I am using OpenXcom-1.0-g68acd87.apk.zip [1] on a Lenovo TAB 2 A7-20F tablet [2].
I get the intro then the menu but as soon as I start the game a bug appears.
In fact, the application hangs during a while, then I come back to the Android desktop and the process is not killed.
I can go back to the list of processes and select the OpenXcom process.
When I do that, the process restart and I see the intro then the menu again.
I was wondering if it was not a problem about the permissions on the files because I set:
- /storage/sdcard1/OpenXcom/data
- /storage/sdcard1/OpenXcom/save
- /storage/sdcard1/OpenXcom/conf
and all these directories seem to be read-only because the "New" button does not appear here.
So, I tried to set:
- /storage/sdcard1/OpenXcom/data
- /storage/emulated/0/OpenXcom/save
- /storage/emulated/0/OpenXcom/conf
But I got the same behavior.
Any idea why it happens?
Thank you.
Best regards.