In my own personal opinion there should be some flexibility with tanks which your assembly methods offer. However, I know it is a pain in the ass to code all of them, but I personally know it would be worth it for me as a player.... Anyways, a few comments about HWPs and the Doges
A machine is a machine, and for that reasons should be viewed as an expendable piece of equipment. There are of course limitations within the Vanilla code that both incentivize and deter players on using HWPs which we are all aware of. However, with OXC we have the chance to expand the options available for HWPs to allow tactical doctrine to be as flexible as the player wants.
The mobility and armor and weapons/ equipment are all options that are all inter related to this concept of customization to the mission and wants of the player. So let us talk about how to go about this in an a logical approach.
We have two basic types of Chassis available.
-HoverThe advantages of either basic type of chassis should be fairly obvious. Hover Chassis have greater mobility by being able to fly, but even looking at the sprites we can see that there is less volume within the hover chassis. How can we balance that mobility against the apparent disadvantage that being stuck on the ground is supposed to be? BY making both tracked and hover chassis types become more survivable as the game progresses but with a higher ultimate survival rate being able to be achieved by a tracked chassis to reflect a better understood, more mature technology. We see this in our world with technological developments becoming better and tougher over generations of equipment. So we would implement generations of equipment that follows the research into alien technology with each generation being greater than the last in some ways.
Tracked Generation progression
Gen. quality Cost PDM EDM TT TUs Armor Health AA E FA RE
T-MKI -Basic 100K 90% %50 1/2 70 TV 90 - - 50 20
T-MKII -Better 250K 80% %45 2/3 75 HV+5% 90 20 5 55 25
T-MKIII -Badass 400K 70% %40 3/4 80 HV+10% 100 25 15 60 30
T-MKIV -Best 700K 60% %35 3/4/5 80 HV+20% 110 30 20 65 35
T-MKV -Booyah! 1.1 M 50% %30 3/4/5 75 HV+25% 120 35 25 70 40
Hover Generation progression
Gen. quality Cost PDM EDM TT TUs Armor Health AA E FA RE
H-MKI -Basic 200K 70% %50 2/3 90 HV-20% 60 20 15 60 45
H-MKII -Better 450K 65% %45 2/3 95 HV-10% 70 20 20 65 50
H-MKIII -Badass 600K 60% %40 3/4 100 HV-5% 80 25 30 70 55
H-MKIV -Best 900K 55% %35 3/4/5 110 HV 90 30 35 75 60
H-MKV -Booyah! 1.5 M 50% %30 3/4/5 120 HV+10 100 35 45 80 65
PDM=Plasma Damage Modifier. 100%=1.0 etc
EDM=Exsplosive Damage modifier
TT=Turret Type
AA= Alien Alloys
E= Elerium 115
FA= Firing Accuracy
RE= Reactions
TV= Tracked HWP Vanilla values
HV= Hover HWP Vanilla values
At each level the Chassis becomes tougher, but with a sliding scale of benefit tied not only in Monetary Cost but in Resources that should highly stimulate a feeling of diminishing returns and a feeling of you get what you pay for. Now how would that play out to be balanced is by tweaking not only the amount of armor, but the damage modifiers so at the upper ends we have a tracked HWP that is very hard to kill. What about Hover HWPs? Well they use technology that makes them a bit more fragile but their mobility more than makes up for it, but they are more costly in money and materials. Hover tanks also have advanced computers for plotting firing solutions and providing guardian angel overwatch, but are too short for a soldier to take cover behind, making them harder to hit.
Now this is just the Chassis We still need to provide a turret for the tank and we have a ton of options but we must take the programmers fingers and sanity into consideration (Love you Arthanor
) and think that most players are not going to probably drop a regular old cannon onto a MKV hover chassis And a regular old MkI would probably not have the ability to generate enough power to form a plasma bolt not to mention, the software for optimal performance.
So what I propose is turret type system which would be a system as well for turrets and equipment that encourages research and tactical flexibility for a superior player experience. ALL turrets would be two weapon or one weapon and equipment because it needs to be that way so a player feels it is worth it.
Turret Types
TT-1 $200K
LMG/Smoke -Machinegun and pops smoke
Grenade/Smoke - HE grenades and pops smoke
TT-2 $300K
Cannon/Smoke launcher - 20mm with Snap, Aimed, and Auto shot. Pops smoke
Recoiless Rifle/Smoke- 105mm Anti-tank weapon single shot only
Rocket/ LMG - Small HE rockets and machinegun,
TT-3 $400K
Laser/Rocket- Laser Rifle and Large HE rocket launcher combo
Laser/Medkit- A medic tank with a laser LMG ***This may be a dog thing***
Laser/Smoke- Laser Cannon and smoke popper.
Alien grenade/laser - Improved grenade launcher and laser Rifle
TT-4 $500K
Plasma/Smoke- Plasma Cannon and smoke launcher
Laser/Breacher- Laser LMG and a plasma cutter for UFOs
Stun/Breacher- Small launcher and Plasma cutter
Blaster/Smoke- Dumb blaster bomb and plasma rifle.
TT-5 $600K
Plasma/ Blaster- Plasma Rifle and Blaster launcher.
Plasma/ Breacher- Auto Heavy Plasma and plasma torch breacher.
Stun/Plasma- Small launcher/ heavy plasma
None of this covers weapon accuracy, or TU% which would need some love to function correctly, but is not insurmountable.
So we would have tanks that could have various roles and be wicked on the field, being tempered by the number of man hours required in research and manufacture. So what about dogs?
Dogs should be Fast, Brave, With High TUs and Energy and if they bite it, soldiers take a morale cut. Dogs would be great at "sniffing out" enemies, running down sectoids, mutons, and snakemen, acting as scouts, sappers and "fetching" gear (heh). They would however be pretty fragile but could be armored up or maybe even.... They've been at our sides since they realized what we could do for each other and involved in some capacity in every major war. Why would a war against aliens be any different?
Problems though... Zombie dogs, there is no differentiation if a pooch gets zombied, I'd actually be okay with them just dying because of biological incompatibility.
MK-2 Alloy teeth and claws with a powered exoskeleton. Body plates; fastest, strong.
MK-3 Full powered armor body replacement. Fast, strongest