Author Topic: [WEAPON/ARMOR] SPACE MARINES  (Read 103068 times)

Offline Ryskeliini

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« on: January 10, 2015, 08:57:46 pm »
[Armor/weapon] Space Marines mod


Thunderhawk Gunship mod - By Bulletdesigner

Space marines mod released. Discuss here, report bugs and such.

Future plans:
+ fix all in first release
+ "advanced" weaponery
+PDF (cannon fodder units)
+Imperial Guards
+Assault Marines
+Squad Leader suit(s)
+DIY Space marine ( Layout of the space marine sprites, so you can make your own Chapter)

Distant plans:
+2x2 size Terminator
+New planet placed into horus herecy chapter
+Chaos to opponent side (marines,renegades,cultists)

and something more :>

updated 16.10.2015
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 09:16:38 pm by Ryskeliini »

Offline XCOMFan419

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« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2015, 10:45:05 pm »

Space marines mod released. Discuss here, report bugs and such. imm off to get durrnkhunk for nao.

Future plans:
+ fix all in first release
+ "advanced" weaponery
+Assault Marines
+Squad Leader suit

Distant plans:
+New planet placed into horus herecy chapter
+Thus adding Chaos marines into opposite side (from diffrend sides ,nurgle, world eaters, etc.)

and something more :>

10/10 mod would download again

Now we just need the Imperial Guardsmen and then XCom agents will truly be expendable :P

Offline Yankes

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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2015, 01:43:30 am »
btw If you want special psi attacks you can try my mod that allow creating it.
Another thing is that you could create weapon that shoot explosive shells but don't create big explosions, good for recreating bolter explosive ammo.

Offline ChainsawAardvark

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« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2015, 07:42:05 am »
Does the Codex Astartes support this brother? (Beware the Games Workshop, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird...)

While not overly fond of the baroque overtones of WH40K, this does look really nice. The concept does fit pretty well with what you would want for breaching UFOs (though I tend to think USMC marines from Aliens first...) Frankly combining the 1960's gyrojet concept with modern M-25 25mm grenade launcher tech seems a lot more likely for humans than reverse engineering plasma. Chainswords and flamethrowers plus as much armor as possible seems to be a quicker solution.

Is there any special way you implemented bolters?

Offline NebulaM78

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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2015, 08:04:36 am »
After testing this mod against some hapless Sectoids, I can say that a major overhaul is needed. As a test mod, everything seems to be working fine, besides the game crashing when using Krak grenades. IMHO, the armors should start at the Mk I Thunder pattern. I think that the game should start with Guardsmen with Autoguns as the X-COM agents before researching 'Gene-Seed' which should allow for some recruits to be 'manufactured' into Space Marines. Is it possible to use soldiers as manufacturing materials? If so, then that would be a good way to stop your units from being overpowered early on. If you need any info about the Warhammer 40k universe or a beta tester for this mod, just PM me.

Offline Ryskeliini

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« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2015, 02:51:16 pm »
hello again, came here to answer some questions..
btw If you want special psi attacks you can try my mod that allow creating it.
note taken, thanks.
Another thing is that you could create weapon that shoot explosive shells but don't create big explosions, good for recreating bolter explosive ammo.
there is hit animation for that allready? just a small blast when bullet hits target ...or do you mean something else? :p
Does the Codex Astartes support this brother? (Beware the Games Workshop, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird...)
..Uhh *cough* GWs Emperur dont support this ... bit afreid of this kinda, im allready thinking of changeing names and doing some sprite rework. BUT thou this should be free commercial for them ...inb4 everything is Galagtic Rangers and Bulters :D
Chainswords and flamethrowers plus as much armor as possible seems to be a quicker solution.
Oh i wish i could make flamethrowers for this. Code says "nay" for this. (or it could be implented somewhat cheap/fugly way tho..)
Is there any special way you implemented bolters?
nope, bolters work as laser pistols for now ... or are equally powerful. Need to do some research how these weapons would work (could need a little help around on this)
After testing this mod against some hapless Sectoids, I can say that a major overhaul is needed.
True, ruleset has been thrown quickly together, so it is still in babyshoes. Still tho, i quite easily defeated mutons in one fight :)
As a test mod, everything seems to be working fine, besides the game crashing when using Krak grenades.
it seemed to work well for me, can you be more specific on this? .. what version of ocx and is it windows or linux side? .. exact point when the crash happens. can you hear the explosion sound or does the explosion animation even start. ill try to figure this out somehow :)
IMHO, the armors should start at the Mk I Thunder pattern.
man ,your killing me :D .... if i would make from mk 1 to 7 armors, it would prolly kill me mentally. Not that it would be hard to make in battlesprite (by changing the torsos) but also making all the new dolls for every armor. Then to have all diffrend rules for every armor to stand out somehow each other. its a good viewpoint tho and nice idea, but how it would be implented ingame, thats a bit hard.
I think that the game should start with Guardsmen with Autoguns as the X-COM agents before researching 'Gene-Seed'.
Plausible! it would be nice to have first guardsmen and then researched towards to marines. Again, making guardsmen takes time and effort to make sprites all over again. prolly would be easy to start from combat armor sprites and editing it towards to guardsmen look-a-like. This mod is still in "scetching" state so yeah, it could be done.
Is it possible to use soldiers as manufacturing materials?
it can be done, but if the soldiers would be manuafactured by engineers,  they would all have the same stats (ega. like tanks are in XCOM with same stats) .. i dont know if its plausible to have random stats for manufactured products. This is a question more like ocx devs to answer , they'll know prolly much of this than me.
If you need any info about the Warhammer 40k universe or a beta tester for this mod, just PM me.
For now i would need help at the rules on everything... like how much protection armor offers (currently its the same as powersuit in OCX) how powerful the weapons should be in OCX ,how much ammo they can carry, weights, etc etc. good Ufopedia.orgrmation text for each item (now they are just taken from wiki) ... stuffs like these i need help, i can fix things in graphical side myself :P .. i might need testers, ill pm if i need later on.

And now for the other things. Prolly going to change weapon colors to classical red look (since now they are quite much blending in battlescape view ,into the armor) so it would stand out a bit. gray,red,yellow.... guess ill leave the orginal blue as a optional color to choose from.

Also the krak grenade is a "anti-armour" grenade as i looked afterwards... so it will be graphically changed , and current graphics are changed to "frag-grenade" wich is anti infantry grenade.. So how the krak grenade should work? 2x2 grid small explosion and huge power? ... looking to that later on..

Now i had blackout, i really had something more to discuss but now i dont remember anymore, oh well... ill drop by later

cheers! and thanks for the feedback. sorry for awful truckdriver english.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 02:54:45 pm by Ryskeliini »

Offline ChainsawAardvark

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« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2015, 07:37:11 pm »
Although realism is a relative thing when you're introducing ubersoldats into the mix, the bolter has at least some grounding in real life you can leverage off of.

In the 1960's a series of guns known as gyrojets were developed. The good news was the weapons were light, simple, cheap to produce, and had next to no recoil. On the other hand, the rocket ammunition was poorly manufactured, meaning it was inaccurate and too slow to accelerate - the bullets needed 15-20 feet to get to speed. If you put your finger in the barrel and pulled the trigger, the projectile would harmlessly spin and sputter.

The above phenomenon could be modeled by reusing the code for the various sniper rifle mods that makes the weapons less accurate at close range. (technically it would be power that changes, but I don't know if the code allows that) As the tech improves, the dead zone of the acceleration is reduced, until you get the bolter which apparently has no such problem.

As to the actual payload of a bolter shell - its a 20mm cannon more or less. Although a hand held weapon probably shouldn't match an M61 Vulcan, the data for its shells says its overkill for anything that isn't a cyberdisk or sectopod. Rather than making a 200 damage handgun, it wold probably be better to adjust armor resistances.

Moving on to guardsmen and other things - the game probably already has what we need. There has to be someway to make lasers the default weapon and projectiles the ones that need your initial research. New recruit plus a laser rifle with a bit or reduced damage equals guardsman. Upgrade to limited but more effective ammunition and you have the special teams.

Offline Yankes

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« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2015, 11:23:35 pm »
there is hit animation for that allready? just a small blast when bullet hits target ...or do you mean something else? :p
Damage type, if you would like crate damage strength and weakens for different armors. You can freely mix weapon type with damage type.
You could create plasma grenade that will have different characteristic than normal explosive grenade.

Offline NebulaM78

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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2015, 05:19:05 am »
About the Krak grenade, the game crashed when I threw one after priming it to detonate on impact (0 turns). Regarding the rules, if you are all for following the fluff, then the ammo, damage, rounds fired in one auto shot and other stuff has to change.

Offline taldarus

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« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2015, 02:37:45 am »
Awesome mod! Haven't play played with it, but obviously it isn't balanced as of right now. When I discovered open x-com and modding I immediately turned to making a SM mod.

I only altered the stats of the soldiers (Game tolerates some pretty huge stats for them), but I had a nice RP rule set in my mind.
Soldier stats looked something like this.
Minimum's where mostly unchanged (I tweaked bravery and psy to reflect the conditioning SM's go under, but that 'broke' the early games difficulty a bit too much.
Maximums where doubled or tripled. That was it. I am super new to open x-com, but I found I didn't instantly get "invincible" soldiers of death. However, when they became veterans...

Balance for armor and such worked like this. (This was purely RP and no coding)
0 kills = Initiate => No armor (Perhaps Guardsmen level?)
5 kills = Scout => Light armor
10 kills = Brother => Heavy Armors

Balance for weapons could go two directions
1- Introduce Xeno's from the w40k universe (I would keep the old aliens, for target practice :)
2- Rescale weapon damage

=2= Here is some quick numbers you could look into.
Points of reference.
-Both sides use Heavy Plasma.
-Muton's feel like an Orc equivalent to me.
-Bolter's feel like they should compare to the auto cannon

Alright, so we start with the bolter. It is going to be the general purpose gun. Always effective, but not TOO effective. If you make it too good, no one will want to use 'heavier' weapons.

I would replace the rifle with the bolter so pick 24 damage (Just saw that it is actually 30, could'a sworn it was 24) instead of 38. You can use the damage type as pretty much whatever, to adjust for difficulty. 24 explosive damage might still mulch up the sectoids pretty bad

So scale autocannon down to 24 as well. A rough number is just divide by two. That is your scale conversion for the whole process
Humie Weapons (Therefore lighter, and easier to hold)
Pistol - 13 dam
Rifle - 15 dam
Autocannon - 24 dam
Rocket - 30 dam

SM weapons - Bolt Pistol, reflecting it's comparable damage to autocannon, is offset by reduced rate of fire and being one-handed. Should have a similar weight to the autocannon. SM weapons shouldn't be carryable by anyone. This is not w40k canon but gameplay balance.
Bolt P - 24
Bolt R - 30
H Bolt - 45
H Rocket - 75

As I finish writing this, I really like the idea of connecting strength to rank. This means a captain would be equivalent to a full brother. Able to don the armor, wield the weapon, etc. However, due to the difficulty of programming it. I would recommend doing what I did.
Just boost the maximum strength, and make it all really heavy. I didn't test it, but I think...

Initial str of 30. Max of 300. results in gaining 20-30 points per 'level'. Strength can be then thought of as training and experience. Can equipment have a bravery requirement? Cause that would fit better... Also be harder to boost than strength.

Sorry for the rambling post. Put a lot of thought into this already. I am totally interested in helping, but I will be limited to light coding work and conceptual stuff (balance, etc).

Offline Zharkov

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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2015, 11:49:26 pm »
Wow, just wow! The art work is very impressive!

As a long time fan of wh40k I must say, it is high time that the Space Marines come to openXcom and put an end to all these aliens, mutants, and rogue psykers!  ;)

Offline Kosti

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« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2015, 11:59:22 pm »
Insane! Two vintage greats meet, the XCom and the 40-K! Just...insane! Great work!

Offline Ryskeliini

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« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2015, 01:49:30 am »
Prepare yourselfs heretics, thus i have returned... updates incoming...

Offline new_civilian

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« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2015, 10:59:34 am »
*wants to burn Xenos*  ;)

Offline Ryskeliini

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« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2015, 01:10:24 am »
Sum wurk boss
edit: in space marine suits there will be also devastor armor along Squad leader armor... like it matters ;P
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 01:32:26 am by Ryskeliini »