Author Topic: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread  (Read 450467 times)

Offline Arthanor

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The key point, SIMON, is that a topic that is entitled "Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion" and it is about hellrzor's mod. It should not be diverted for your own venture into creating the perfect troop transport for yourself. hellrazor already mentioned that he was not interested by that design for his mod.

If you want to create that transport, by all means do so, but start your own thread for the development here in the Modding/Experiments section. It is bad form to hijack other threads.

Offline hellrazor

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Thanks very much and if I knew how I would move this to a new thread, I know I could start a new thread but surely that would have it there and in your thread at the same time. TBH I've always thought that it was only somebody like Warboy or another administrator that could delete or move threads. If I'm wrong on this point don't hesitate to tell me how to move it to a new thread.

Jeah that is kinda a hassle. Also you can not delete your own thread after another person posted in it.
Also not so good.

Offline hellrazor

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The key point, SIMON, is that a topic that is entitled "Re: [Beta][WIP][EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion" and it is about hellrzor's mod. It should not be diverted for your own venture into creating the perfect troop transport for yourself. hellrazor already mentioned that he was not interested by that design for his mod.

If you want to create that transport, by all means do so, but start your own thread for the development here in the Modding/Experiments section. It is bad form to hijack other threads.

Well, hijhacking a thread isn't really nice. Even thou i can not see him doing that.
I was already aware of the SkyMarshals design.
But on the other side he revealed a bug to me, which i could eradicate so nevermind that.

I am actually interested in a enhanced version of a Skyranger, which can field 16 troops (4 Tanks, 3 Tanks + 4 Soldiers, 2 Tanks + 8 Soldiers or 1 Tank and 12 Soldiers).
So id like to see new designs, or maybe will play around with it myself if i find the time.
If anyone has Maps for a enhanced Skyranger i am interested.

Offline Arthanor

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The XCom Armoury expanded has a 14 soldiers skyranger (old design) with extra holes/doors near the front, and a 16 or 18 soldiers variant of it with the same 2 front doors as well. It's in this post. I don't have pics but it is pretty simple. 2nd tile from the southmost soldier position, the wall of the skyranger is missing and a small platform is added for soldiers to stand on.

They were made by Aldorn for me, as they fit exactly with what I wanted: A minimal change that allows easier deployment. I don't like the doors as the idea of soldiers slowly peeking out the door and fighting from the inside of the craft feels like an exploit to me. If the aliens could shoot at the craft's engines and make them blow up, actually dealing damage to the craft when they hit it so that it has to be repaired, maybe, but with the invulnerable crafts, it's too easy.

Offline hellrazor

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First serious Mission Scripting stuff done and tested.
Also caught some Minor Bug. HF with this or should i say suffer in Pain. ^^
Who knows :P ;)

So i hereby release:

Version 0.93
 - Fix view positions for soldiers on the thunder craft.
 - Fix missing thunder craft MCD file.
 - Added consequences for alive interrogation of Navigators (additionals Alien Missions)
 - Added consequences for alive interrogation of Engineers (additionals Alien Missions)

Please use newest Nightly, or at least Nightly Version: openxcom_git_master_2015_08_06_1451

Modportal Link

Readme attached here

Offline Infini

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I cannot download the Mod (v.93).

A browser problem (I use Pale Moon) ?

By the way, Great work...  ;)

Offline hellrazor

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I cannot download the Mod (v.93).

A browser problem (I use Pale Moon) ?

By the way, Great work...  ;)

I can't download it either, seems to be a Problem related to the Modportal downloadlink generator.
I will reupload the file, when i am home.

EDIT: Reuploaded the file. Download is working again.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 06:02:56 pm by hellrazor »

Offline Infini

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It's working fine now.

Thank you.



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Yep looking forward to updating my current run through fr v0.92 to v0.93, using nightly 2015-08-06-1451 atm so I'll update to the latest nightly later on today which atm is 2015-08-18-0037 just to be on the safe side, I assume my save will be fine as I think v0.93 says nightly 2015-08-06-1451 or later. Really getting into some serious missions now in the middle of September and looking forward to the extra missions of v0.93. Here's a nice wee mod by Civilian that came in handy on my last mission, a  landed muton battleship. Maybe you would consider this for any future updates.

Was looking at what may come up for this month and next, interesting.
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

        STR_SECTOID: 40
        STR_FLOATER: 20
        STR_WASPITE: 20
        STR_GAZER: 20

        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

etc, seems Waspite will be flavor of the month, not looking forward to when muton elite or ethereal are flavor of the month.

Offline hellrazor

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Yep looking forward to updating my current run through fr v0.92 to v0.93, using nightly 2015-08-06-1451 atm so I'll update to the latest nightly later on today which atm is 2015-08-18-0037 just to be on the safe side, I assume my save will be fine as I think v0.93 says nightly 2015-08-06-1451 or later. Really getting into some serious missions now in the middle of September and looking forward to the extra missions of v0.93. Here's a nice wee mod by Civilian that came in handy on my last mission, a  landed muton battleship. Maybe you would consider this for any future updates.

Was looking at what may come up for this month and next, interesting.
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

        STR_SECTOID: 40
        STR_FLOATER: 20
        STR_WASPITE: 20
        STR_GAZER: 20

        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 10
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 50
        STR_GAZER: 10
        STR_SECTOID: 10
        STR_SNAKEMAN: 10
        STR_MUTON: 20
        STR_FLOATER: 10
        STR_WASPITE: 30
        STR_GAZER: 30

etc, seems Waspite will be flavor of the month, not looking forward to when muton elite or ethereal are flavor of the month.
Well jeah, i hope they are tasty. I personally found their armor to be to weak, in comparison with mutons and gazers. I guessi will bump it up a little bit.

Also i thinking of adding Plasma Melee Weapons for the aliens and also replicate a Grenedier aliens like the technicians from tftd (Grenades and Melee weapon only).

Updating should not be a problem at the moment, only if our mighty developers decide to change Mod Support stuff again.

The breaching Charge is way to powerful in my opinion. Since it can destroy UFO outer hulls, which was always a priviliege of the Blaster Launcher.


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Hokey doke, the one reason I use the breaching charge, well the improved one,  the one you buy is too heavy, is it's less messy than than B/L'S or H/E's(xcom util improved high explosive) and there's less chance of you blowing up something valuable on the other side. But each to their own playing styles. I like using the elerium mace mod though I had to tone it down a good bit as the original version I had was 250 stun damage per hit.

Offline hellrazor

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Maybe adding a "Improved Stun Rod"? Which does double stun damage then a normal Strun Rod?

Since i wana implement "Walkertanks" and 1 Final Late game Armor with Plasma Damage reduction. But you would need to capture a alive "Armored Sectopod" (the blue ones).

But that is just me spinning around ;D

EDIT: Before i add any new stuff, i am gonna clean up some loose ends.

Cleanup TODO List:
- Mapscripts rework for:
  - Expanded Ubase
  - Mars the Final Assault
- Add more new Mapscript for Alien Base Attack
- Rework BigOb's for Plasma Sniper Rifle and Plasma Shotgun to show Clips.
- Add Properly colored FloorObs/HandOb's for Plasma Shotgun Clips.
- Rework some Alien Base Modules (Medium Scout in Alien Base should be fun right?)

Possibly Future Additions:
- Plasma Melee Weapons
- "Walkertanks" (X-Com Sectopods)
- Additional Lategame Armor with Plasmadamage reduction
- Chryssalids Spitter (does anyone has some Chryssalids Battlescape Sprites? (unmodified Vanillas will do, i am just gonna do a recolor))

Well and of course the stuff on Still missing list in the Readme.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 07:36:34 am by hellrazor »


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I noticed a couple of spelling/grammar mistakes in the extra strings part of the ruleset files particulary "alien data core" and "alien plasma weaponry". Only got to this research in the last day and I noticed it in version 0.92 but attached are the corrections.

Was looking at the research diagram chart and I'm wondering why you need a medic for the avenger(unlock 3). Was this just to make it harder? I can understand the engineer and navigator but what would a medic know about engines or navigation? Like in the original Star Trek Dr McCoy didn't fly the Enterprise or fix the warp drive. Don't get me wrong I agree with making more conditions for the ultimate craft but am I over anaylsing this?

Offline hellrazor

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I noticed a couple of spelling/grammar mistakes in the extra strings part of the ruleset files particulary "alien data core" and "alien plasma weaponry". Only got to this research in the last day and I noticed it in version 0.92 but attached are the corrections.

Thanks for catching those :) Unfortunatly the file you attached has a size of 0kb, containing no data whatsoever.
You Probably want to reattach it.

Was looking at the research diagram chart and I'm wondering why you need a medic for the avenger(unlock 3). Was this just to make it harder? I can understand the engineer and navigator but what would a medic know about engines or navigation? Like in the original Star Trek Dr McCoy didn't fly the Enterprise or fix the warp drive. Don't get me wrong I agree with making more conditions for the ultimate craft but am I over anaylsing this?

Oh well, there is actually some reason behind this:
Of course it is to make the game harder :)
Also it makes sense at least for the Avenger to have a Medic as dependency, since the Aliens do know a lot more about the health impacts on spacetravel then humans do.
And since the trip of the Avenger to Mars takes at least 14 Days it is neccessary to have additional knowledge about this. At least that is my reasoning.


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Try this attachment.

You've a very fair point regarding the medic dependency. Just if I'm ever tweaking myself is it possible to have two unlocks that say both need an engineer or would researching the first unlock the second at the same time