May it be used together Redux ?
but Hobbes disables the xcom1 ruleset MCD Patches, so you can not walk along North and West Walls.
Those UFO's are exactly made for the case, when the normal xcom1 ruleset MCD Patches are applied (which they usually are).
I also modified some of the MCD files, to make them explosion proof, so explosives used near diagonal walls, will not
carry their blast into the interior of the UFO. I also reinforced some armor values of some groundtiles, especially with HE Block values, since we have now 3d explosions, the original settings weren't intended for those. It is working very nicely.
Making them blast through proof is kinda logical, since we are talking about a Alien Alloy frame here.
Direct Hits with Blaster Launcher will still penetrate the walls.
Even thou the outer West and North walls have interior walls set, so you may need to shoot twice in some cases.
I did experiment, with setting invisible interior walls, which didn't had any armor values and were only blocking LOS,
but i abandoned this approach because, aliens going berserk may shoot this invisible interior West and North walls, and you can then look into them again. Also having a invisible West Wall and a visible North Wall for example just looks ugly ingame (ok that is a astetical aspect.)
EDIT: I also included Coopers Extra Battleship Mod, darkened those Maps and fixed the Patrol Information and some spawnpoints, also set Importances.