I figure I should clarify why some stuff about TFTD mods is broken and how you can avoid it for now.
So let's talk about resource IDs. You know, sprites, sounds, etc. OpenXcom has many many checks to make sure these don't go awry
For example you have a new weapon:
floorSprite: 20
handSprite: 50
When loading your mod, OpenXcom will check if your sprite ID is vanilla or mod by cross-checking with the reserved vanilla IDs. If it's vanilla, it stays as-is, otherwise the ID is put into the reserved mod region to avoid conflicts with other mods.
The problem is all these checks were designed with
UFO in mind. After all, surely vanilla will never change?
But of course TFTD is completely different: more sprites, more sounds, different files, so we need to rewrite all that. And that comes second to getting TFTD stable.
So until then, here's what you need to know for TFTD mods:
- Using
new IDs (extraSprites/extraSounds) should be fine, just make sure you're using big IDs to not accidentally overwrite TFTD stuff.
- Using
vanilla IDs means walking into the ~~danger zone~~, and will only work if it happens to be within UFO limits.
Too confusing? Don't worry, if your mod crashes the game you'll know.