- Can I make a weapon do multiple types of damage at once?
enabling melee with a normal weapon -> melee attack stuns the nomal aattack makes the rul-defined damage the other obvious way is of course different ammunition
- Do the custom explosion sizes actually work? The wiki said something about them being limited/broken?
i created a explosion that leveled >80% of the map see
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2060.msg20098#msg20098 and there is an explanation that power+blastradius play together during an explosion
- I heard somewhere that the new git version allows you to link a bullet's sprite to its magazine/clip, how would I do that?
dont know
- Is there a damage falloff over range setting?
in a way: enable the ufo-extender-accuracy option you get less hits if they are far away
- What happens if 2 extrasprite/extrasound entries share a number?
i dont know you could try the pirates mod
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1898.0there is such an entry:
83: Resources/Piratez/FLOOROB/FloorBarrel.gif
83: Resources/Piratez/FLOOROB/FloorDynamite.gif
- Is there a limit to the number of ammo types for a weapon?
as far as i know no there is not
- How do I remove an entry, like say STR_PISTOL_CLIP?
but it is prefered to do
costBuy: 0
- Can stun damage kill?
no if you enable alien bleeding and stun a injured alien he bleeds out but stun itdelf does not injure
- What happens if you give a bullet the High Explosive damagetype but no explosions, would it just apply its damage through that type?
how do you "give explosion" - hitAnimation is zeo for all HE weapons?