Please consider following new features:
1) feature (global variable) to penalty players to use two hand weapons and still use grenandes etc ? This is quite simple to implement.
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=3174.0If move item FROM / TO hand and second hand is taken and item is two handed, then double or triple cost to move this item TO or FROM second free hand. This double or triple would be modifier. Default value would be 1.0.
This should be simple to implement but this could broke balance of one - two hands weapons.
2) feature for terrains / biomes that changes its "texture" and "battlescapeID" based on time of year.
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=3160.0 What we need is a new field for terrain. Normally there is "terrainID" for terrain. Lets add an array with 12 items that would simulate change of terrain per months. And when EndMonth trigger is run then change terrain behavior based on this array.
terrainID = 3
terrainMatrix = [3,3,3,3,3,3,5,5,5,5,5,5]
So this terrain is "3" in Jan-Jun but is 5 in Jul-Dec. This works both for visual effect and battlescape. Default value would be same as standard terrainID for all months.
This should be tricky to implement i think.
3) feature about obsolete technology which works exactly opposite to required. Below is pseudo code:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=3155.0item / craft / ufopedia etc is available when:
obsolete tech is not owned
required tech is owned
rest is same as in vanilla
This could be simple to do but without modders adding new feature this is useless.
4) Race specific alien base with its own tilesets defined in race section. I mean you defined only mission or terrain for this race, nothing more. So we can add new alien race like Man in Black to have its own alien base but still standard alien base must be used during battle.
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=3162.0This should be simple to implement but creating new alien race with tileset might be very complex making this feature almost useless without new graphics.
5) option to display before battle REGION and COUNTRY that will be used to score points against based on location on geoscape. In case of no country exist then it will be neutral territory. Also information about current funding or score results for this country would be nice to know if this battle is more or less important.
This should be simple.
6) Add feature to ufo ships to use custom icon on geoscape. Actually all alien ships use same sprite now which is a small red dot. But instead of this custom one could be used with default value of what is no. This sprite would be very small like 3x3 or 5x5 but would help to differentiate small / medium / large UFO on screen if geoscape sprite file is edited.
This should be simple to implement.
7) add new parameter to Terrain or Mission that would allow to simulate "scorched earth" tactics by aliens. This would be implemented by changing parameter from 0 (default) to N number of explosion randomly on battlescape after battlescape is generated and before it is played. There would be 50% for human grenade, 25% for smoke one, 25% for fire grenade explosion. This function could be modified by alien race modification defined on alienRace: level from 25% to 250% with default 100% .
Should be simple to add but could broke a balance a bit.
8 ) add feature that urban objects contains score value just like alien tiles contains alien alloy that could be gathered by x-com after battle is completed. This score would be deducted from mission if lot of human made structures are destroyed during battle if battle is inside country area. Single tile made by human should be counted for -0.1 of score and maybe few tiles like doors / shop selves for -1 score etc. This feature could be used in future to create a missions that actually aliens want to destroy tiles that have a lot of score when destroyed just like they want to hunt civilians. It is already implement to let aliens destroy part of human base during base assault.
This is a lot of work to update tiles, but would be nice to have this to actually save humanity from aliens not just pull down every wall with blaster bomb.
9) add parameter to define percentage chance to execute single ufo trajectory waypoint. Default value is 100% and if below 100% then roll a dice and if above threshold then move to next waypoint.
10) this is cool one
some mods has very complex research tree. If player does not know what to research then add button to have a "brainstorm with scientist". This would be a special project with a cost of 100 points of no score that would display a popup window what is required to unlock new technology. Just go through the technology tree and choose randomly single technology and display its requirements which have not been researched yet. Still player would need to gather those requirements but at least it would be more obvious what to find. This could be used to add "tutorial" into the game.
PS: I can help you with the code, i am already familiar with oxc structure.