Author Topic: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated  (Read 22710 times)

Offline ivandogovich

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I have finally completed the testing of the homegrown elements of this mod, as well as compiling the borrowed elements of this mod.

The basic premise of this pack it that long range weapons are not allowed.  No Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Rockets, Blaster Launchers etc.

What this mod adds is:

- Dart Pistol  (Stun damage in a pistol :) - Requires Research)
- Flashbang Grenades (A stun grenade to complement those made by converting stun bombs from the launchers. - Requires Research)
- Blaster Pack  (An IED made from 1 Blaster Bomb and 1 HE Pack.  Packs a nice punch.  8) )
- Zapper  (An improved/smaller Stun Rod. - Requires Research)

This mod also Borrows:
-Tazer (Ryskeliinis Guns N Gadgets 1st Pack -
- Scout Drone  (Ryskeliinis Guns N Gadgets 1st Pack  -
- Elerium Mace (Tyran_nick's   -
- Fusion Torch (Ran's
- Stun Grenade (Murmur's    - )
- Combat Knife (Warboy's  -

Translation Help Wanted:
I have strings complete for English (US - as that is my native language) and attempted GB spellings, but can't promise accuracy.  I have added in other languages, from the other mods as I have found them, but the language support is very limited at best.  I would greatly appreciate any help offered in any of those languages. I have probably even messed some otherwise correct stings by converting them from UTF-8 to ANSI.

en-GB, fr, pl, es, es-419, de, ru

Code: [Select]
  - type: en-US
      STR_BLASTERPACK: Blaster Pack
      STR_BLASTERPACK_UFOPEDIA: Research on the alien guided missile launcher has led to a new understanding of explosive technologies.  Working with our technicians, they have developed an improvised explosive device by merging one of these "blaster bombs" with an old fashioned High Explosive Pack.  This innovation demonstrates the best of our human ingenuity.
      STR_FLASHBANG_GRENADE: Flashbang Grenade
      STR_FLASHBANG_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Recent findings from some of the alien captives, have given our scientists new insight into disabling these Extra-Terrestrial foes.  Using a blast of intense light energy, these new "FlashBang" grenades stun our opponents and may prove useful in capturing live Aliens.
      STR_IMP_FLASHBANG_GRENADE: Improved Flashbang Grenade
      STR_IMP_FLASHBANG_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Examinations of recovered UFO facilities have led to a new understanding of Alien conciousness.  Alien Entertainment bays have led our scientists to uncover a photosensitive epilepsy mechanism (ala Japanese Anime inducing seizures) that we can exploit to disable our opponents.  We have implemented this understanding in developing a Improved FlashBang Grenade that doubles the effectiveness of the previous model.
      STR_SECTOID_MEDIC: Sectoid Medic
      STR_SECTOID_MEDIC_UFOPEDIA: The recent interrogation of an alien medic of the Sectoid Race has led to a new understanding of the physiognomy of our adversaries.  Leads point to the possibility of developing a new method of disabling aliens on the battlefield.  These leads should be followed up swiftly.
      STR_FLOATER_MEDIC: Floater Medic
      STR_FLOATER_MEDIC_UFOPEDIA: The recent interrogation of an alien medic of the Floater Race has led to a new understanding of the physiognomy of our adversaries.  Leads point to the possibility of developing a new method of disabling aliens on the battlefield.  These leads should be followed up swiftly.
      STR_ZAPPER: Zapper Electroshock Weapon
      STR_ZAPPER_UFOPEDIA: Breakthroughs in Alien Alloy science have led to a more powerful electroshock weapon than the stun rod.  The Zapper is smaller and less wieldy than the stun rod,  but packs a higher charge.  The Zapper requires a cut-down stun rod and alloys for manufacture.
      STR_DART_PISTOL: Dart Pistol
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_A: Dart Pistol Clip A
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_B: Dart Pistol Clip B
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_C: Dart Pistol Clip C
      STR_DART_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Based on our best knowledge of alien biology, this Pistol fires darts filled with potent, but non-lethal biochemical agent, which in sufficient amount will immobilize any life form we may encounter on the battlefield.
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE: Combat Knife
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE_UFOPEDIA: Using its hardened edge and point, a trained field operative can silently kill a lightly-armored enemy with a single slash or thrust.{NEWLINE}Suitable for close encounters of any kind.
      STR_FUSION_TORCH: Fusion Torch
      STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Fusion Torch Power Cell
      STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: The Fusion Torch uses a Matter-Antimatter reaction to create enormously powerful plasma jets.{NEWLINE}If close enough, the deeply penetrating plasma jet cuts through the target, melting it within seconds. Even the strongest armor plates and UFO hulls are no match for this device.{NEWLINE}However, it is only effective at close range and needs a separate power cell.
      STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: This high energy power cell is needed to operate the Fusion Torch. It provides enough energy for 5 plasma jets.
      STR_STUN_GRENADE: Stun Grenade
      STR_STUN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: A stun bomb attached to a grenade casing. Though some effectiveness is lost during the conversion process, this fusion of human and alien technology trades power for convenience.
      STR_TASER: Taser pistol
      STR_TASER_CLIP: Taser Shock Clip
      STR_TASER_UFOPEDIA: A non-lethal weapon derived from a very recent police design, capable of incapacitating targets up to 5 meters away. While it delivers a less powerful charge than blunt-force stun weapons, its stylish pistol grip grants easy handling, and the range alone makes it a worthwhile asset.
      STR_ELERIUM_MACE: Elerium Mace
      STR_ELERIUM_MACE_UFOPEDIA: Using Elerium-115 as fuel this power weapon discharges a powerful electrical pulse to its unfortunate victim. A successful strike will overload the nervous system the target, effectively incapacitating it. Elerium Mace will stun living organisms.
      STR_SCOUT_DRONE: Droid/Scout
      STR_SCOUT_SMOKE: Smoke Pellet
      STR_SCOUT_DRONE_UFOPEDIA: This small rugged drone is designed for scouting and reconnaissance. Based on the small Talon military robot, this system lacks offensive weaponry or the armor of larger HWPs. Its speed and agility allow quick scouting of enemy positions and acts as a spotter without risk to X-Com personnel. It also features a smoke launcher to help conceal itself and ground troops in open ground or from incoming fire.
  - type: en-GB
      STR_BLASTERPACK: Blaster Pack
      STR_BLASTERPACK_UFOPEDIA: Research on the alien guided missile launcher has led to a new understanding of explosive technologies.  Working with our technicians, they have developed an improvised explosive device by merging one of these "blaster bombs" with an old fashioned High Explosive Pack.  This innovation demonstrates the best of our human ingenuity.
      STR_FLASHBANG_GRENADE: Flashbang Grenade
      STR_FLASHBANG_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Recent findings from some of the alien captives, have given our scientists new insight into disabling these Extra-Terrestrial foes.  Using a blast of intense light energy, these new "FlashBang" grenades stun our opponents and may prove useful in capturing live Aliens.
      STR_IMP_FLASHBANG_GRENADE: Improved Flashbang Grenade
      STR_IMP_FLASHBANG_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Examinations of recovered UFO facilities have led to a new understanding of Alien conciousness.  Alien Entertainment bays have led our scientists to uncover a photosensitive epilepsy mechanism (ala Japanese Anime inducing seizures) that we can exploit to disable our opponents.  We have implemented this understanding in developing a Improved FlashBang Grenade that doubles the effectiveness of the previous model.
      STR_SECTOID_MEDIC: Sectoid Medic
      STR_SECTOID_MEDIC_UFOPEDIA: The recent interrogation of an alien medic of the Sectoid Race has led to a new understanding of the physiognomy of our adversaries.  Leads point to the possibility of developing a new method of disabling aliens on the battlefield.  These leads should be followed up swiftly.
      STR_FLOATER_MEDIC: Floater Medic
      STR_FLOATER_MEDIC_UFOPEDIA: The recent interrogation of an alien medic of the Floater Race has led to a new understanding of the physiognomy of our adversaries.  Leads point to the possibility of developing a new method of disabling aliens on the battlefield.  These leads should be followed up swiftly.
      STR_ZAPPER: Zapper Electroshock Weapon
      STR_ZAPPER_UFOPEDIA: Breakthroughs in Alien Alloy science have led to a more powerful electroshock weapon than the stun rod.  The Zapper is smaller and less wieldy than the stun rod,  but packs a higher charge.  The Zapper requires a cut-down stun rod and alloys for manufacture.
      STR_DART_PISTOL: Dart Pistol
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_A: Dart Pistol Clip A
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_B: Dart Pistol Clip B
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_C: Dart Pistol Clip C
      STR_DART_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Based on our best knowledge of alien biology, this Pistol fires darts filled with potent, but non-lethal biochemical agent, which in sufficient amount will immobilize any life form we may encounter on the battlefield.
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE: Combat Knife
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE_UFOPEDIA: Using its hardened edge and point, a trained field operative can silently kill a lightly-armored enemy with a single slash or thrust.{NEWLINE}Suitable for close encounters of any kind.
      STR_FUSION_TORCH: Fusion Torch
      STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL: Fusion Torch Power Cell
      STR_FUSION_TORCH_UFOPEDIA: The Fusion Torch uses a Matter-Antimatter reaction to create enormously powerful plasma jets.{NEWLINE}If close enough, the deeply penetrating plasma jet cuts through the target, melting it within seconds. Even the strongest armour plates and UFO hulls are no match for this device.{NEWLINE}However, it is only effective at close range and needs a separate power cell.
      STR_FUSION_TORCH_POWER_CELL_UFOPEDIA: This high energy power cell is needed to operate the Fusion Torch. It provides enough energy for 5 plasma jets.
      STR_STUN_GRENADE: Stun Grenade
      STR_STUN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: A stun bomb attached to a grenade casing. Though some effectiveness is lost during the conversion process, this fusion of human and alien technology trades power for convenience.
      STR_TASER: Taser pistol
      STR_TASER_CLIP: Taser Shock Clip
      STR_TASER_UFOPEDIA: A non-lethal weapon derived from a very recent police design, capable of incapacitating targets up to 5 meters away. While it delivers a less powerful charge than blunt-force stun weapons, its stylish pistol grip grants easy handling, and the range alone makes it a worthwhile asset.
      STR_ELERIUM_MACE: Elerium Mace
      STR_ELERIUM_MACE_UFOPEDIA: Using Elerium-115 as fuel this power weapon discharges a powerful electrical pulse to its unfortunate victim. A successful strike will overload the nervous system the target, effectively incapacitating it. Elerium Mace will stun living organisms.     
      STR_SCOUT_DRONE: Droid/Scout
      STR_SCOUT_SMOKE: Smoke Pellet
      STR_SCOUT_DRONE_UFOPEDIA: This small rugged drone is designed for scouting and reconnaissance. Based on the small Talon military robot, this system lacks offensive weaponry or the armor of larger HWPs. Its speed and agility allow quick scouting of enemy positions and acts as a spotter without risk to X-Com personnel. It also features a smoke launcher to help conceal itself and ground troops in open ground or from incoming fire.
  - type: pl-PL
      STR_DART_PISTOL: Karabin strzaÅ‚kowy
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_A: Magazynek Pistolet t strzaÅ‚kowego A
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_B: Magazynek Pistolet strzaÅ‚kowego B
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_C: Magazynek Pistolet strzaÅ‚kowego C
      STR_DART_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Ta broÅ„, zbudowana na podstawie naszej wiedzy o obcej fizjologii, miota strzaÅ‚kami wypeÅ‚nionymi silnym anastetykiem, który w odpowiedniej iloÅ›ci zneutralizuje każdÄ… formÄ™ życia, jakÄ… możemy napotkać na polu walki.
      STR_STUN_GRENADE: Granat ogłuszający
      STR_STUN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Bomba ogłuszająca z zamontowanym zapalnikiem ręcznym. Choć część siły obalającej zostaje utracona przy konwersji, to połączenie obcej i ludzkiej technologii zapewnia znacznie większą swobodę użycia bomby
  - type: fr
      STR_DART_PISTOL: Fusil à fléchettes
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_A: Chargeur de Pistolet à Fléchettes A
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_B: Chargeur de Pistolet à Fléchettes B
      STR_DART_PISTOL_CLIP_C: Chargeur de Pistolet à Fléchettes C
      STR_DART_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Élaboré d'après les toutes dernières découvertes de la biologie extra-terrestre, ce pistolet armé de fléchettes contenant un agent biochimique puissant, mais non léthal, est en mesure de neutraliser n'importe quelle forme de vie sur un champ de bataille, sous condition que la dose soit suffisante.
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE: Poignard de combat
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE_UFOPAEDIA: Son tranchant aiguisé permet à un combattant aguerri de tuer, d'un seul coup et en silence, tout ennemi équipé d'une armure légère.{NEWLINE} Utile pour tout type de corps à corps.
  - type: es
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE: Cuchillo de Combate
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE_UFOPEDIA: Utilizando su borde afilado, un agente de campo entrenado puede matar en silencio a un enemigo con armadura ligera de un solo golpe.{NEWLINE}Adecuado para los encuentros cercanos de cualquier fase.
      STR_STUN_GRENADE: Granada Aturdidora
      STR_STUN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Una bomba aturdidora dentro de una granada. Aunque se pierde algo de efectividad en el proceso de conversión, esta fusión de tecnología humana y alienígena intercambia potencia por conveniencia.
  - type: es-419
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE: Cuchillo de Combate
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE_UFOPEDIA: Utilizando su borde afilado, un agente de campo entrenado puede matar en silencio a un enemigo con armadura ligera de un solo golpe.{NEWLINE}Adecuado para los encuentros cercanos de cualquier tipo.
      STR_STUN_GRENADE: Granada Aturdidora
      STR_STUN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Una bomba aturdidora dentro de una granada. Aunque se pierde algo de efectividad en el proceso de conversión, esta fusión de tecnología humana y alienígena intercambia potencia por conveniencia.
  - type: de
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE: Kampfmesser
      STR_COMBAT_KNIFE_UFOPEDIA: Mit der gehärteten Klinge und Spitze kann ein gut ausgebildeter Nahkämpfer Gegner mit leichter Panzerung mit einem einzigen Hieb oder Stich geräuschlos töten.{NEWLINE}Geeignet für unheimliche Begegnungen jeder Art.
  - type: ru
      STR_STUN_GRENADE: Парализующая граната
      STR_STUN_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: Парализующая бомба в корпусе гранаты. Несмотря на снижение эффективности в процессе адаптации, это слияние технологии людей и пришельцев мощность заменяет удобством.

Edit: updated scout drone description and price and value.
Edit: slightly rebalanced, new upload.  Posting to Mod Download site.
Edit: Removed mod zip file from this thread to avoid multiple versions.  Mod file is on the website link below.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 06:04:34 am by ivandogovich »

Offline guille1434

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2014, 04:43:19 am »
Hello: Do you know what's the difference between "es" and "es-419" languages? I think I can help eith the spanish (español) translation...

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2014, 04:45:56 am »
Hello: Do you know what's the difference between "es" and "es-419" languages? I think I can help eith the spanish (español) translation...

I'm not sure, maybe Spain, and Latin American Spanish?

Offline Falko

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2014, 04:50:45 am »
It is a common business practice to localize content into a neutral
version of Latin American Spanish to serve all or most Spanish-speaking
regions in Latin America. This code is intended to identify this neutral
variant of Latin American Spanish and distinguish it from Castilian
found in Europe.
es – Spanish, as shortest ISO 639 code.
es-419 – Spanish appropriate for the Latin America and Caribbean region, using the UN M.49 region code

still not sure if there should be a difference now content wise

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2014, 06:52:48 am »
Ok, I am from Argentina, so I think I am qualified to make the Latin American translation, but I am sure it can also be used for the European Spanish language strings. Stay tuned! :-)

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2014, 05:53:20 am »
A few more tweaks.   Package updated in OP.

For Balance: Adjusted price of Scout drone.

  • (8/15/2014) adjusted price of drone down from 200K to 40K.  This is the price of a Rookie, and these units are highly disposable.  The original price compared to fully equipped combat HWPs felt that the scout was overpriced and therefore wouldn't get used
  • (8/16/2014) updated UFOpedia text to reflect this flavor.  Tweaked value down to 25 to represent their expendable nature.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 10:32:00 pm by ivandogovich »

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2014, 04:58:04 am »
After more Playtesting, I have made some more balancing tweaks...

-  Increased accuracy of Dart Pistol
-  Increased power of Dart Pistol
-  Set Clips to increase in capacity when scaling up from A > B > C.

- Decreased range of Tazer, to provide incentive to move away from it, and to make it more realistic.

Getting set to upload the mod to the official download site. :)

New Zip in OP.

Offline Meridian

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2014, 08:20:33 am »
For Balance: Adjusted price of Scout drone.
  • (8/15/2014) adjusted price of drone down from 200K to 40K.  This is the price of a Rookie, and these units are highly disposable.  The original price compared to fully equipped combat HWPs felt that the scout was overpriced and therefore wouldn't get used

That is too cheap, Scout Drone is much better scout than a Rookie:

Time units>70 (instead of 50-60 of a rookie)
Reactions=110! (instead of 30-60 of a rookie)
Can create multiple smoke fields and still move (a rookie barely one, if he doesn't move)
Is smaller and thus harder to hit than a rookie...

I would not go under 100K... may I suggest let's say: 120K?

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2014, 10:13:08 pm »
I actually did some research on this and tried to price scout drones like this.  I feel comfortable with the cost of this drone as it is little more than a remote controlled vehicle with a camera and smoke dispenser.  The Talon series of combat robots are the closest thing that I could compare it with, and I have edited the Ufopedia entry to reflect this.   They are not uber talented systems and have no lethal capability, so I don't have a problem with making them cheaper. ;)
Cheers, Ivan :D

Offline Meridian

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2014, 11:16:36 pm »
I actually did some research on this and tried to price scout drones like this.  I feel comfortable with the cost of this drone as it is little more than a remote controlled vehicle with a camera and smoke dispenser.  The Talon series of combat robots are the closest thing that I could compare it with, and I have edited the Ufopedia entry to reflect this.   They are not uber talented systems and have no lethal capability, so I don't have a problem with making them cheaper. ;)
Cheers, Ivan :D

The point is not to make it realistic (otherwise Avenger would cost 500-times more for example), the point is to make it balanced.... and fun. Such a powerful scout for a cost of a rookie (and without monthly salary) is not balanced no matter how I look at it. But feel free to keep it this way... that's the power and beauty of modding.

Offline Infini

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2014, 01:30:26 am »
French Translation

I use Notepad++, verify if the text is in the correct format (ANSI as UTF-8 or UTF-8), modify or add, save (click up on the X in the right corner to close the program, it will ask you to save and won't mess the initial format).

The French translation is done entirely using my best knowledge.

OpenXcom gives me a lot of free fun, so I help a bit if possible.


Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2014, 01:41:22 am »
Awesome!  Thanks for the help! :)

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2014, 06:01:51 am »
Consolidated French Translation into the official Modpack page on the Mod site.   v. 1.01

Thank you so much, Infini!!!  ;D

Cheers, Ivan

Offline Infini

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2014, 06:36:57 am »
I really like the Dart Pistol.
We absolutely need to do autopsy researches, finally...
I'm using the Clip B now and the precision is better.  A precious and essential weapon.
"Extremely useful".
Thank you for sharing it.  I'll keep it for sure.

P.S.  Just a correction in my French translation.  Same problem with the English language, the windows is too small.   Just look at your example (picture) up!   :)

STR_DART_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Ce pistolet armé de fléchettes contient un agent biochimique puissant, mais non létal, qui peut étourdir et ainsi neutraliser n'importe quelle forme de vie sur un champ de bataille, sous condition que la dose soit suffisante.

I suggest that you adjust the English text too.

That's it!  Everyone will be happy.

Good luck with your Mod.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [Weapons] Up Close (and Personal) Mod Pack - Translators appreciated
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2014, 06:40:25 am »
Thanks for the feedback!  I'm glad you are enjoying the Dart Pistol!

I think it will be essential for my Up Close and Personal Series!   (Playlist linked)

New English string:
STR_DART_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Based on our best knowledge of alien biology, this Pistol fires darts filled with potent, non-lethal  agent, which may stun alien life forms. Further breakthroughs may yield greater capacity and potency as we increase our knowledge of alien lifeforms.

Thanks again, Infini for your help!

Cheers, Ivan :D
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 06:47:54 am by ivandogovich »