone from afar. However you get no profit from this. But on a pogrom this is a reasonable strategy, because the risk is too big.
Now, how this relates to the regular guns. If you score a hit and you know the exact HP left you already know the safe decision. 1 HP left? No need to shoot at all, the bleed will do the job. Dealt 1 hp? Hide or it's time for a backup rocketeer. But if you have no idea you actually have to think, play safely(sometimes overkilling, yes) and risk, when you think it's appropriate.

Offline wolfreal

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5225 on: February 18, 2018, 05:50:29 am »
Well, I guess everybody has a different opinion, but I do think the game give you a plethora of information right now. At least, I like the game (and the mod) right now as it is. Surely, I´ll be glad to know a little more info, for example, melee damage range with the ALT key. But at least in combat, you have a lot!. You can even research corpses and know exactly what can damage the enemies. And you have devices to know the health and other stats of your enemies. Well, I almost never use it, but they exist. The hit log is great for me.

I understand the tabletop game comparison, and in a way, I can agree with some of the arguments. But in the end, you even have the source code!. And the bootypedia eventually give you almost all the details of the game mechanism.

And when you find a new enemy for the first time, a pretty good approach is to launch the biggest thing you have, if it resist, run a wait for another time to try again. You should be running pretty often in this mod until late game.

I´m enjoying the interface right now as it, but, I understand and support if somebody have a different Idea about the tool tips.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5226 on: February 18, 2018, 11:14:49 am »
Melee damage is displayed by ctrl+M.

Also, Pyronymer, if you think I will be changing core game concepts (A Simulation NOT a Tabletop) because of your few whiney comments, think again.
What you describe as improvements, I see as downgrades, at least unless someone is an autist with a computer in their head and prefers calculating tables instead of actually playing the game. Just give me a break, I hate that design philosophy you're defending, I'm not claiming it's worse, I normally just don't care, I just hate it if someone starts shoving it into my face. What are computer games good for, if we drag them back to tabletop. It's like a hate for games in general, trying to push the attitude that they have nothing to do with the real world and cannot ever simulate anything and should be as gamey as possible. And I love games so I find this disgusting.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5227 on: February 18, 2018, 11:48:47 pm »
2) Unlike whitewolf?
3) "the number of wounds escalates based on damage, because the damage values themselves are supposed to be logarithmic"
I was giving a personal anecdote as an example, alot of fiesty jumping to conclusions there. I could've mentioned shadowrun as a comparison too since they use wound boxes as well.

The way it works in my tabletop system, you have a wound capacity of 12 after which your character is in the dying status. Dying characters are vulnerable to certain other conditions like monsters eating their soul or infecting them with vampirism, but spellcastors also have some spells designed to affect someone while dying-but-not-dead, and also a medic can stabilize them at a high penalty. Dying characters die in 2d8 rounds and they're incap during that time.

If you get hit for 16 or more wounds, separate or in one hit, you're killed instantly, and one damage category above that starts making you go splat.
(after character = dead the body starts following scenery destruction rules for objects, which is precisely the same rules that certain animated creatures like undead, totems, golems and elementals also follow normally. The damage type affects how readily it applies Ripping to the corpse since stuff like explosives, plasma, and slashing do it pretty well)

Wound categories:
2 wounds - Hurt (no sprinting, no heavy lifting, acrobat penalty)
4 wounds - Seriously Wounded (penalties to everything, bleed after days without treatment)
8 wounds - Critically Wounded (probably incap, and bleeding)

perks/feats and the like can let you overcome some of that stuff, but for example it means even though it takes 13 health loss to kill a character they are circling the drain even after taking 4, and only a BAMF or barbarian is going to be able to do anything after taking 8.

After (Damage - Toughness), any left over means you're impacted by it. Usually means you get fazed/interrupted (lose an action) and take 1 wound. Below that its just scratches and bruises, daily-life type of injuries that aren't significant (the GM can make a whole series of small injuries count as a single larger one though, which is how you DPS a large spaceship).

How many wounds someone takes depends on whether they're an NPC or player character, the number of wounds it causes advances for every 8 Damage leftover, on this iteration:
NPC: 2/4/8/12/16/Splat
PC:  2/3/5/Fate Test/Fate Test #2/ Splat

The damage roll is listed as a number of "dice" though you only roll a few of them, so the rest get turned into a flat damage bonus. I use d8s for it so that "half dice" can be added as pips in the form of d4s. Flat bonus is +5 per die.

When possible two dice get converted to a single die multiplied by 2 to keep the range healthy, caps at 2d8x2 or for really nasty stuff its 3d8x2.

Punches are nonlethal so no matter how high the damage bonus is the last 2 wounds get pushed onto the subdual track (big ogre can still crush you with his fist though because of how much more he does). More less-lethal means more wounds get traded.
(Subdual Track + Wound track determines if you're falling over unconscious or not, you have to make a test for it when you hit 8 and you're knocked out cold when you hit 13)

Some weapons are especially lethal so they cause extra fake damage to see if it would push you into the "critically wounded" category and thus inflict bleeding even if you arent wounded all that much by it. In terms of "fake damage" this is no different than an AP adjustment its just on the damage side of the equation.

Speaking of fake damage I even account for Temporary Damage, stuff that can be lethal but doesnt really linger long enough to inflict wounds (but can make a character "bleed out" or die if untreated, and treating them can be just as hard). Suffocation, Electric Shocks, Hypothermia work that way.

Generally speaking every +8 damage is x2 Firepower or takedown capability, which is what I meant by logarithmic. So the only difference between a Bunkerbuster and a Tactical Nuke is about 80 damage. If you want Tsar Bomba add another 125 on top of that. Ive got my own algorithm for blast radius propagation though which im not going to discuss.
(I did this to avoid the players having to do multiplying, they just add or subtract a certain amount)

Since tabletop isnt a vidya and is harder to do the math for it... I handle machinegun bursts in a special way I call Consolidated Damage. It gets combined into one bigger hit that does more damage, but it doesnt help it penetrate armor any better*. The bonus is 1 dice per shot including the first one (so 4 hits = +4 dice), so being shot 4 times by a low end SMG is about like taking a single hit from a .50 magnum.

(even the attack roll is consolidated, first you roll to see if you hit with any of it, then you roll again for degrees of success to see if you hit more than once... first one gets a bonus for volume of fire, second one gets a penalty if its got heavy recoil... pretty damn elegant if I say so)
(also super high volume weapons like miniguns assume some number of hits in their damage/ap value for every "shot" that hits, which is 5 shots in the case of a minigun, so some of that is macro'd already for the players' benefit)

This also means weapons like Shotguns can have a high listed damage but take an AP Penalty against armor, so armor nerfs them based on a much lower damage dice value (but since you're rolling more dice, the blunt force trauma or multiple pellets can still find a weak spot since you can Roll High). Same idea as a machinegun just already taken into account. And if you used slugs the damage stays the same its just the AP penalty isnt as bad and damage doesnt go down over distance.

Only problems this causes is when you have continuous effects like burning or poisoning. But I decided to take the Fallout 1 Flamer as inspiration for a way to handle that... continuous effects inflict a wholesome amount up front, then after a few rounds whatever it caused starts to retroactively creep 1 damage point at a time as long as its active... which will start pushing up the wound or subdual track in wholesome leaps.
(that way the player is discouraged from risking those things, and also punished if they dont get help to mitigate it)

Armor is another beast but pretty much you compare the other guy's damage bonus (including AP value) to your AC and that tells you how much to shave off... from every dice rolled.

Basically like for every die its -1, -2, -3, up to -4 points. If armor is taking off more than that the attack is zeroed out and the armor defeats it.

(attacker has to disclose his damage dice and AP value because these are readily apparent, defender Does Not have to say what his AC value is).

And the fun thing is if my system got transcribed into a video game it would pretty much have the same rules, except it would be more immersive since you'd get direct immediate results from it... thus its more like a simulator and the focus is on the story and what you're doing.

You'd have to panic over your character being forced to take burning damage for several seconds and see their health meter being affected (since that damage has already been done, its just being played out before your eyes), hoping to stop it and being thankful that water/cold spells at least keep you from taking even more.

(kinda like when you get burned in xcom and you're just forced to watch your guy keep getting burned for awhile, nothing you can do about it really)

And it might not even list how much damage things did.
It might just put a number of "dagger through heart" icons.
And "flames" icons to tell you how much blasting it will do to you.

Armor Class might be a number of Shield icons.
Toughness might be a number of Heart icons.

And the Wound meter would just be a health bar without numbers on it, it would be plain to see how badly the character was hurt, but without any exact quantum (except pixels) for how much. Like in Diablo except without hovering over the crystal ball to display the value.

Prevents the player from strategizing too much, makes it feel more precarious to take risks, which adds suspense (whew that bomb sure has a hell of alot of fire tokens on it... wooww I just got this hand cannon and look at how many bullet hole tokens its got, its way more than ive had my hands on before).

And when it comes to "oh boy this is going to hurt" its got you on the edge of your seat because you dont know just how close to being dead you are... only the number of times youve had to reload the save and the number of times out of that where it didnt kill you (but you did something else out of order and got fubar'd anyway).

Reminds me of the Silent Hill or Resident Evil survival horror games... none of those weapons told you how much damage they caused, the characters only had a health meter not hit points and you had to guess how much healing they actually needed.

And is pretty darn realistic since you wouldnt know IRL just exactly how effective, or hurt something was, it would be a judgment call. The deathclaw still be a fighting menace even though its got lots of bullet holes in it and its covered in blood, better adapt that assessment of what "critically wounded" means for that type of critter.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 12:02:01 am by RSSwizard »

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5228 on: February 19, 2018, 12:09:24 am »
The 90s didn't have this entire mod.

This is what I have to agree with.

The original game was fairly easy to figure out even without manual or knowledge of the language.

It went like this:

-better armor is always better

-plasma beam beats every ufo except the battleship

-starting weapons are all trash

-you can skip laser and go straight for plasma (this also means you get plasma beam sooner)

-mind control is king

Thinking about it, piratez is not so different it goes like:

-you can ignore armor to get TU, you skin is hard enough because you are uber

-you can ignore power armor early on, it slows you down and is expensive

-more versatile craft = better craft

-bigger damage number = better

-gray codex = best codex

-arcing explosive = best explosive

-bring chinese dragon to siberian base

and so on.

Offline Pyronymer

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5229 on: February 19, 2018, 02:07:20 am »
unless someone is an autist with a computer in their head and prefers calculating tables instead of actually playing the game.
As a player the actual autistic route is to demand that there be as little automation as possible in the game so that decisions require a great deal of really autistic calculations in your head. I don't want to sit down and do relatively complex autistic math calculations for the rather complex armour/bonus damage/etc... I would need to use to make what should be relatively simple and quick decisions about which character should use which weapons on which targets.

If you want to say "screw that I'm doing it my way, even if its crazy, even if people will keep noticing and WTFing about it forever" thats fine. But... don't call the people who want to do less of the complex math themselves autistic, it's really the other way around.

It's like a hate for games in general, trying to push the attitude that they have nothing to do with the real world and cannot ever simulate anything and should be as gamey as possible. And I love games so I find this disgusting.
I've always been very much of the opposite attitude. You aren't simulating reality. You are making a game. It should be fun, every aspect should facilitate fun. You can "simulate" to some extent, because sometimes that is fun, but when it conflicts with the primary goal of making a game, the simulation goal loses or the game gets worse. I also find that people who disagree with this say oddly inconsistent things like... well complaining that critics hate games, then complaining about how you hate things being too gamey, then switching around yet again and declaring how much you love games.

That sort of multiple contradiction in a few short words... look I'm just suggesting a small quality of life improvement which I think honestly you know is a better solution and you are over compensating a bit and maybe going a touch off the rails in the process of being a bit too defensive. I haven't attacked your entire design philosophy, I haven't attacked your entire work, I've just suggested that games giving clear feedback on the results of your actions is a good thing and more of it would be nice.

Generally speaking every +8 damage is x2 Firepower or takedown capability, which is what I meant by logarithmic.
I don't want to go into too much detail, I'd need a thread to go into everything wrong with the excessive details of what you described. So I'll keep it short.

I am not particularly sure the... system... you described does result in that "logarithmic" outcome, but if it did... it's kinda "logarithmic" but only really in a remotely practical way, maybe, if we had any idea of how actual damage progression in character advancement/enemy levels/equivalent works. But then again the primary issue there is the system you described is frankly way too complex for a base damage system for a TTRPG. There are other major tangential issues like built in no save instakills, what looks like LESS hp for PCs than NPCs, an over complex armour mechanic, an average dice value better than the actual average result on a dice and also better than the maximum armor reduction per dice (the .5 on its own barely makes the averaged dice better than a roll, the armor interaction almost DEFINITELY pushes the average dice to better than rolling). But really nothing gets past the obstacle of "it could take a good year or more of gaming time for most TTRPG players to actually begin to get a grasp on how damage actually works in the game they are trying to play".

I'm pointedly not saying that this mod is bad, I'm very happy with much of it and would just like to see it improve, I am pointedly saying that my personal judgement on the quality of the described TTRPG system is negative both over all and on nearly every described point.

It went like this:
My current it goes like this goes like this :
Sell all the muskets right away. They are less than useless. Hit things with sticks if you have to. Its wildly better.

Sabres+Sawn Offs

Tech Blades + Kustom Hand Cannons

Always Panzerfausts.

For rare and increasingly inferior two handed gun girls... Any mediocre two handed shot gun... Mammoth Shotgun/Heavy Slug Thrower...???(see below)

Maybe bring a mortar.

Always the Little Wooden Clubs of Better than other Stun Options. I think you need bigger sticks or electric sticks to stun things with sometimes but with the combined rarity of that and the lack of feedback... I'm pretty sure the opportunity cost of carrying something other than the tiny wooden club is a bad choice. And all forms of stun grenades my ass but maybe thats a hold over from experiences in prior patches... or minimal feedback.

There would be at least another tier of replacement for Tech Blades + Kustom Hand Cannons... There might even be SOME limited branching in roles, once upon a time it was ALMOST a good idea to bring a hover suit sniper once you got sniper options worth an ass. But for a while now the earlier game just goes so long I haven't seen those for a LONG time.

Also, just for tangential reference, I start a new game with each patch, looking at a lot of comments about what to use for certain missions on this thread... it seems pretty clear a lot of people have not been doing that when they respond to early game missions with the suggestion of bringing far later game levels of resources/techs. 

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5230 on: February 19, 2018, 05:50:09 am »
-bring chinese dragon to siberian base
and so on.
whoaaa wait a minute, hold up there.

The question of the chinese dragon is always a question of "who gets to fire it" because there aint no such thing as ducking back in the ship while the rocket is in flight. So who's going to be doing the dying in that equation.

I guess I could have a lokknar do it or a slave soldier, but did you know there's this thing called Baby Nukes and they can get the job done without anyone having to die? Heck there are plen-T of weapons you can use there that will work if you give a few shots with em.

(I manage siberia even though its tough and involves alot of dancing, fact is I like collecting their loot. As for examples of stuff that works how about Lots of hellerium grenades, pre-primed of course. How about putting someone on a mortar and launching Plasma Mortars. Ive heard of the Tornado Rocket Mortar working wonders. Also Plasma Rockets are a thing and 160 damage aint nothing to sniff at. Even the hellerium grenades can flatline tanks after about 2-3 of them)

Also where are your Lazers, they have the nuclear lasers but that doesnt mean you cant bring your own heavy or ES lasers to the ballgame. I frequently have the Plasma Pistol unlocked by then too.

(my face when, one little mention sparks a whole post)

Also starting weapons in vanilla are all trash Except... Grenades, the Rocket Launcher, and the Heavy Cannon (with HE ammo of course). And when I rush Alien Grenades I have a decent advantage.

The RL and HC are useful up until you get the Small Launcher because they do something the laser and plasma weapons cant... they hit stuff even when you miss it, even when you cant see it. And the HC even has multiple shots, you have to reload the SL every time you shoot it.

...a bunch of stuff...

The danger level on my ttrpg is in a rare niche of "medium". The gurps system is straight up lethal, shadowrun is straight up lethal (and players are expected to take damage in it too), call of cthulhu is pretty lethal and the spells and creatures are scary (but you're not supposed to be fighting).

I left out a whole lot, also things like the scaling involved are subject to change because im still tinkering with it. Few weeks ago the damage roll was 1d20+damage bonus and armor applied a flat DR value, I changed that because I felt that armor piercing modifiers were just trading damage and I wanted it more dynamic.
(a few years ago it was d10s based instead of d8s, armor worked the same, consolidated damage worked the same)

Basic idea is fighting smarter not harder, and an ideal warrior is one with a heck of alot of agility to dodge hits (with high initiative to deliver them first). And ideally, like some of these other games your best bet as a PC group is to come up with plans and ways of solving stuff that probably dont even involve a fight but still screws the enemy, or you get a series of easy divide-and-conquer kills. However, it is still passable as a fighting system when the players have to have a battle because they arent just gonna get wasted.
(I guess the danger level is kinda, sorta similar to L5R, since I remember similar consequences for fighting in that one. In games like this there's a gamble/risk that can be fun but things can go south pretty bad when some rolls turn up bad).

As for one-shotting, thats a GM vs. Players issue. If the GM sets down a kaiju, mecha, or great wurm dragon and the players have fun storming the castle of course they're going to get killed. That fits in the category of doing obviously stupid stuff. GM shouldnt have to prescribe specifically to this outdated "challenge rating" formula like d&d has - there's things you're not supposed to fight, maybe the smart thing is to run away from it for the time being, at least thats what common sense says.

Also everybody is good at something, there arent really character classes but with the points available its possible to get very good at a tactic or two by level 6-9 (out of 20 levels). Thing is, becoming more dynamic and harder to affect with things as you get veterancy. Yeah level 20 warriors can be one-shotted in their sleep, thats life, though in their case its easy to screw that up and then you're done for. You ain't going to be able to do it to a wizard, but he can be done in other ways. Etc Etc.

And point of fact the NPCs clearly take more wounds from damage than the PCs do (wound delivery of 1, 2, 4, 8... pcs only take MaybeNone, 2, 3, 5).

Fate test has mechanics I dont want to get into but if you succeed you take 5, if you fail you get 8+1d4 (crit just means you get knocked out and maybe 2 wounds). The death save is as fate test to avoid taking the 16 that the npcs take, and if it succeeds you're left in critical but stabilized unless you were in critical before that. Overall nicer to the PCs whereas NPCs are allowed to get squished more readily and routinely.

It went like this

Agree about the muskets but not the musket pistols. Up close those things pack a whallop, and like a real pirate you want to carry multiple pistols not the ammo for them - drop the pistol when it runs out and draw another one.

Muskets are like the Skorpion in that there are definitely items that are meant to be dangerous to you that NPCs use, but which arent really all that great for yourself. The ASMG is a good example, has some armor piercing, good ammo capacity, but its a 1x3 weapon that cant range well - its just enough to screw you, whereas its more efficient to be using an RCF carbine or even the UAC carbine over that. If you wanted full auto you'd be using a Spiked SMG probably.

Sawed offs are rather broken for where they show up at. They're even useful mid game as backups against zombies.

Also agree about the usefulness of K.Handcannons, though I just keep the tech blades in the transport in case I have a need for them (ahem, Bodyguards).

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5231 on: February 19, 2018, 07:28:14 am »
Basic idea is fighting smarter not harder, and an ideal warrior is one with a heck of alot of agility to dodge hits (with high initiative to deliver them first).
This is the sort of glaring issue I was talking about. It is smarter not harder to build characters all of the same archetype all benefiting from the same mechanical exploit of "well then we will just kill them first and try never to be hit" typical of, I'm sorry, but not really "medium" fatality systems. But is it remotely healthy for generating interesting diverse games?

If the "right" way to play a TTRPG is "everyone is a speedster, everyone always shoots Greedo first, anything else is failure death and 'comedy' games" you have a major underlying design issue. There should be functional competitive player character builds that dump agility and do... something else just as good just the same way these "heck of alot of agility" builds are dumping... something if not everything else.

I'm thinking this is wandering off topic though...

Er.... ...I used to take 1 or so Assault Grenade Launcher girls as soon as I could to any mission without a roof. Then I stopped because they just couldn't compete with the gun+sword standards, don't know exactly when or why that happened, but it just became pretty much just another weapon thrown in the rather large pile of "Does this thing even do anything? I can barely tell".

Hell. I used to use bows. Back when they were viable.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5232 on: February 19, 2018, 10:24:30 am »
As a player the actual autistic route is to demand that there be as little automation as possible in the game so that decisions require a great deal of really autistic calculations in your head. I don't want to sit down and do relatively complex autistic math calculations for the rather complex armour/bonus damage/etc... I would need to use to make what should be relatively simple and quick decisions about which character should use which weapons on which targets.

If you want to say "screw that I'm doing it my way, even if its crazy, even if people will keep noticing and WTFing about it forever" thats fine. But... don't call the people who want to do less of the complex math themselves autistic, it's really the other way around.
I've always been very much of the opposite attitude. You aren't simulating reality. You are making a game. It should be fun, every aspect should facilitate fun.

No, I'm against doing any math at all, and I don't do any calculations - that is the whole point because this is not a fucking tabletop. Now you're saying simulations are impossible and all is about "fun". A load of hot crap that is, peddled by the sorry excuse of gaming industry we have, scammers with no integrity, all of them. Well anyway I am done with you, live with your forums-learned brainbugs and your sense of superiority that leaves no place for respect for other's work. And your me=everyone, and your fucking patronizing my years of work like you were a fucking authority. No you're a fucking nobody, just like we all here. Or maybe you keep pissing me off on purpose to get me banned. I do not care. People like you discourage me from continuing this experiment like nothing else.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5233 on: February 19, 2018, 10:57:19 am »
Are you seriously freaking out this much, threatening to abandon your clearly apparent passion project of years, and ranting about everything wrong with society the gaming industry... because people, and only a some of them at that... would like to see actual useful damage feedback.

Of all the things to freak out this much about, and of all the things to loudly declare are the thing that is wrong with the admittedly deeply flawed gaming industry... accurate damage result feedback?



Like this?

Look I'm not here to crap on your parade, but... that's kinda the point, because you are acting like I'm actually physically crapping on your parade. It's just mentioning sensible feedback responses. I can't even make you do it, I'm not even putting serious effort into trying to make you do it, I'm just pointing out the obvious on a relevant public forum, it's not the end of the world, I hold no power over you.

And when did I declare myself an authority?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2018, 11:06:38 am by Pyronymer »

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99I1 - 26 Dec - Spirit of Christmas
« Reply #5234 on: February 19, 2018, 11:31:48 am »
I suggest to stop this discussion right now.
Dioxine does listen to our feedback and implements new things to make us happy.
There's no point in bringing up a fully detailed damage-indicator as it would spoil the fun of exploring to fight unknown opposition.
Ever encountered "Ghost Gals" so far? There's no bootypedia entry for them so you have to really 'guess' what those ghosts are doing and how you can beat them.

I summoned the wrath of the mod at least two times in the past. What did I do? I stopped to annoy him and went for a constructive feedback route without selling my point as the
point of view for every player of the mod. I also invested gifted Dioxine a bit of money so he can have some food and a cold one to focus on RL.
It's not fun to communicate with an ungrateful cunt. Years of work for a total conversion mod. Show him your respect man, keep calm and commit to the RNJesus of XCom bro.