could you try again to explain what you expect and what the appluication in modding is/should be?
the mixing of 16-color ranges is usefull because most sprites use only 16 or 32 (one or two lines) in the palette to draw the base color so mixing that allows easy recoloring
whats the point of only 8 colors or only color 15-17 exchanging with color 89-91 ?
Be able to exchange only color 15-17 with color 89-91 without changing the rest, even if it should be colour range by colour range (I mean 15-17 => 89-91 then 75-85 => 125-135 then...)
This would be very powerful
And we would be able to work with transparency-white-grey-black first row, just have to start at minimum from Index 1
A way could be (in terms of GUI I mean) :
- display a big palette with index inside
- ask for from + length
- ask for to
But finally it would be a fully different tool