My advice for recording the tracks would be:
- Record the intro with sound effects disabled.
- Start a New Game, shoot down a UFO, go to the crash site and abort. This alone should get you the Main Menu music, Geoscape 1 music, Interception music, Briefing music, Battlescape music, Debriefing music and Geoscape Music 2.
- To record the Lose Game music, just sit on your ass until you inevitably lose.

- Get a late-game save like the one
found here. This should let you get the Base Attack Briefing music if you wait around, or send a craft to Cydonia to get the Mars Briefing music. To get the Win Game music you probably have to actually beat it though.

Does it just round-robin between the two, even across savegames, or will it _always_ start with GMGEO1 on a New Game? I'm picking at nits here, but I want to do this as correctly as possible.
From what I could tell from testing, the Geoscape track variation is kinda crazy:
- First time you start a game it will always play GMGEO1.
- Loading a game from the Geoscape has no effect, the last track will keep playing.
- Loading a game from the
Main Menu, it plays GMGEO1 if the save slot is odd, and GMGEO2 if the save slot is even.
- Tactical battles seem to switch to GMGEO2, while interceptions switch to GMGEO1.
Note that this only applies to UFO. TFTD has many more track variations, so they're probably actually random.