I have a bit of an odd and probably irrelevant question, actually several. The starting crew are labeled as escaped lunatics, were they actually in an insane asylum? Are the Ubers organized enough to have insane asylums? Are they considered insane because they randomly left the zone they're from and just got lucky in finding a safe place before dying?
My personal interpretation of the starting crew and support units is based heavily on Mad Max, that they were slaves and maybe low ranking gang members of a raider warlord until they beat him up along with his crew, took everything they could carry, and ran.
On another irrelevant side, what are male Ubers like? I have some ideas: too laid back to be considered dangerous, so roided out that they can't reliably work with each other, or maybe they're just guys... some are good, some are bad, some are lazy and some are driven, and the gals are just sexist.