I love the designs. I think I'll borrow some to make new armour types... 
Do these suits come with the helmet off inventory sprite? If they don't, would it be difficult for you to make them? I really think it adds a lot to the game.
Thank you!! Hahaha you can take the idea, and then show us how is it going
We won't recreate them again, we are only going to try to recolor them. Anyway, if i can't end the recolors, i'll leave it here, ready for someone else who want to finish it

EDIT: do you like something like that?:

These helm off black/blue armors are nice, it could be that I find some idea to use them
Will you provide related stuff ?
Thank you!
I don't really get what you want to say, with realted stuff. Did you mean, if we are going to release the mod?
pd: how i can upload the work?
EDIT: We are trying to make the other colours, combined with differents hairstyles!