Finally got the mod portal working. Here comes my first mod:
Viper Assault Cannon mod for OpenXcom
Weapon mod for OpenXCom.
Inspiration for this came from Robocop. It featured a weapon called Cobra Assault Cannon that is one of my all time favourite sci-fi weapons. If you have not seen it, watch it out at Youtube or the whole movie.
The weapon is very heavy and has high damage. Equal to heavy rocket, but smaller blast radius. It can be used on Xcom, but it is probably more suitable for total conversion mods.
You can buy your Viper from the shop without any research needed.
to install:
simply extract to your data folder (e.g., X:\OpenXcom\Data)
and enable on MOD list.
This mod was made by Muukalainen.
It was done by editing the Sniper Rifle mod, which was done by:
Sprites: Toshiaki2115 and Warboy1982
Code: Toshiaki2115 and Warboy1982