"Implant Devices" slots (under "I.D." text in image, (can be an icon)).
Each soldier/alien/robot/civilian have 4 "Implant Devices" slots.
Each unit can have a random generated number of usable "Implant Devices" slots, from 0 (none) to 4.
A padlock is displayed to indicate unusable slots.
In this image, the soldier has only 2 usable slots, he can only have 2 Implant Devices.
Implant Device:
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: from 1 to X
Note: Just like the "Copy" and "Paste" buttons for inventory template, the 4 "Implant Devices" slots (and text (or icon)) are masked when the info about Ammo for Weapon are displayed.Implant Devices must be researched (research to be determined) and manufactured before to be able to use them.
Implant devices boosts units capacities.
They can be equipped/unequipped before/during combat on all units at a cost (TUs (only during combat), to be determined), the alien/robot/civilian (all non XCom units) must be mind controlled first before equipping them.
Drop the Implant Device on the floor, mind control the target, and equip the target with TUs of target (the simpliest way, (can be done other way with more work)).
There are 2 types of Implant Devices (for now).
Bio-Mecanical Implants:They affect:
Time Units
Stun Resistance
Fatal Wounds Resistance
Front Armor
Left Armor
Right Armor
Rear Armor
Under Armor
Vision Range
Night Vision Range
Energy Recovery
Fire Resistance
Acid Resistance
Smoke Resistance
Bio-Cyber Implants:They affect:
Firing Accuracy
Throwing Accuracy
Melee Accuracy
Psionic Strength
Psionic Skill
Panic Resistance
Berserk Resistance
* Generaly, Implant Devices simply add points to a specific capacity.
A Bio-Mecanical Implant adds 20 points to Stun Resistance, and the soldier can resist 20 more points before becoming unconscious.
A Bio-Mecanical Implant adds 20 points to Time Units, and the soldier can use 20 more TUs during his turn.
A Bio-Mecanical Implant adds 2 points to Fatal Wounds Resistance, and the soldier can resist 2 Fatal Wounds before feeling the effects of injuries.
A Bio-Mecanical Implant adds 5 points to Night Vision Range, and the soldier can see 5 more tiles during night time missions.
A Bio-Cyber Implant adds 20 points to Bravery, and the soldier has 20 more points to Bravery.
A Bio-Cyber Implant adds 30 points to Morale, and the soldier has 30 more points to Morale (and he can never go under 30 points to morale).
A Bio-Cyber Implant adds 10 points to Panic Resistance, and the soldier has less risk to become panicked (I don't know how it exactly work in game).
A Bio-Cyber Implant adds 30 points to Psionic Strength, and the soldier has 30 more points to Psionic Strength.
* Implant Devices can also be used on robots.
Same fonctionality (if necessary) but with other names (and need other researchs).
"Hardware Extensions" and "Software Improvements".
* Implant Devices can also subtract points to a specific capacity (specific Implant Devices to be equipped on alien units).
A Bio-Cyber Implant subtracts 30 points to Psionic Strength, and the alien unit has 30 less points to Psionic Strength.
* Specialized Implant Devices can also be researched.
Psi-Controller: A Specialized Implant Device that can be equipped on Civilians to control them continuously during combat (--> Mind control (Psi-Amp) --> equip Civilian --> XCom controlled).
A more advanced version can be researched to use it on Aliens (more research, higher cost, etc.).
So much Implant Devices, so few slots, make your choice.
Lot of possibilities. Lot of fun.
As usual, the images are for explanation only.