It's really nice and I've manage to make this work (after many game crash
But I'm afraid I'll never can do graphical adjustement myself without a better understanding of all of this. Can you give me the 4 floorob corpse file for the gauss HWP (blue-alloy) ? I have tried to make some with MIBTANK but it doesn't work.
At this time, I have only those
Try this with Aseprite (sorry I will not make a full tutorial right now)
- Open one PNG with Aseprite
- Shift + R (or via menu) to open Colour Replacement Dialog
- Select From => Idx 251 (you will that the dark blue color becomes light grey : it is just to show you which pixels will be replaced)
- Select To => Idx 135 (now pixels will become light blue)
- OK => this will make the colour replacement
Also, I repeat :
- open PNG with any tool that shows you which idx is for sprite you want to replace (or do it directly under Aseprite but you will have to click on colours until in replacement dialog box until you find the one that you want to replace...)
- start with the darker one (for example here I think 251)
- decide new colour (here 135 - bad choice see below)
- then make same for 250 to be replaced with 134, 249 with 133, ...
Better to know before how long is your range (ex. 244-251 => 8/ sprites) then you can decide with which range you will replace it (in given example, 244 -> 128 but 128 is not blue anymore, so beware of that) If you do so, you will keep same aspect, just change colour range
Hope it is a bit clear anyway

As an example, if my notes are correct :
- for the green one (Mass Accelerator), I replaced range [82..93] with [66..77] and [179..186] with [67..74]
- for the yellow one (Heat-Ray); I replaced [82..93] with [146..157] and [179..186] with [147..154]
EDIT : or use Falko tool if you succeed