
Author Topic: Is Energy Quite Useless?  (Read 4471 times)

Offline TaxxiDriver

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Is Energy Quite Useless?
« on: November 15, 2014, 06:15:15 pm »
I was consulting with the Ufopaedia Wiki and happened to find this in

A soldier's ability to recover energy is determined by the soldier's Initial Time Units. Thus, their raw recruit TU value dictates this throughout their career.

OMG... Is it still true in OXC? I think it's somewhat not fair... I wish the amount of energy recovered in each turn to be determined by the real energy value of the soldier. What's about the initial energy value anyway?  :P

Offline endersblade

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Re: Is Energy Quite Useless?
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 06:21:57 pm »
Energy is one of those things that I am so glad got dropped from this genre when the clones started rolling out.  It's a pain in the ass when your guys are new, and you don't even notice it when they're vets.  So the only purpose it seems to have to hinder your starting guys.

Offline TaxxiDriver

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Re: Is Energy Quite Useless?
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2014, 06:35:31 pm »
Energy is one of those things that I am so glad got dropped from this genre when the clones started rolling out.  It's a pain in the ass when your guys are new, and you don't even notice it when they're vets.  So the only purpose it seems to have to hinder your starting guys.

I think I couldn't understand exactly what you wanted to say. Maybe because my first post was a little bit not clear. My point was that according to the Wiki, the recovery points of energy only depend on the very initial value of the soldiers(i.e. the value when you buy them), so no matter how your soldiers are experienced, the recovery points do not change; it's fixed forever. So it doesn't matter if your soldiers are vets or not, at least that's what I've understood from the Wiki. Maybe I understood something wrong? Here's another quote from the Wiki:

If a soldier starts with an initial value of 60 TUs, they will recover 20 EUs per turn.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Is Energy Quite Useless?
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 09:03:03 pm »
The variation in energy recovery is minute though. Recruits start with 50 to 60 TUs, meaning that they have between 16 and 20 energy recovery.

Since a soldier uses 2 energy per step, he maximum difference is 2 steps per turn once exhausted, between your best and worst soldiers. And like endershade mentioned, energy improves with experience, making it less and less likely to matter.

If you run, a step is 3 energy, so even less of a big deal.

Offline TaxxiDriver

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Re: Is Energy Quite Useless?
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2014, 12:45:11 am »
The variation in energy recovery is minute though. Recruits start with 50 to 60 TUs, meaning that they have between 16 and 20 energy recovery.

Since a soldier uses 2 energy per step, he maximum difference is 2 steps per turn once exhausted, between your best and worst soldiers. And like endershade mentioned, energy improves with experience, making it less and less likely to matter.

If you run, a step is 3 energy, so even less of a big deal.

(1) I actually find the 4 energy recovery points quite significant... That 2 steps can decide the fate of the soldier in the next turn especially when he is a rookie. (2) And if he achieves the maximum 80 TUs, the difference is about 6 recovery points from 60 TUs and 10 from 50 TUs... That's quite huge, especially one activates the alternate moving mod. Since running requires quite a lot of energy consumption, the recovery points can have a significant effect in the gameplay. (3) Lastly, when one modifies the range of the TUs, he cannot control the enery recovery as he wants. So I thought it would be better if one could also control it.

But most importantly, I just think it's not right :( I don't want to keep track of their original TU stats just to calculate their energy recovery points. Just weird to me :o