I do understand you are an established modder. I am quite impress by you mod actually, never played it though..the most I did was tested it. I love the music, just can’t stand the adult content. You are quite right, I am sometimes arrogant, but I do also occasionally demonstrate humility and respect to those above me in modding skills and especially to those provide me with the help I seek.
As to little substance, well in the two months I am able to scrap together a fully working hybrid mod with all the terrains and map from TFTD converted. Plus new ones which are base from existing TFTD maps then made into land base maps. All the race from TFTD, a few new alien factions, plus 7 human factions, heaps of weapon and 80% of the weapon from TFTD. There are 10+ new craft 22 type of UFOs, most are borrowed and some I made myself. I have a few new split level bases in the works..
I did not have the years to invest in it like you guys have. Given time, I will get there. I have done another mod involving TFTD, but that is unreleased content. A lot of features from my mod is there already, but I have yet to show it because it lacked polish. The talk I made, well, I am learning most of the new stuff OXCE has to offer. I am following a design strategy to have most of the prototype feature in my mod complete first, before mass production and polish.
I did have a rough start in this forum, but now I do understand the rules (and politics) behind it. I did slow down... a lot. You can say I am an upstart. I suppose respect is a two way street, it is applicable everywhere, including here.
And thank you Dioxine for your honest input, I humbly accept your feedback and appreciated of your advice to me.