Yep, that would be me
The thing I would do would be to add Alien Regeneration Vats (or some other such tech) as a separate research topic, one that requires something that can only be obtained by raiding a base, be it a data slate or alien reproduction or whatever. The result would be the same, i.e. the player has to raid a base, but the logic wouldn't grate on my nerves
Well you could consider the Alien Reproduction, to be Alien Regeneration, so to say ;>
I could probably rename, with some simple strings changing, but adding new things to be recovered from maptiles, is limited, as far as i know to specific hardcoded MCD types (there are 9 alltogether if i remember right), if there could be more i could add other stuff, but i would not know how.
Also i have no clue about graphic editing and, adding something like regeneration tanks/vats would require some artwork.
What actually could be done and i was also initially thinking of, is make something recoverable as Alien Habitat. And bind Alien Containment to this, which would be way more logical, i presume, thou i would forced to edit some MCD stuff probably.
I'm liking it so far, though it is really too early to judge the mod. The thing I like the most is the fact that I'm only fighting floaters. Early sectoids were something I've always disliked about the original game - they are supposed to be the second smartest race after the Ethereals, so why are they cannon fodder? Maybe I've been lucky but I've only had to fight floaters so far and I like that. I know I'll hate it later, because this means no early psilabs for me, but I like it story-wise.
Well you will think back about those Floaters with joy in a few month. Snakeman will come sooner or later and also Sectoids and some other races later on.
Terrormissions will be pretty hard i hope and a Snakeman Terrormission especially.
I'm still trying to make up my mind about flashbangs. I like the idea but it is a bit frustrating to have access to them and no reason to use them (they're weaker then regular grenades so I'll only use them once I can keep the aliens alive).
Oh, and I'll try to remember to post here again after a few more months of ingame time.
Well the Flashbang greande was one of the last items i added, since it gives you a relative good chance to capture alive alien relativly safely.
How about making Flashbang grenades only avaible after Alien Cointainment is researched?
On the other side you could turn on Alien Weapon Self Destruction, which would make the Flashbang Grenades extremly usefull, to get extra loot and extra money ;>