
Author Topic: Some suggestions and ideas  (Read 16806 times)

Offline Unknown Hero

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2014, 04:31:27 am »
Thanks to all for your feedback.

@Solarius Scorch

24) Soldier Inventory screen.

Add infos in the soldier Inventory screen.

Red squares with dots show primed grenades and explosives (Smoke Grenade, Grenade and High Explosive in the inventory; Smoke Grenade on the ground (only red dot)).

I would rather stick to the red dot everywhere to indicate that a grenade is primed. This is partially for visual consistency, but also because I have a perhaps better idea for red rectangles in the inventory: when dragging equipment, the red rectangle around an empty equipment slot could indicate that there is not enough TUs to move the object to this particular slot.

I don't like coloured dots much, I think it's too much information. Plus, making it look good would be hard.

Originaly, I just wanted to put red dots on the screen, but I thought it was not visible enough for the explanation, so I added the red squares.
But remember the images are for explanation only; the goal is to have visual infos, thus the player do not need to click everywhere on the screen to have infos.
Colored dots are easy for explanation and are easy to implement, and this can be done another way.

If you think there is too much infos on the screen, perhaps all the additional infos (compared to original XCom) should remain optionnal (exept some non-invasive) so that each player can adjust the UI to his playstyle.

Screen 001:
display this info --> YES
display this info --> YES
display this info --> NO

Personally, I prefer direct visual infos instead of the need to click everywhere, and some needed infos are not accessible from some screens.
I don't like fighting the UI.

I like the idea of red rectangles in the inventory when dragging equipment with not enough TUs.



You could perhaps update your first message too

I tried but the post reached the limit of 20,000 characters ;)

24) Not convinced

25) I do not know what to think about the colored dots, I like the efficiency but dislike the look, anyway a good idea to explore, and certainly improve step by step

28) Yes, but gray instead of red

The efficiency is the goal, the look can be adapted; as I said dots are easy for explanation and the red color more visible.

EDIT : or perhaps create a topic for each suggestion

There are already 29 points, and all in the same post seems more convenient to find them.

EDIT2 : could it be that you are paid by a concurrent site, just to downraise morale of our dear SupSuper ?

Do you have a Medi-kit with Pain Killer and Stimulant for him? ;)


Some more ideas :D

30) High Explosive Remote Trigger.

Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 25% per use.
Cost: $200
Sell Price: $160

In the soldier Inventory, right click on the High Explosive opens the Set Timer window.

Left click on the "Set Timer" text window area makes the High Explosive to go into Remode Control mode.
Left click on any number (doesn't matter) to exit the window.

From now the High Explosive can be remote triggered with the High Explosive Remote Trigger.

When used during combat, the High Explosive Remote Trigger activates all the High Explosives into Remode Control mode (there is no selection possible to activate only one or a specific High Explosive, even those carried by others soldiers are triggered, so beware, and especially with alien psionic controlled soldiers).

The standard use is:
set the High Explosive in Remote Control mode,
throw it or put it on the ground,
move away,
use the High Explosive Remote Trigger.

The player can also throw or put on the ground several High Explosives, and then use the High Explosive Remote Trigger to trigger them all.

The High Explosive Remote Trigger is not linked to a specific High Explosive, thus the XCom squad can have more than one High Explosive Remote Trigger to trigger the High Explosives.


Perhaps a more advanced version can also be done.
The player also have to set a channel (Channel 01, Channel 02, Channel 03, Channel 04) when he set the High Explosive in remote control mode.
And then, he can select which High Explosives to trigger depending on the selected channel on the High Explosive Remote Trigger.

And perhaps also, a more advanced version for the Proximity Grenade.
The Proximity Grenade can also be set to a channel, and when one Proximity Grenade is activated by an alien, all the Proximity Grenades on the same channel explodes.


31) Anti-Psionic equipment.


31a) Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade.

Power: 60 (Smoke)
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
Priming: 50%
Throwing: 25%
Visual effect: yellowish smoke.

Research needed: live Sectoid Leader/Commander or any rank live Ethereal, live Sectoid Medic.

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $2500 for parts, 160 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $3,750

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 15% (85% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
Just like the Smoke Grenade, the effect is reduced with time (less smoke) and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).
Affects only XCom soldiers without Power Suit or Flying Suit, Civilians can be affected, Aliens cannot be affected.

Not very efficient, but can improve troop morale and save some lives, and always better than nothing.


31b) Anti-Psionic Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, live Sectoid Leader/Commander or any rank live Ethereal, live Sectoid Medic.

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $25,000 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $35,000

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 30% (70% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
The effect is also reduced with time and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).

More efficient that an Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade but affects only one soldier, and cannot be cumulated with the Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade effect.


31c) Anti-Psionic Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Power Suit, Psi-Amp.

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $508,000 for parts, 3720 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 9
Sell Price: $985,500

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


31d) Anti-Psionic Flying Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Flying Suit, Psi-Amp.

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $540,000 for parts, 4120 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 20
Sell Price: $1,026,000

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


Note: The Anti-Psionic Kit effect can also be cumulated with Anti-Psionic Suit/Flying Suit effect, and thus reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 95%!! (at least for one turn).

***** Added 06/23/2014 - Start

Changes based and inspired by the Raidau topic (great idea!):

Topic: [BETA] Alternative psionics (hardcore, introducing a new resource) new version


Synthetic Psioline.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Psioline, live Sectoid Medic.

Research hours: 480

Knowledge needed to research Synthetized Psioline to allow the manufacture of basic Anti-Psionic equipments.
The Synthetic Psioline is not as powerful that extracted natural Psioline, it only permit the manufacture of less efficient Anti-Psionic equipments.


Synthetized Psioline.

Research needed: Synthetic Psioline.

Research hours: 360
Manufacturing: $21,600 for parts, 340 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $30,240

Part needed to manufacture basic Anti-Psionic equipments (Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade, Anti-Psionic Kit).


31a) Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade.

Power: 60 (Smoke)
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
Priming: 50%
Throwing: 25%
Visual effect: yellowish smoke.

Research needed: Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $2,500 for parts, 160 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 1 unit of Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $33,990  <-- *** Changes ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 15% (85% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
Just like the Smoke Grenade, the effect is reduced with time (less smoke) and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).
Affects only XCom soldiers without Power Suit or Flying Suit, Civilians can be affected, Aliens cannot be affected.

Not very efficient, but can improve troop morale and save some lives, and always better than nothing.


31b) Anti-Psionic Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $25,000 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 1 unit of Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $65,240  <-- *** Changes ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 30% (70% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
The effect is also reduced with time and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).

More efficient that an Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade but affects only one soldier, and cannot be cumulated with the Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade effect.


31c) Anti-Psionic Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Power Suit, Psi-Amp, Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $508,000 for parts, 3720 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 2 units of Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 9
Sell Price: $985,500 <-- *** to be adjusted ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


31d) Anti-Psionic Flying Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Flying Suit, Psi-Amp, Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $540,000 for parts, 4120 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 2 units of Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 20
Sell Price: $1,026,000 <-- *** to be adjusted ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


Note: The Anti-Psionic Kit effect can also be cumulated with Anti-Psionic Suit/Flying Suit effect, and thus reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 95%!! (at least for one turn).

***** Added 06/23/2014 - End


32) Adrenaline Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit.

Research hours: 320
Manufacturing: $19,200 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $26,880

Effect: The soldier doubles his Time Units, Energy and Health for 3 turns, and then fall unconscious for the rest of the combat. If he returns to the base, he is wounded for 3 days (in addition to his other injuries if he has one).

***** Added 06/22/2014 - Start

Perhaps it would be better if the Adrenaline Kit is an one use item, so the player need to manufacture it continually.
The soldier can use it on himself, or on another soldier.

***** Added 06/22/2014 - End

***** Added 06/23/2014 - Start

Add more possibilities to the OpenXCom engine to have more flexibility for uses of item, and consequences of using them.

I don't know if some of them are already possible.

I will explain this with the Adrenaline Kit as example.

Add the possibilities to:

- be able to set the effects on soldier skills (ex: doubles/adds X soldier Time Units, Energy and Health for X turns; the soldier fall unconscious for X turns/the rest of the combat; can/cannot be revived with Medi-Kit Stimulant before X turns/the rest of the combat). 

- limit the use of Adrenaline Kit to a fixed number of uses on the same soldier (ex: the use of Adrenaline Kit is limited at 1/X use per mission, and to 10/X missions max per soldier during all the same game).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier augments the soldier wounded time at base (first use, soldier wounded for 3 days; second use on the same soldier, soldier wounded for 4 days; third use on the same soldier, soldier wounded for 4 days; etc.).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier reduces his skills at base for the entire game/for a fixed number of days (ex: Reactions skill reduced by 3 points for X days/the rest of the game, Stamina skill reduced by 5 points for X days/the rest of the game, Health skill reduced by 2 points for X days/the rest of the game, etc.).

- each use of an Adrenaline Kit on a soldier (after the primary effect (bonus) dissipated) reduces his skills during combat for X turns/the rest of the combat (ex: Reactions skill reduced by 3/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, Stamina skill reduced by 5/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, Health skill reduced by 2/X points for X turns/the rest of the combat, etc.).

All of these can even be different for each soldier depending on his Health/Stamina/Etc. skills.

***** Added 06/23/2014 - End



Damn I thought the X-Com UI was complex before, but this is really taking it to the next level. :o

Do you want an Adrenaline Kit?

But don't abuse it!  ;D
« Last Edit: June 24, 2014, 02:22:28 am by Unknown Hero »

Offline Aldorn

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2014, 12:18:22 pm »
31) => Have a look at THIS THREAD, there are nice other ideas about anti-psionic theory
I like the idea of the psioline, extracted from alien corpses
And this PSIONIC PERSONAL ARMOR is exactly what you propose for power and flying suits
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 12:28:46 pm by Aldorn »


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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2014, 02:28:19 pm »
Neat ones, glad tomsee them as options, not mods ;)

Offline redrat9595

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2014, 01:02:51 am »
Posted this two days ago but it didn't show up...? Probably my own fault, but it lets me reply to all the new stuff so whatever.

I really like a lot of these; the biggest issue I see is how small that scroll bar in the advanced options menu is going to be if we add them (because some of these really need to be options, whether I'd be okay with them going straight in or not).

1. Like it a lot, but I'm feeling some immersion issues here. Gray would be better, I think, at least for the actual Battlescape.
3. Please make this happen. Please. It would probably shorten a campaign's time by like two hours cumulatively.
4. Great up until the alien ID point. They're just motion scanners; they aren't supposed to know anything else. I think the other features could make it a bit OP, but I'd definitely start using it for once if these were available.
5. Write it as 15/2 and you have my vote. The slash provides necessary clarity, I think.
6. A good portion of the names are too long to fit them and the "(injured unit)," especially in some of the other languages. The unit being healed could get a blank rank slot (like a tank would) or some similar indicator during the healing process.
7. That could run clear up the side of the screen pretty quickly. A hotkey for toggling it on and off would be necessary for this, similar to the "Toggle Personal Lighting" button (it's under controls in the options menu if you don't know).
8/9. Please. It could be integrated directly into the list that's already there. It's the only reason I still have to keep scrap paper nearby.
12. The weight and TU stuff would be great, even though I have most of it memorized at this point.
15. Yeah, I like this. I've always felt a bit cheated by the huge wounded times when there are kits on board.  I think the conclusion that was arrived at on most of the old X-COM forums was that it was the craft travel time that made the fatal wounds become more wait time. But if the kits are right there, and missions take practically no time as far as the Geoscape is concerned, patch everyone up on the way out!
16. Don't know if they'll use it, but you could certainly give it to them with a very simple deployment ruleset.
17. I know there's a hotkey for it, but I would love this so much. I actually tried when I first started playing OXC, hoping it was one of those unlisted features.
23. Day/night indicator would be nice.
24. The unloading and switching ammunition things would be great. Primed indicators would also be nice. Instead of text for ammunition type, you could also have dots for the weapons (red for HE, orange for IN, blue for AP, gray for smoke, purple for stun...).
25. I like where your head's at, but I think this one is a bit too much (even though I just proposed a dot system for ammunition. :P).
28/29. These would be great. I think unresearched list items should be a gray or something to fit the color scheme.
32. I was going to leave the mod stuff alone, but this one could be really fun (especially if percentages for firing were taken from original TU value and accuracy was lowered).

I'd like to propose one of my own, now (attached). Having to go multiple screens over to reorder a bunch of rookies that are going to die anyway can get a bit annoying. As such, an inventory button added to the Select Squad page would be really nice.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2014, 01:05:00 am by redrat9595 »

Offline darkestaxe

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2014, 10:13:19 pm »
There are some really great ideas here, but could we break them up?

It's this huge wall of proposals. Maybe if they were categorized it would help.

Hovering base facilities should do a ratio (Living Quarters: 2/3 used, 83/150 personnel)

Offline Unknown Hero

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2014, 02:21:13 am »
@ Aldorn

Great thread!  :)

Yes, a really great idea.

I like the Psioline concept and that Psioline must be extracted from LIVE psionic aliens.  ;)

But I don't like to much the 100% immunity against psi attacks (personal armor, power suit, flying suit), too categorical.
This is why I used the percentages of reduction in my proposal 31) Anti-Psionic equipment.

Don't know if the OpenXcom engine can already support % reduction for alien Psi Attack instead of artificially augment the soldier Psi Strength.

At first, I wanted it to be necessary to use parts (1 Medi-Kit, 1 Mind Probe, 1 Power/Flying Suit, 1 Psi-Amp) to produce an Anti-Psionic Power/Flying Suit, but then I thought it would be easier to integrate them directly during the manufacturing process as they can all be manufactured (hence their high costs and required research).
This is also why I had not integrated the Personal Armor in my proposal, too easy to get.

But with the Psioline concept, and Psioline extraction, why not.

From Raidau:

"The most effective usage for psi-armor is equipping your trained veterans who ocassionally have low psi-strength."

This was exactly my goal, sometimes you have great soldiers but they have poor Psi Strength.  :)


Yes, the 'psioline' colored armor by clownagent is well done.


I'll add Synthetic Psioline to my proposal to allow the manufacture of the Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade and the Anti-Psionic Kit equipments.


@ redrat9595

Posted this two days ago but it didn't show up...?


1. Like it a lot, but I'm feeling some immersion issues here. Gray would be better, I think, at least for the actual Battlescape.
5. Write it as 15/2 and you have my vote. The slash provides necessary clarity, I think.
6. A good portion of the names are too long to fit them and the "(injured unit)," especially in some of the other languages. The unit being healed could get a blank rank slot (like a tank would) or some similar indicator during the healing process.
28/29. These would be great. I think unresearched list items should be a gray or something to fit the color scheme.

As I said before, the images are for explanation only.
The colors, symboles, icons, texts, etc. can be changed; the goal is to have visual information and a convenient UI to use.

3. Please make this happen. Please. It would probably shorten a campaign's time by like two hours cumulatively.

This is completely beyond my control, I am not a programmer, I will only make suggestions and submit ideas.  :)

4. Great up until the alien ID point. They're just motion scanners; they aren't supposed to know anything else. I think the other features could make it a bit OP, but I'd definitely start using it for once if these were available.

I think there is a great difference between a Muton and a Celatid, the volume (cm3) is not really the same,  :D  thus the signal received is quite different and can be easily decoded by the Motion Scanner; and it only gives infos about the life form, the player need a Mind Probe (another underrated equipment) to have infos about rank, unit state and weapons.
Also, look at this big display unused.  :)
I don't think they are too OP, some are for player convenience use (direct access to the Minimap); and the Remote Scanner Probe need TUs for use (to activate and throw it) and it's only infos about aliens (it's a good tactic to have infos), you still need to kill them.
Also it can be really fun to use it, and in any case it should be an option, freedom to the players to use it or not.  :)

7. That could run clear up the side of the screen pretty quickly. A hotkey for toggling it on and off would be necessary for this, similar to the "Toggle Personal Lighting" button (it's under controls in the options menu if you don't know).

I really don't think so. There rarely would have more than, how many?, 10 aliens seen by all soldiers at the same time.

8/9. Please. It could be integrated directly into the list that's already there. It's the only reason I still have to keep scrap paper nearby.

So you are also using pencil and paper.  It's annoying isn't it?  :D

12. The weight and TU stuff would be great, even though I have most of it memorized at this point.

Think for new players.  :)

15. Yeah, I like this. I've always felt a bit cheated by the huge wounded times when there are kits on board.

This was exactly my point, there is a great difference between a soldier wounded for 45 days and a soldier wounded for 7 days.  ;)

16. Don't know if they'll use it, but you could certainly give it to them with a very simple deployment ruleset.

I think the AI need some tweaks here, as it's quite easy to fight them in close combat.

17. I know there's a hotkey for it, but I would love this so much. I actually tried when I first started playing OXC, hoping it was one of those unlisted features.

I would play the game only with the mouse, and tried to right click on this button so many times.  ;)

23. Day/night indicator would be nice.

I would say essential, sometimes the limit between night and day is very thin "It's surely Day time, Oh no, it's dark everywhere".  :)

24. The unloading and switching ammunition things would be great. Primed indicators would also be nice. Instead of text for ammunition type, you could also have dots for the weapons (red for HE, orange for IN, blue for AP, gray for smoke, purple for stun...).

Some players seems to not like colored dots.  ;D

25. I like where your head's at, but I think this one is a bit too much (even though I just proposed a dot system for ammunition. :P).

I get tired to click everywhere on all the buttons, it' a reel pain with several bases, whereas a visual information would be much more efficient. This may also be a screen option.

32. I was going to leave the mod stuff alone, but this one could be really fun (especially if percentages for firing were taken from original TU value and accuracy was lowered).

Yes, some nice new tactics to test, with some decisions to make during combat concerning future penalties for soldiers. Definitively a lot of fun to use.  ;D
And I have already planned to add several options for this one later.  8)

I'd like to propose one of my own, now (attached). Having to go multiple screens over to reorder a bunch of rookies that are going to die anyway can get a bit annoying. As such, an inventory button added to the Select Squad page would be really nice.

Definitively, nice to have, make a game request for it.

A lot more can be done with the UI, but is that programmers will survive???  :D

But don't be so rude with your rookies, use the Motion Scanner.  ;)


@ darkestaxe

There are some really great ideas here, but could we break them up?

It's this huge wall of proposals. Maybe if they were categorized it would help.

Thanks. This literally would flood the Suggestions forum.

I have already make separate requests in the OpenXcom wishlist:
I don't know if it's redundant with this forum.

Hovering base facilities should do a ratio (Living Quarters: 2/3 used, 83/150 personnel)

Good idea.

Offline CoolKid

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2014, 07:34:56 am »
OMG! That's a lot of text! :o. Are you a journalist? ;D.

It seems most of your suggestions mainly for user/beginner friendly interface. So much details. And that's great. But most of old games are very complex and it's far from beginner friendliness but it also the main attraction for people who likes old games because it's interesting and superfun.

My point is: "is it necessary to put that much details?". I think the current OXC is easy enough to understand "how to play" for most people.

This all just my personal opinion :).

Anyway, I really want those mark for primed grenade and throwing icon/tooltips where it's possible or not to throw.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 07:38:46 am by CoolKid »

Offline Aldorn

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2014, 09:36:29 am »
My point is: "is it necessary to put that much details?". I think the current OXC is easy enough to understand "how to play" for most people.
Having some/most of them as options...

We like so much options...  8)

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2014, 06:50:12 pm »
@ CoolKid

It seems most of your suggestions mainly for user/beginner friendly interface. So much details. And that's great. But most of old games are very complex and it's far from beginner friendliness but it also the main attraction for people who likes old games because it's interesting and superfun.

A complex game doesn't necessarily mean a pain to use UI.  :)
The more complex a game is, the more convenient and easy to use the UI should be.

And a convenient UI does not remove anything to the game complexity, and the game will remain interesting and fun.  :D

The player should concentrate on fighting aliens, not fighting the UI.  ;)

My point is: "is it necessary to put that much details?". I think the current OXC is easy enough to understand "how to play" for most people.

These are not really "details", the goal is a more friendly UI.
the player has to select a grenade to know if it's primed,
the player has to select a weapon to know if it's loaded,
the player has to select a weapon to know the ammo type,

This is a lot of clicks, even more with a lot of soldiers to check.
Just display visually all these infos, no need for clicking, just look at the screen.  :D

The same for the bases, the player has to check research, manufacture, crafts, etc. for all bases clicking many times on buttons to check these, to know if action are needed, ...just show it.  :D

Anyway, I really want those mark for primed grenade and throwing icon/tooltips where it's possible or not to throw.

All players will prefer to play the game differently, you choose this, another will prefer something else, etc.  :)
As the game has great possibilities for modding and experiments (that's great), therefore addings should be the most possible optional.


@ Aldorn

Having some/most of them as options...

We like so much options...  8)

Yeah, options is the way to go.  ;D

Offline Falko

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2014, 07:35:40 pm »
i will not go through everithing
unfortnatelly you put a lot of suggestions in one point so everithing i do not talk about i dont care about
"HE" and "AP" seems to work but where do you get these strings?
what about ICENDARY ROCKET,  ALIEN ALLOY SHUTGUN CLIP ...  and depending on langugae they go over the armor and possiblei over other itemslots
grenades i would like to see a number in the corner (similar to itemscreen) "-" not primed, 0,1,... turns the grenade has left
the display of such additional information should be controlled by hotkey if i press "shift" i see more info then they can show the normal name

grenades is primesd .. just use the same mechanic as "nr of bullets" to show remaining turns/"-" - can you unprime grenades?

unloading with both hands full could be made if a rule like if TU>=(unloadTU+max(inv->ground for all inv)) so you can at least drop the item - if TU is less use the old mechanic

i dont like automatic ammoswitch .. that leads to the logic tries to be smarter than me ..
now 7 clicks: 2 clicks to free your second hand, 2 click weapn drop on unload, 3 clicks move ammo1 from hand to ammo2 and put ammo2 in weapon=
if the above is implemented switching a rocket are 4 click
the aitomatic version would be 2 clicks.. but 7=>4 clicks is enough imho

a lot of dots i dont care about
red coloring items has that are not researched some logic issues
e.g  you can research a leader before you researched alien origins
is the leader now red or not.. will it become red later if you got the requisites...
what about mods that add items that are not usable for you (requires: STR_ALIEN_ONLY)
ok +1 (especcialy for stores)
i just want the option ammunition for psi (and mindprobe?) and/or itemreplacment the rest one can mod )

in regard to options
yeah put up more option but first make subpages
if the optionspage scrolls longer then 10 pages its useless
on second thought not more options!
Spoilerat least not for every little UI-thing:
red dots on gerenades in inventory YES/NO
red square an weapons YES/NO
show amunnition name  always/hotkey/NO
indicate day night in inventory YES/NO
show ufo info in battle start display YES/NO
enable easier unloading YES/NO
dot "A" in base YES/NO
dot "B" in base YES/NO
dot "C" in base YES/NO
dot "D" in base YES/NO

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2014, 10:29:05 pm »
@ Falko

i will not go through everithing
unfortnatelly you put a lot of suggestions in one point so everithing i do not talk about i dont care about

My fault, I had less suggestions at start and they grew slowly.  :)
I will certainly split the OP to separated threads when I have some time, be prepared for the flooding.

"HE" and "AP" seems to work but where do you get these strings?
what about ICENDARY ROCKET,  ALIEN ALLOY SHUTGUN CLIP ...  and depending on langugae they go over the armor and possiblei over other itemslots
grenades i would like to see a number in the corner (similar to itemscreen) "-" not primed, 0,1,... turns the grenade has left
the display of such additional information should be controlled by hotkey if i press "shift" i see more info then they can show the normal name

This is only graphic stuff, no strings used. Only for explanation, it's better to explain with images.

A picture is worth a thousand clicks words, ...with visual infos, just look at the image.  :D

I am not a programmer, and I don't know how rulesets work for the time being; perhaps I would try to understand how they work, but later, much later.  :-\

"-" not primed, 0,1

Like this idea, the more visual infos, the better.

the display of such additional information should be controlled by hotkey if i press "shift" i see more info then they can show the normal name

I would prefer a permanent state for the infos displayed on the screen (so each player can play his way, (standard infos displayed/advanced infos displayed) instead of the need to use the keyboard.
I prefer to only use the mouse when I play a game.

A small button somewhere on the screen (even if this button is only visible when mouse over) to toggle on/off all the additional infos displayed, and the player can select which infos he want displayed on each screen in the options screen.

This way everyone is happy.  :)

can you unprime grenades?

A grenade can be unprimed at base, or during equipment base before combat, but not during combat; you can only prime it, and then throw it.
I wish it could be unprimed during combat; sometimes I prime a grenage with a soldier and he has not enough TUs to throw it, and the next turn, I don't need it anymore (quite dangerous).
Perhaps a feature request to be suggested.  8)

unloading with both hands full could be made if a rule like if TU>=(unloadTU+max(inv->ground for all inv)) so you can at least drop the item - if TU is less use the old mechanic

Certainly, the goal is to make it works.  :)

i dont like automatic ammoswitch .. that leads to the logic tries to be smarter than me ..
now 7 clicks: 2 clicks to free your second hand, 2 click weapn drop on unload, 3 clicks move ammo1 from hand to ammo2 and put ammo2 in weapon=
if the above is implemented switching a rocket are 4 click
the aitomatic version would be 2 clicks.. but 7=>4 clicks is enough imho

Seems you love to click on the screen.  ;D

For me the less clicks, the better.

Also why force the player to use a way instead of another?

If his instinct told him to load the weapon directly without going through all phases, let do it that way.

Some players will use a way others will use other ways, their choices.

a lot of dots i dont care about

Your choice, not everyone choice.  :)

red coloring items has that are not researched some logic issues
e.g  you can research a leader before you researched alien origins
is the leader now red or not.. will it become red later if you got the requisites...
what about mods that add items that are not usable for you (requires: STR_ALIEN_ONLY)

Don't understand your viewpoint, if you need a Leader (for whatever research) you need a Leader.  :D

i just want the option ammunition for psi (and mindprobe?) and/or itemreplacment the rest one can mod )

Quoting myself:

"Don't know if the OpenXcom engine can already support % reduction for alien Psi Attack instead of artificially augment the soldier Psi Strength."


Yes, the possibility to choose the displayed infos on the screens.  ;)


Added 06/27/2014 - Start

Links to separate threads for better convenience: --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#001] Combat area border --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#002] Soldier, kneeled or not kneeled? --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#003] Grenade, to throw or not to throw? --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#004] Motion Scanner without pencil and paper --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#005] Why are you dead? (Fatal Wounds) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#006] Medi-Kit - Is this enough? --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#007] But where are they? (Aliens location) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#008] Directly recrute soldiers after mission --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#009] Directly buy missing equipments after mission --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#010] Same order to all your interception crafts, quickly --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#011] "Select Armor" screen --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#012] UI enhancement - Infos - Soldier Inventory Screen - 01 --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#013] Free place for psionic training (display a window) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#014] Soldier improved at psionic training (display a window) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#015] Auto heal for all wounded soldiers ("Auto-end battle" on) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#016] Plasma Pistol, aliens Blaster Launcher (close combat) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#017] Right click to reverse soldiers selection (Control Bar) --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#018] UI enhancement - Soldier Inventory Screen - 02 --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#019] Interceptor behavior change --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#020 #021 #022] New missions type - Rescue - Ambush --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#023] Landing/Crash Site windows --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#024] UI enhancement - Infos - Soldier Inventory screen - 03 --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#025] UI enhancement - Infos - Base screen - 01 --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#026] Soldier List screen - free places at Psi-lab --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#027] Research screen - available projects to research --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#028] Can I sell this stuff? - Sell Items/Sack Personnel screen --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#029] UI enhancement - Infos - Base screen - 02 --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#030] New Equipment - High Explosive Remote Trigger --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment --> [SUGGESTION-CUT][#032] New Equipment - Adrenaline Kit

Added 06/27/2014 - End
« Last Edit: July 02, 2014, 08:56:13 pm by Unknown Hero »

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Re: Some suggestions and ideas
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2014, 03:04:54 am »
I like a lot of the ideas, but i think it gets to a point of info overload :0

i think maybe having some info available is great and access to different parts of the system is great but you also want to keep things somewhat cohesive so that the player knows where to go if they need something.