Author Topic: XCOM-Intelligence  (Read 18088 times)

Offline Darth_Chippo

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« on: September 30, 2014, 06:59:19 am »
This thread is for questions and Bug-Reports for my tool XCOM-Intelligence ( ).
To time is this tool beta. So not wonder that has just as much errors like my english ;D

And i post additional the mods that I have tested with xcom-intel.

That mods make sure no problems:
- Lukes Extra UFOs
- Moriarty's Power Armor Redux
- Ironman_Suit
- cover waspite alien
- Anthropod Alien
- Mechtoids

That mods make problems:
- Piratez (the reason are the modification by the hwps, that cause a chainreaction of problems, unfortunately:()
  (A fix to prevent a fragged Minimap is out.)

I know, short list. But in the beginning, i wrote this tool for me alone and i use rarely mods for openXcom. I set my focus from now on the compatiblity of your mods, if i have the time.

Before i forget, i have in the next 2 month not so many time. But i try to branch a little time to fix mayor bugs. But no mod-specific adjustments and new features.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 05:56:07 pm by Darth_Chippo »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 08:25:47 am »
So... What does it do? :P

Offline Arthanor

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 10:40:55 am »
Look here!

Seems like someone set up AiB of their own and is spying on the aliens!

(Aliens in Black? Aliens cooperating with XCom and giving... Intelligence!)

It looks interesting, especially to debug/observe mods that involve new alien races and missions!

Offline pkrcel

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2014, 02:49:28 pm »
It's sort of borderline cheating?

Offline Darth_Chippo

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2014, 03:07:57 pm »
My fault. Forget set a link. No mentalwork after 11 pm.

@ pkrcel You must not use this tool...

@ Arthanor
It looks interesting, especially to debug/observe mods that involve new alien races and missions!
openXcom has  as a example a problem to save the retaliationTarget in savegame, if you decommission a base.
Base 3 is detectet, decommission base 2 and base try become a retaliationTarget = false.

And again, you must not use my tool if you dont like it.

ps. sorry for my bad english, iam german.

Offline Random Commander

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2014, 05:08:28 pm »
No need to be sorry about bad english, we get many non-english speaking people.

Question: Does Geoscape UFO Signal detect races other than in game? Like Gazer or Anthropod (they are mods, not in actual game unless downloaded). Have you tested this?

Offline Darth_Chippo

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2014, 06:37:22 pm »
Tests still in progress. But it not a problem, look the picture.

The only problem that what i see is by the Mission-Info. Example: A mod brings the extra mission "Rob the cow". In this case works the menace-advice not correct. So, the information is correct displayed, but the entry becomes not a colored background. Not more:)

Offline pkrcel

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2014, 06:46:29 pm »
And again, you must not use my tool if you dont like it.

Well, it's not that I don't properly like it, ...but inspecting the savegame for hidden info is CLEARLY detracting from the gameplay, just like detecting UFOs regardless of technology, isn't it?

I hope I'm not the only one that thinks so, by the way....I *guess* that for debugging purposes it's great, since it present data in a more readable format, and as such it has its well defined place.

I also guess we're miscommunicating...I understood that this tool was to enahnce gameplay, but seems *sort of* debug tool.

It is CLEARLY NOT presented in that way though.

Anyway no hard feelings, but using this tool to PLAY *is* borderline straight-off cheating, to me.

Offline Random Commander

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2014, 07:27:03 pm »
what pkrcel means is he thinks it is cheating if you use this while playing normally, but cheating is not discouraged! Sometimes you must cheat to fix an error, this could help. This is not a bad thing you are making, this is a good thing.

I think menace-advisor should be coded for alien points earned. Higher points means higher threat. This could fix modded mission color error.

Offline Darth_Chippo

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2014, 07:42:50 pm »
I think over it, to reduce the power of this tool, optional. But i do this not to present, because aesthetics reason and to the beginning more for me alone.
You thinking a checkbox ist enough to reduce the info (only Region and eta will be shown) until you have hyperwavedecoder? The eta and the goal of the UFO is ok, i think. This information can be extrapolation by nasa-coonheads^^ So you see, that a object is near earth, but no more info. A routine to detect at least one hyperwavedecoder is build, is not a problem for me:).

I understand, that your concerns have still eligibility, but at least is that a matter of personal responsibility and individual awareness.

^^ borderline cheating... i see i have still great problems with english idioms.

In a dark, dark hour i think over it, to create a tool to set all enemys on battlescape on fire... but i think THAT is defintiv not debug no more. He He.

@ RandomCommander
Good idea. But the problem is, the pointsystem is not part of the savegame, so no information in it. My tool analyze only the savegame. Unfortunately i must set manuell the treadlevel or extand the tool to analyze xcom1ruleset and find the correct information. The problem is, maybe is it not enough... it is never enough^^
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 07:56:21 pm by Darth_Chippo »

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2014, 08:48:50 pm »
I like this. But let us pick at it a little more.

as a debug tool this is a great addition and welcome it.

as a game-play feature I would suggest some refinement and possible ways to integrate it into the game as a whole.

Okay, if you have a way to spy on the aliens? how does Xcom obtain the data to be able to use it? Can you somehow integrate this by making research projects turn on more features as you progress in the game? a few examples.

-On the Geoscape.

1.UFOs become detected within the Xcom intelligence panel when their is UFO activity in a country. Which reflects observers around the world making reports which are relayed to Xcom. So showing region in which ufo is located and heading.

2.After researching the Hyperwave decoder, you can see their mission and it is more organized and includes speed and mission, but does not reveal location. Imagine it like intercepting air craft control data but not actually seeing the radar signature of an aircraft.

3. After capturing high level aliens and completing a few custom research missions you gain the ability to know which bases are known to the aliens and the ETA of a UFO from Cydonia

-on the Battlescape.

1. Could there be research projects with the motion scanner research opens another research project giving you all signals as one color?

2. A secondary research project that allows you to sort out civilians and alien signals.

3. and another that allows you to see anything else on the grid?

4. Could you tie it to a unit, HWP type, or armor of a unit?

So you can have HWPs that are actually intelligence platforms that are expensive, slow, and weak, but allow a tactical superiority?

I really like this idea of adding features to the player that reflects improvements in technology obtained and implemented.

I can remember playing Command and Conquer Red Alert where you had no minimap until you built a radar. Building a radar was a priority because it made the game itself easier to see where detected enemies where in relation to your own soldiers.


Offline Darth_Chippo

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2014, 09:35:31 pm »
Hello HelmetHair:)

1. This is not a problem. Or i adding a routine to check you have at least one large radar array in the specific area. This thinks are so expensive, they have an big telescope on board. After the research of hyperwavedecoder, you become a whole satellite in orbit;)

2. As long as the Captain thinks about it, how long it will take to earth. But i think it is necessary to research a Alien Leader and medic to understand they mindimpulses.

3. Good idea, but for the eta you need only point two.

1. Im not sure, i understand this question. But the single color (white) signals on your minimap is from your motion detector. The device reconize only movements, no matter is it a civilian, a alien or a cow. The colored signal comes from unit on sight or the result of mindprobe scan.

2. A filter for the motion detector/ raped mindprobe ... is possible.

3. You mean elerium? I can add a routine that check you have research elerium. No problem. PS.: You need no scanner for that. Your soldier can smell elerium;)

4. Mmmh, to time is the detectors tie on his owner or better his hands^^ Im not sure, what you... ahh understand!!! It is possible to give a hwp the ablity to scan after motions or mindwaves, yes. And is possible to tie it on armour. Example: Personal Armour has a motion/mind-Scanner if the devices research, the powerarmour too. But the flying suit has this not, because of interferences by antigrav.

In my case was it dune 2, later dune 2000. It was a cool feeling, the rader get online.

Offline Hobbes

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2014, 04:17:42 am »
I just tried downloading this. First it gave me an incomplete zipped file (the extractor gives a warning that the file has ended unexpectedly) and now the counter gets to 0 but nothing gets downloaded.

I won't use it during a game, since my personal philosophy is 'how to make the game harder' not 'easier' but it seems a nice tool to test new UFO missions. :)

Offline Darth_Chippo

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2014, 11:46:28 am »
Let my guess, ironman + skill superhuman = skill normal for you 8)

Problem with the download? I get checked...


I make a hotfix for the piratez-mod. Adding hwp will not frag the minimap no more...

But the ammunition-counter make trouble, if you have a tank with two weapons. This can smash the ammo-counter from the hwp, after this unit.

Problem, i can not test the piratez-mod effectiv, no time for that.


In short, my tool has great problems with mods, that modified hwps.

Ok, i have upload the new file. Can test it again, hobbes? I self have no trouble, but... its annoying the system accepted no 7-zip. I decided to "store" the data, no compression. Maybe help that.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 12:05:19 pm by Darth_Chippo »

Offline Hobbes

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Re: XCOM-Intelligence
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2014, 03:05:00 pm »
Ok, i have upload the new file. Can test it again, hobbes? I self have no trouble, but... its annoying the system accepted no 7-zip. I decided to "store" the data, no compression. Maybe help that.

I'm still getting the same error with the new version (xcom-intel-0.8e2_w_pirates_hotfix). I've tried downloading other recent mods but they are OK.