Author Topic: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit  (Read 4200 times)

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[SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit
« on: June 24, 2014, 02:22:11 am »
32) Adrenaline Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit.

Research hours: 320
Manufacturing: $19,200 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $26,880

Effect: The soldier doubles his Time Units, Energy and Health for 3 turns, and then fall unconscious for the rest of the combat. If he returns to the base, he is wounded for 3 days (in addition to his other injuries if he has one).

***** Added 06/22/2014 - Start

Perhaps it would be better if the Adrenaline Kit is an one use item, so the player need to manufacture it continually.
The soldier can use it on himself, or on another soldier.

***** Added 06/22/2014 - End

***** Added 06/23/2014 - Start

Add more possibilities to the OpenXCom engine to have more flexibility for uses of item, and consequences of using them.

I don't know if some of them are already possible.

I will explain this with the Adrenaline Kit as example.

Add the possibilities to:

- be able to set the effects on soldier skills (ex: doubles/adds X soldier Time Units, Energy and Health for X turns; the soldier fall unconscious for X turns/the rest of the combat; can/cannot be revived with Medi-Kit Stimulant before X turns/the rest of the combat). 

- limit the use of Adrenaline Kit to a fixed number of uses on the same soldier (ex: the use of Adrenaline Kit is limited at 1/X use per mission, and to 10/X missions max per soldier during all the same game).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier augments the soldier wounded time at base (first use, soldier wounded for 3 days; second use on the same soldier, soldier wounded for 4 days; third use on the same soldier, soldier wounded for 4 days; etc.).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier reduces his skills at base for the entire game/for a fixed number of days (ex: Reactions skill reduced by 3 points for X days/the rest of the game, Stamina skill reduced by 5 points for X days/the rest of the game, Health skill reduced by 2 points for X days/the rest of the game, etc.).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier (after the primary effect (bonus) dissipated) reduces his skills during combat for X turns/the rest of the combat (ex: Reactions skill reduced by 3/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, Stamina skill reduced by 5/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, Health skill reduced by 2/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, etc.).

All of these can even be different for each soldier depending on his Health/Stamina/Etc. skills.

***** Added 06/23/2014 - End

Cut from this thread on demand for better convenience:

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 12:49:59 pm »
Frankly, adrenaline shots etc. can only be helpful on the battlefield if you're having a heart attack. You body produces enough of that crap on its own!

What you're getting at is some sort of a combat drug, either existing ones (typically amphetamine and similar) or popular sci-fi ones. Which is okay, because this is popular sci-fi.

Still, I think all this mechanics with multipliers is way too removed from the X-Com standard. I would rather suggest the following mechanics:

Activate before the battle (or it'll be a real pain to use)
  • TUs +20
  • Reactions +20
  • Health +20
  • Bravery +40
  • Energy +40
  • Restores all energy (if used during mission instead of before)
  • Psi Skill -100
  • Every turn has 3% chance for Berserk, irrelevant of morale

Cons: Permanent stat loss: 1d6-1 to all these stats:
  • Reactions
  • Firing Accuracy
  • Throwing Accuracy
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 12:52:33 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Online Yankes

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 05:26:00 pm »
stimpack anyone? :>
You could loose 10hp but will have +TU and +Energy form some turns.

Offline Aldorn

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 05:31:43 pm »
Nice idea

+1 for one use item

Offline moriarty

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 10:23:16 pm »
adding the possibility to (temporarily) change stats by either carrying, equipping or using an item would be veeeerrry cool. it would open up the modding world for all sorts of stuff. so yeah, +1, even if it's probably quite difficult to program ;)