[Secondary]: Things marked as secondary are things I may save for another release. Basically they are not essential and I will probably release a beta before these are implemented.
Research Tree: 70% finished. Needs a few more techs fleshed out. However it really needs research times balanced in accordance with game pacing. This will take a few test playthroughs before I get this right. There are a number of smaller items though that need to be tied into the research tree
Integrate Codex Key item into research tree
Add a few research items into completed codex tech list [Secondary]
Final melee weapon [Secondary]
Final weapon tier [Secondary]
Unlock alien weapons for completed Codex [Secondary]
Finish Complete Codex Archive Tech for completed Codex list
Tie in stun weapons into tech tree
Tie in final Avenger craft into tech tree
Tie in new aliens into tech tree
Tie in new plasma weapons into tech tree
Redo alien weapons in tech tree
Take a second look at the interrogation tech tree that opens up the final mission. Cut techs where needed. This is one of the only survivors of my tech tree purge so its still a bit bloated. Also it needs to be tied into codex research properly as well as the final Avenger.
Manufacturing: 10% done. Needs a big overhaul. I may do away with the crafting system entirely. I still haven't done much to fix this yet.
Ditch old crafting components
Redo crafting components to use only 4 key items: Tech Cells, Elerium-115, Alien Alloys, and Antimatter
Redo nearly every item's material cost in accordance with these new items
Balance material costs so that they accomplish the following things
Costs are not so large or complex that the player cannot calculate in their head the amount of components needed to build multiples of an item.
This can be done by sticking to multiples of 5 and 10 at most
Exception: Upgrading a Codex should be very costly since this done only every once in a while.
Costs are high enough that component scarcity is an issue. I don't want the player to have large stockpiles of components. Every UFO assault needs to be a desperate struggle for resources.
Scarcity is compounded by tech upgrading costs. To advance the tech tree requires a significant amount of resources that could be spent on weapons. However, waiting too long to upgrade could mean the player is outpaced by the escalating Alien Threat.
Test new system with the option to make alien items self destruct upon death.
If this still results in too much micro management then ditch the entire system and start over.
Add stun weapons to manufacturing list
Add new plasma weapons to manufacturing list
Add new UFO items to disassembly list
Add Codex Key items to manufacturing list
Add remaining Codex Items to list
Add end game component manufacturing to list
Add Hurricane transport to list
Add Final Avenger to list
New Aliens: 90% done. All of the artwork is done along with most of the coding.
Needs to be integrated with the research tree properly.
Polish roacher graphic for UFOpaedia
Playtest appearance ratios
UFOPaedia: 50% done.
Needs a lot more artwork for the various entries [Secondary]
Do a crap ton of writing for the various entries. This is mostly fluff, but some of it gives the player critical information
A lot of existing artwork needs to be integrated
Needs entries for the new stun weapons and plasma weapons
Will need an entry for the final avenger as well
New Craft: 40% done. I want to redo the Skywarden maps and I want to add one more transport to the game. I need a few more tiles to do so.
Skywarden replacement: I have a good prototype done. I need a few extra tiles and to recolor the tiles I have. [Secondary]
Lightning: I have an idea on how to make the Lightning an interesting and viable transport. It needs a proof of concept first before I get into making new tiles for it. [Secondary]
Make a final Avenger. This is a tricked out avenger with all new tiles, more armor, faster speed, and more troop capacity made solely for the final mission to mars. There is a catch though in that the player will probably only be able to build one and by the time they can build it, the final mission will be available. Also, building it cripples your tech progression.
Armor: 80% done.
Redo Xeno Operations Armor paperdolls
Finish redo of kevlar and beret paper doll
I have redone the base armor. No more coveralls. Too bad they look cool enough to make the Xeno Ops armor paperdolls look lame so now I have to redo those too.

Touch up kevlar and beret battlescape sprites
Double check inventory and ground corpses as well if needed
Ditch any of the default kevlar vests that don't look that good.
Keep camo vest
Keep tan vest (new default)
Keep black vest
Ditch blue vest?
Keep either gray vest or white vest (ditch one)
Consider using a camo pattern on gray or white
Lighten gray vest if I keep it
Keep tan beret or red beret (ditch one)
Ditch black with red beret
Ditch camo beret
Weapons and Items 75% done
Redo plasma weapons to account for new weapon types that were added
Add Codex Key back in and make graphics for it
Redo Alien Grenade graphic [Secondary]
Redo Alien Blaster Launcher graphic [Secondary]
Remove starting armor items since they are all default now
Add in more elite Alien weapons [Secondary]
Final melee weapon [Secondary]
Final weapon tier [Secondary]
Maps and Missions 70% done
Fix Codex Recovery missions to include Codex Key item
Also make a special tile to count as the objective
Ideally, the player should smash the objective, steal the Codex Key from the rubble, and then abort mission after returning to the exit.
Finish Jungle Codex Recovery map
Add in side rails for upper teirs of map
Add in exit tiles for abort mission recovery
Add in small detail tiles like extra vines and rubble piles to spice up the map
Finish Arctic Codex Recovery map
This is pretty easy as I can use the Jungle Codex map for the layout and routes
Change detail tiles to an ice theme recolor
Do tiles for a Desert Codex Recovery map [Secondary]
Consider plundering Hobbes's Terrain Pack since the next update will make Xeno Ops incompatible with it [Secondary]
New Alien UFOs 90% done
Needs balance testing. That's about it.
During beta, pay close attention to player feedback regarding breaching difficulty. If too many players complain about breaching troubles, then consider adding more breaching points into all UFOs.
Note UFO type distribution amongst missions when playtesting.
Initial tests are now fairly positive. The game has an excellent variety of UFO missions.
Note UFO assault mission length.
So far, testing suggests these new UFOs are faster to clear than the older ones.
Pay attention to critiques regarding the artwork.
See if people complain about the overabundance of animated tiles.
See if people complain about the contrast of floor tiles making it hard to spot units
Contrast on floor tiles has been reduced. Wait for more feedback before making further changes.
New Alien Base 90% done
Keep a close eye on feedback over layout.
If base is too maze like or large, then consider a redesign to remove two levels and simplify the design.
Touch up some artwork. Some of the wall seams don't line up right.
Do a full playtest to measure mission length
Craft Weapons and Interception 10% done [Secondary]
Add in more craft weapons [Secondary]
Rebalance craft weapons to make most of them useful [Secondary]
Steal robin's smoke since I'm too lazy to make my own and honestly, I don't think I could do a better job. [Secondary]
Make some nice new explosion sprites for the various energy and stun weapons [Secondary]
Readjust Hyper Velocity accuracies and bump them up a bit [Secondary]
Consider changing laser damage to explosive for alternate ammo, but keep explosion radius small
Readjust laser weapons to increase accuracy, but slow rate of fire [Secondary]
Fix Muton Armored Commander pck from being listed twice in ExtraSprites [Secondary]
Add a Muton Guard live alien item for modders [Secondary]
Fix assorted Alien gear to be Geoscape only items so researching them can reveal their names in the battlescape [Secondary]
Bug devs to unhardcode cutscenes to end the game that way I can add multiple endings [Secondary]
Clean up unused strings in extrastrings [Secondary]