There will be no change for civilian AI.
Frankly, following this reasoning, there's no point in the
OpenXCom at all.
Great and ingenious as it was, X-Com had its design flaws that were sticking out, like the psionics mechanic or civilian behaviour. These solutions are not "elegantly simple" nor "abstract", they are just crude. They're not "bugs" per se, but they're certainly shortcomings, not very well matching the rest of the game conceptually. I've felt like this back in 1997 and I still do now.
I can't certainly say that any of the solutions presented here would give good, balanced, exciting results. That would require actual work and testing. But I think that there's much room for improvement here.
1. Have some civilians crouching in a closet or behind chairs and not budge, because they're too terrified to move. Sure it probably gets them killed, but I could believe that.
2. Other civilians spot you and the aliens and choose to get your operatives between them and the aliens... and might get killed the process, but at least they tried to get behind the good guys in presumed safety.
3. Other civilians run for the Skyranger in sheer relief throwing all caution to the wind (Hobbes suggestion), and probably get zapped along the way.
4. Other civilians pick up a gun and start shooting anything they see not human (even operatives in power suits).
5. Some civilians actually come under your control when they spot you, and you can order them to safety.
6. Any civilians spawned outside a building, make it their priority to find a building to camp out inside.
7. Civilians that always try to maneuver terrain between them and the aliens.
I guess when I look back over this, these examples would make terror missions even more chaotic However, I would personally be a little less frustrated and annoyed with them, because they would behave more realistically.
Most of these points sound very good. The only one I would strongly object to is number 4, as it would be unwieldy to implement and mod. It would make more sense if civilians shoot everyone (friend-or-foe recognition is poor in battle with no information), but that'd be too much; maybe only when they have bad morale (but not berzerking/panicking yet) or something.