Was wondering on a couple of small points. Firstly after the 1st turn on a mission the uav rockets that I have on board doesn't seem to regain any tu's for its next turn, I'm about to change all uav's to xcom enforcers so its not a major problem. Secondly I've noticed on recent missions that the blaster launcher seems to have more than 9 waypoints, is this an updated feature in general? My current game runs off nightly 27-10-2014 but I'm using the custom exe of real vision atm.
Here are all the mods I've got running and the order they're loaded in:
- Xcom1Ruleset
- Acid_Weaponry
- Batman
- CivArmorRich
- CraftMissleSound
- CustomGrenades
- EMace
- Enforcer
- Expanded_UBase
- ExtraPockets
- Extra_Explosions
- FULL_Expanded_UBase
- FireStormGfx
- Flamethrower
- FlashBangGrenades
- GaussWeaponry
- Grenade_Graphics
- GuidedMissile
- HE_HandOb
- Improved_Recruit_Start_Stat
- Ironman Super Suit
- MassAccelerator
- MediKit_HandOb
- OXCE_4_Weapon_Aircraft
- Optical_Elerium
- Optical_Elerium_Plus_Tanks
- PowerSuitHelmOff
- Predator
- Scanner_HandOb
- TacticalNuke
- UFOextender_Gun_Melee
- UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches
- ViperAssaultCannon
- WeaponBreachingCharge
- WeaponNaymore
- WeaponPowerGlove
- WeaponTranquilizer
- XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports
- XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
- XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks
- XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser
- XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
- XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
- XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base
- anthropod_alien
- cover_alien
- gazer_alien
- small_rocket_small
- XenoOpsAlienArsenal
- XenoOpsAliens
- XenoOpsArmors
- XenoOpsCrafts
- XenoOpsCydoniaChallenge
- XenoOpsFacilities
- XenoOpsHWP
- XenoOpsWeapons
- FinalModPackRanks
- Alternate_Lightning_Thunder
- 2012DeathSounds
- Alloys and Elerium on top
I know this is a rather old nightly but I'll be using the latest in my nxt game.