The version 0.4 is ready to download but it still does not contain all planned Large Scouts. It is so because of three reasons:
1. Two models have appeared to be really time-consuming (I mean UFOKLATU and UFOBOP), especially their route files. It is not so simple to check 62 nodes... And all of them twice, but each of UFOs has also its symmetrical twin in the mod.
2. I have also made some gfx work. Thanks to it we now have double pillars to plug holes in wall edges when there are short skew external walls in UFOs (there are no such walls in any original models but there are plenty of them in community models). No more seeing or firing through edges... I hope. Any possible errors which can still exist in this matter are probably generated by the game itself, not by maps. Adding those double pillars have made me correct some already done UFOs.
Wedges for external, convex angles in UFO walls have also been added to the tileset. Now we can place external UFO doors just by an angle. Previously it caused ugly graphic result. Now it looks really nice, see the corrected UFO_111(A) / UFR_111(A) (there are 4 doors now in the stand of the mushroom-like UFO instead of 2 in the previous version).
Replacing all files with newer version is absolutely necessary then. As for now, no genuine (game) UFOs have been modified in any way, only the ones made by the community (and the modifications are as tiny as possible).
3. This is only a hobby which I can cultivate only in my free time

So, please be patient. There are already 71 UFO maps in the package so I think that my speed is relatively fast

I really plan to finish all the work... in several weeks.
Note also that ALL Luke's Scouts are already in my package. All Scouts from MapPack1 and MapPack2 (plus "new" Bird of Prey) are here too.
The nearest plans are: 12 more Large Scouts (yes!), including 3 maps by davide, 3 of 4 maps by Solarius (I hope they are all right now but I will take a look at them once again) and 6 maps being mirrored version of the six ones.
Then I will repair harvesters and abducters... I have also an idea how to remove those nasty black triangles in floors of Abductor.
The version 0.5 is expected next Sunday