So, a combination of the suggested ideas in the thread.

Red arrow over selected soldier when he is injured (Fatal Wounds). Yes!

Colored icons depending the situation. Great idea!

I added orange color to differentiate conscious/unconscious; and 2 "two states" buttons (with top/down direction arrows) to hide/show the "squares".
- Black square - soldier died in the last round (can already the engine focus the screen to dead tile?) --> left click focuses the screen to position.
- Grey square - soldier died in the second to last round --> left click focuses the screen to position.
- Orange square - soldier is injured but conscious (Medi-Kit needed) --> left click focuses the screen to position.
- Red square - soldier is injured and unconscious (Medi-Kit needed) --> left click focuses the screen to position.
- Purple square - soldier is mind controlled --> left click focuses the screen to last known position, or to the position if the soldier is visible by another soldier.
- Yellow square - soldier is panicked/berserk --> left click focuses the screen to position.
- Arrow squares - allows to Hide/Show the XCom/Alien units squares for the current turn (for better visibility), automatically set to "Show" next turn.

Info about Fatal Wounds are displayed alternatively in the Control Bar (to avoid display problem for soldier with more than 99 Health points).

And, the mouse cursor arrow flashes from yellow to red when at least 1 soldier has Fatal Wounds (for players that don't look at every soldier every turn).

All of these can be set by the player for his playstyle and his convenience in option screen window:
Battlescape Screen.
-> Infos displayed on screen.
-> -> Red arrow over selected wounded soldier - "YES" - "NO"
-> -> Colored squares for states of soldiers - "YES" - "NO"
-> -> etc.
And with these options... [SUGGESTION-UNCUT][#040] Combat - Windows about wounded and unconscious soldiers [SUGGESTION-UNCUT][#041] Display infos when mouse cursor over XCom/Alien/Civilian
...everyone should be able to heal wounded soldiers before they die.