
Author Topic: [WEAPON] [ARMOR] - Chemical Thrower + Toxi-Suit  (Read 22112 times)

Offline kikimoristan

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[WEAPON] [ARMOR] - Chemical Thrower + Toxi-Suit
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:16:18 am »
On modsite

New update 1.3 check it out

Tech tree is
Chemical Weapns ----> Chemical Thrower ---> ammo for CT
Chemical Weapons + Alloys ---> Toxi-Suit


This weapon is unlike all other vanilla weapons. It shoots (or more likely spits out ) chemicals at close range. Is kinda like a next level flamer .  Not only that but can shot out damage types other weapons don't like smoke or acid. Is kinda a combination of heavy cannon, grenade, melee weapon (high close range aim/damage), smoke grenade and electoflare.

Can be used for support using incendiary for illumination at night or smoke
Can be used for high damage acid or medium damage incendiary
Can be used to stun a group of units
Projectile travels in an arc so you can use it to shoot over some obstacles  and use the area damage effect to deal damage to units aound corners or in places without direct LOS

In other words is most multipurpose weapon there is. 

Overview of stats:
- has very low TU for both aimed and snap.
- aim decreases by 10/square but has incredibly high aim to compensate
- has a max range of 15 squares (to shoot that far you need 75+ aim soldier)
- can take 4 different ammo types
- all  ammo types are odd typs : smoke, acid, stun, incendiary
- all (except ACID) ammo types deal area damage  of radius 3 (6 squares diameter) so affects an area of 15 squares. this weapon always deals some damage due to area damage but aiming and firing requires close range for maximum effectivenes . essentially it fakes a flamer-type spread.
- weapon itself is pretty cheap and so is the ammo and is not TOO heavy. all ammo types +weapon on 1 soldier is about 30-40 weight.

A special armor that is immune to fire, stun and smoke and resistant to high explosive and acid. Now you can safely make you chem trooper. Is same cost/reseach req as Personal Armor but also requires Chemical Weapons special research.



1.3 reduces research time by 20% and reduces manufacturing costs and sell costs for toxi suit (only 3 alloys now)

1.2 rebalances Toxi-Suit and Chemical Thrower:
- Toxi-Suit now gives 36 under armor and 26 all around armor
- Chemical Thrower Radioactiv Mix (acid) ammo is nerfed to 122 based on discussions on the forum si is not to op. Can still one shot most enemies but has a harder time against hardened (ie mehcanical) units like cyberdisks, tanks etc.

1.1  adds Toxi-Suit & changes research tree.

1.0 first version

Enjoy ;)
« Last Edit: March 13, 2015, 05:43:07 am by tollworkout »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2015, 06:44:09 pm »
 the stun may be a bit OP?? you can 1 hit range stun sectoids if you crit but mostly 2, 3 hits. dunno if i should reduce the damage. i reduced incendiary to 100, and probably gonna reduce smoke to 40 or 45 .

and still playing around with accuracy/dropoff settings. i kinda lik aim 150 200 and dropoff 10/square cause you can kinda calculate in your head by counting squares sortof like 10 squares away -100 accuracy  ex: if your guy has like 70 accuracy and you be like click on the Snap Shot and says 150% but then you count how many squares to the target you go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 squares away well is not 150 no more but around maybe 50-70% ish. it actually drops fast you'd be suprised. 8 squares away is nothing.

oh and added handobs, floorobs for all ammo types. all i need is custom sounds.  new file is not up yet
« Last Edit: March 06, 2015, 07:10:07 pm by tollworkout »


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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2015, 02:49:47 am »
hy tollworkout,
tried on quickbattle only  ::)

graphics are good, but... toxic ammos give me the idea of some big box, not something you can
carry on a backpack.

playwise: If I was an X-Com soldier I would not spray toxic or other dangerous chemicals too
near myself. I would love your thrower just the reverse you have done it  :o

What about using "minRange" instead? Spraying away the distant battlefield to force aliens
in the open. I would love this.
Large blast radius, low damage, and damaging your troups too if catched on.
This would be a real novelty  :)
Not deadly but useful in large maps.

Too many short range weapons already for my taste,
but chemical/toxic is a very good idea, it soo evil  :P

Only my opinion... cheers  ;)

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2015, 03:01:46 am »
thanks Mono. I want it keep it as a close range weapon but i could extend the rang to 20.  i just like 10/sq is easy to calculate in your head. alternatively i can make aim higher 250% aimed and 200% snap. that way you can shoot father but might get op aim too close.   right now is halfway. with a unit 70 aim it can be really deadly.

the idea for the weapon is a support rather than assault weapon. can lay smoke, fire and stun. the stun is really handy.


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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2015, 04:23:48 am »
my apologies, I'm a bit drunk right now.
I have tried to change your project to my own desire. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.   :-X
I will try out the chem thrower a bit more next week.

Still think that your idea of spraying an alien with chemical waste is a badass one and I'm
somewhat envious for this  :P

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2015, 04:41:30 am »
Ahaha is okay any suggestion/opinions  welcome :) & you're welcome to edit rulset any way yu wish :-)

Offline yrizoud

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2015, 11:52:51 pm »
I don't know very well "arcing shot", but if it makes the same trajectory as grenades, note that it makes the weapon very nearly useless in XCOM and alien bases, because the low roofs reduce the range tremendously.

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2015, 01:10:30 am »
is not same as grenades. is like celatid weapon. is just doesn't go straight line so it may hit things a bit above your firing trajectory. takes a bit of practice to get to use it well. but the projectile can travel over things esp useful with ignore LOS option and deals area damage.  like fences or walls or trees. ideally something 1 tile high arced shot can travel over it if  aimed in a certain way.

the area damage is problematic cause it affects your own guy. i m gonna make a special suit Env-Suit with immunity to stun/incendiary/smoke  that will come with the mod eventually. But until then use smoke mask or hazmat suit mods with it.

EDIT: tested it just now seems to work in alien bases
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 01:15:22 am by tollworkout »

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2015, 09:00:17 pm »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower - Playtesters needed!!
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2015, 04:14:47 am »

a suit like the "Hazmat armour" ?,2610.msg29584.html#msg29584

i'm actually gonna make my own armor for a chem trooper so chemical thrower doesn't affect you when you go really close up. WIP this component

but yes use that for now.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 07:56:58 am by tollworkout »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower + TOXI SUIT (check inside )
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2015, 08:48:38 am »
Hey dudes just updated the mod.

Now once you can reseach Toxi-Suit which is a low armor with stun/incendiary/smoke immunity and high resistance to explosives and a bit of resistance to acid. 

The idea is to make a heavy Chem Trooper that can use Chem Thrower at close range without risk.

Ideally you'd want high STR on your Chem guy & high AIM.

I have changed research tree.

Chemical Weapons -> Chemical Thrower, Toxi-Suit (also req Alloys)
Chem Thrower - > all ammo

Toxi-Suit costs same as personal armor .

« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 09:23:37 am by tollworkout »

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower + TOXI SUIT (check inside )
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2015, 09:48:07 am »
Nicely drawn suit, although all important it gives is immunity to Incendiary :) Immunity to stun can be nice, too... that is, until your soldier is MCed (unless you simply take the "commissar option" in that case) :)

Also looks like I'm not the only one stealing stuff from Fallout. :)

Good job in general, although this overkill toxic damage is perhaps too much - unless you want a weapon which can one-shot everything.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 09:51:09 am by Dioxine »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower + TOXI SUIT (check inside )
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2015, 12:04:42 pm »
thanks dioxine

and yeah i love fallout :))  although this weapon is from bioshock  but adapted to xcom world. the toxic ammo is a  fusion cell from fallout but modified by be just a bit. i always thought that is a canister of something and not just a tiny battery.

yeah i know toxic damage is a bit too high but is not area damage so you need to aim right and be pretty close.

you're still weak against plasma with practically no armor. is +4 armor/side higher than coveralls. so is risky.

i m gonna probably nerf the acid damage .  what would be a good choice? it needs to be still high. maybe 100?  cause almost eveyon gets 160% acid damage.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 12:06:41 pm by tollworkout »

Offline kikimoristan

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower + TOXI SUIT (check inside )
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2015, 12:16:37 pm »
yo also i was gonna make it require personal armor at first but then i thought maybe  ppl use it with complete overhauls like piratez or xeno ops etc so i just made it require alloys as (i assume) everyone uses alloys (i hope).

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Re: [WEAPON] - Chemical Thrower + TOXI SUIT (check inside )
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2015, 01:01:46 pm »
Just ask yourself a question, what alien should be killable in a single shot, and how likely it'll be. Assuming a Muton with 30 armor 70 health 100% acid res (not sure if right numbers), a 100 damage weapon would kill him 50/50 in a single shot, as you can roll anywhere between 1-200 (0-200?) on damage. If he has 160% acid "res" he'd die if you rolled 100/1.6 = 62.5 on damage so 68.75% of one-hit-kill. With you 148 power weapon, the probability is nearing 80%. Do the calcs for Sectopods and Cyberdiscs and you will know, exactly, how good the weapon is (considering its obvious drawbacks - you need to approach really close). And killing in a single shot is obviously important, although Snap rules all here - you only need to cover a few tiles more to get the same accurracy as with Aimed - with 70 acc, this weapon is 100% accurate from 4 tiles away with Aimed, and you only need to get 3 steps closer to get a sure hit. Then again, when UFO breaching, it's the first shot that counts - and this weapon is obviously at least as good as Heavy Plasma in that department. I don't know, it's pretty balanced imo, if powerful. Needs testing. But I'd go with figure around 100, yeah, and see how's going from there.
But is UFO breaching with all guns blazing the right way to do it? :)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 01:08:21 pm by Dioxine »