
Author Topic: Maps and city scapes  (Read 39942 times)

Offline DaiShiva

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2011, 01:42:52 am »
In the beginning I was the end user because I had ambitions to do what openxcom is doing now - write my own xcom engine. So yeah, the modding community of openxcom is the target audience for my tools =)

Alright so since there are users, how would you like to be notified of new changes and what is your preferred method of getting a new version? svn up and rebuilding? Downloading a zip file and extracting to a new folder? One of the things I was working on there at the end was an auto-updator (I think this is the way to go).
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 02:02:34 am by DaiShiva »

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2011, 04:03:28 pm »
Tonight i created a NEW item for x-com base maps . I added it to the PCK file via but when i load up the map editor it doesnt show up in the list,

Is it only possible to REPLACE existing items OR is there a way i can add this extra items to the game so  this  software will recognise it?

I would like to add new details not just swap existing data :-\

"It sure would make my job easier if people just stuck to X-Com formats with your tools, though I'm sure most yearn for fancy 32-bit PNGs or something. " SUPSUPER.
 I would be very happy to stick to this format i just need to know How to add more items,  change the number of levels on building and UFO and other Useful information like that. Can i modify this information in code somewhere?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 02:35:46 am by luke83 »

Offline DaiShiva

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2011, 12:20:23 am »
Adding images to the PCK file does not make a new tile show up in the map editor.
The MCD file determines what tiles can be placed into a map (A tile can be made up of 4 images)

Adding a new entry to an existing MCD file has the possibility of messing up every map that uses it because of the way the map file is structured - again, the list of files used in the creation of a map is hardcoded, so adding one tile to one of these files has the possibility of shifting all subsequent tile indexes down by one.

For example

Lets say you want to add a new tile to U_WALL02. This is used by the Alien Base tileset. The file list of the Alien Base is U_BASE U_WALL02 U_PODS BRAIN
Adding a new tile will shift all the U_PODS and BRAIN indexes that the map uses down by one, thus making the endgame boss look really strange.

This is not to say that you cannot create new tiles, just that all of the above needs to be taken into consideration when doing so

One of the requests is for a MCD editor. This would allow you to make new tiles to be used in a map. This is the main barrier holding you back.

Offline Yankes

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2011, 12:25:03 am »
but this is problem of original UFO, not openXcom :D
Daiky could probably do something that allow easier doing that.

Offline DaiShiva

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2011, 12:32:24 am »
Its true, a new map format could be devised to fix all these issues

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #35 on: September 25, 2011, 02:18:46 am »
Sounds like i  need a new map format :(

Offline DaiShiva

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2011, 03:00:11 am »
Yes and no

You can make new tiles if you add them to the END of the tile list. If/When I made a tile editor, the program can enforce this for you.

Offline Daiky

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #37 on: September 25, 2011, 03:33:42 am »
OpenXcom currently works with the battlescape savegame already in a format where every of the 4 objects on a tile has two references: a mapdatasetID and a mapdataID. That last one is an ID within the mapdataset. This way you can add objects to any dataset you want without breaking the map itself.

Code: [Select]
- position: [44, 0, 0]
      mapDataID: [21, -1, 7, -1]
      mapDataSetID: [2, -1, 3, -1]
      smoke: 0
      fire: 0
      discovered: [false, false, false]

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #38 on: September 25, 2011, 03:51:07 am »
 There is several things i want to do for my version of OpenXcom ( all of which i plan to make available for anyone that is interested) Here is a quick list of my goals

1: Human helpers on earth  ( My Red Coat gang) To be use in Upper level of Alien base defence and Special Terrorist missions .   DONE
2: Civilian sprites that can hold weapons
3: Training Room for xcom agents using simular rules to X-com apocalypse
4: Sectoid human hybrids ( enemy version and x-com version) HArd to get the right look
5: Alien reproduction item , that can be recovered in mission ( can be used to quickly heal you units when returning to base OR breed our own Sectoid/human hybrid) Half done
6: Egg sacks for Snakeman to lay ( use as Spawn point during special missions) HOLD
7: New ufo layouts for variety
8: New Terrain versions of existing types for more variety ( New expanded Urban maps almost finished V1.0 )

This is why i ask so many questions , i know im in over my head as i have a very basic understanding of computer programming but little by little things will make more sense.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 02:25:54 am by luke83 »

Offline SupSuper

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #39 on: September 25, 2011, 03:57:49 pm »
In the beginning I was the end user because I had ambitions to do what openxcom is doing now - write my own xcom engine. So yeah, the modding community of openxcom is the target audience for my tools =)

Alright so since there are users, how would you like to be notified of new changes and what is your preferred method of getting a new version? svn up and rebuilding? Downloading a zip file and extracting to a new folder? One of the things I was working on there at the end was an auto-updator (I think this is the way to go).
Personally I don't mind either way, but if you're gonna be doing a lot of updates, auto-updater is probably the way to go.

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2012, 11:24:58 am »
I have a new question about the map view program. It lets me change the block size and height of a map rather easily but the graphical display does not zoom out to handle the new size ( Please see image)

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2012, 12:03:04 pm »
Never mind, i found it i save it then re-open the program it updates automatically ;)

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2012, 01:01:50 pm »
I was just playing around and was wanting to see if i could replace the default  farm building with my new test one, The problem i have had is i have done 3 battles in openxcom and still i have not seen this building used?  All i did was replace the old file from MAPS with my new version, i just thought i would ask if this is correct before i spend another 10 missions hoping the block gets used ::)

Offline luke83

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2012, 01:17:07 pm »
OK still have not got my map to show but since adding it i have started getting a error message at random just as i arrive at the crash site before the game closes . I will assume this is a result of my test farm :P  I am going to guess that openX is not up to this yet.

Offline Daiky

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Re: Maps and city scapes
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2012, 02:54:42 pm »
luke83, I think this is because you increased the size of the map, while the size of the map in openxcom ruleset is defined as 10x10. (every CULTAxxx.MAP is defined in the ruleset as 10x10 map).
You can not edit the ruleset yet, so I suggest trying to replace a map with one of the same size for now ;)