Floater Engineer: My fellow clones and I were invading a planet when we located the main base of a resistance cell. Unfortunately the ship we sent to annihilate the local inhabitants was lost. Very few humans died that day...
Hypercorp Rep: I'm sorry to hear that, how can I help you today?
Floater Engineer: When I attempt to retrieve the navigation records from the PsyFit Fleet Tracker XT I get 'Error 37, records have been purged'. This will not stand! The humans must die, So saith The Brain!
Hypercorp Rep: I'm sorry, but you should have been informed that all navigation records made by Hypercorp trackers are the intellectual property of General Interplanetary LLC and it's subsidiaries. You need to file an access request with their records access department. Would you like me to transfer you?
Sectiod Engineer: Yes, quiclky! The humans must die, so saith The Brain!
Hypercorp Rep: Ohh k then, one moment please.
Recorded Message: If you are a new customer and would like to create a records retrieval account, squake gargle or speak now. *pause* If you are a returning customer without an account or are a Hypercorp customer with one of our premium devices, please squake gargle or...
Floater Engineer: The humans must die, so saith The Brain!
Recorded Message: Thankyou for calling General Interplanetary. We value our partners and we know that your plans for galactic domination are important. Please wait and the next available representative will be right with you. Please have you Galactic Zenar bank account number ready and be advised that all record retrievals cost 30,000TCN to complete. Please remember to allow 20 galactic standard stardates for record retrievals to be processed.
Floater Engineer: Hey Commander, how much is 30,000TCN? Can we afford that?
Floater Commander: 30TCN is a bit pricey, that's about the cost of the Battleship we lost. Pay it, The Brain must see humans die!
Floater Engineer: No, 30 'Thousand' TCN. How much is that?
Floater Commander: I'm not sure, my brain can't process that number either. Let's ask a sectoid.
Floater Engineer: While you're at it, you may want to find out how long galactic standard stardates are, this will take at least 20 of them.
[A few minutes later]
Sectoid Commander: You stupid floaters! Don't waste your time with GI and hypercorp, by the time they get back to you, we sectoids will be reaper meals. Just go scout that base again. What we do is we always have a few scout ships ready to restart the search in case our attacks fail.
Snakeman Comander: SSSYessss syuu needs to findss sss humaans eeeach timessss. Ssssilly Floooatersss, sssscalling hhhypercorpssse!