Maybe adding a "Improved Stun Rod"? Which does double stun damage then a normal Strun Rod?
Since i wana implement "Walkertanks" and 1 Final Late game Armor with Plasma Damage reduction. But you would need to capture a alive "Armored Sectopod" (the blue ones).
But that is just me spinning around

EDIT: Before i add any new stuff, i am gonna clean up some loose ends.
Cleanup TODO List:
- Mapscripts rework for:
- Expanded Ubase
- Mars the Final Assault
- Add more new Mapscript for Alien Base Attack
- Rework BigOb's for Plasma Sniper Rifle and Plasma Shotgun to show Clips.
- Add Properly colored FloorObs/HandOb's for Plasma Shotgun Clips.
- Rework some Alien Base Modules (Medium Scout in Alien Base should be fun right?)
Possibly Future Additions:
- Plasma Melee Weapons
- "Walkertanks" (X-Com Sectopods)
- Additional Lategame Armor with Plasmadamage reduction
- Chryssalids Spitter (does anyone has some Chryssalids Battlescape Sprites? (unmodified Vanillas will do, i am just gonna do a recolor))
Well and of course the stuff on Still missing list in the Readme.