So I watched a speed run on original Xcom the other day to see what it was all about. Took some notes and gave it a try in OpenXcom. ... A few tries....
I'm on my third run right now, after ignominious defeat twice already.
Has anyone else tried one of these? Any secrets to success?
Tech Path for SpeedRun:
Edit: After finishing the third run (another ignominious defeat as the nations lost faith in my ability to deal with the alien incursion) it seems like these Speedruns have one critical factor: Floaters.
A Floater Base seem like the only one assaultable by the raw recruits that you throw at it. Even then there would need to be a good measure of luck involve.
I tried 5 assaults with 2 squad wipes, and all aborted on the local sectoid bases on my continent. Psi- Control made it feel like those are impossible.
Did some quick scouts of the Muton and Snakeman Bases that I found as well, but no joy there either. Mutons are so resistant to laser fire, and Snakes hang out with Chrysalids.
In the whole game, floaters only just started showing up in the last month, and never established a colony.