Author Topic: [RACES] TFTD and others.  (Read 6942 times)

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[RACES] TFTD and others.
« on: May 30, 2014, 12:29:44 pm »
Just something I had on my HD for a long time. I could not do more as my health ain't too good atm, sry.

What does this mod do?

-Adds most TFTD races/units
-Adds some more custom races, like Human traitors, Elite Mutons, Elite Sectoids with new graphics
-Adds some custom enemy units, e.g. a new Sectopod


-The mod is an old (and initially private-use only) "skeleton" mod which could use some more work. It will/should work correctly, though. Atm I am in no state to go any further with this mod, feel free to take it and complete/finish it.
-Adding the races was done in a simplified way, so most races will not have a medic/engineer/leader. I had to cut corners here, because it would have been too much work for me alone, especially with my current low health status.
-The races are stronger/better than the default X-Com races with the Sectoid Elders maybe being the strongest X-Com enemies you ever encountered. Feel free to lower their stats if you feel that they are too strong. The TFTD races stats are modeled mostly after the original stats but I took some liberties here.
-There are no new corpses and/or ufopaedia screens, I added some basic generic researches, though. (the mod was done before it became possible to add live units without researches.)
-Sorry about the mess with the many sub-folders and their names, initially the mod was a private one and never meant to be released, it shows here.
-The new add-on-Sectopod is fielded by the Sectoid Elders. (see side-note*)
-The Chryssalid Commander uses weapons, but they do not show up properly.
-Use the Line-of-sight option for PSI attacks found in the default mods/options if the Sectoid Elders feel too strong.
-I used this mod for quite a while and could not find any major bugs, but nobody is perfect. If you find a bug, please report it in the corresponding thread. I am not sure If I myself can correct them right now (this readme was hard enough to write for me atm), but maybe someone else will take over for me?
-The mod should be compatible with all other mods and replaces nothing. It maybe overwrites one inventory screen if you have the alieninventory mod installed, but don't fear, the files are identical. I merely added it in case you do not have that mod.
-The Tentaculats do NOT turn their victims into zombies/tentaculats, they "only" kill them.


IMHO the original game idea was (initially) clearly the same (Sectopod fielded with Sectoids, the names, the colors AND the weapon stats of the units clearly indicate that) so I added it this way. If you don't believe me take a look at the mechtoid found in the 2012 X-Com game and draw your own conclusions. The Cyberdisc was surely meant to be the Ethereal's terror unit. I guess Microprose changed that before the first release because they realized that a race without flying units would be very weak against soldiers with flying armor. Just take a look at the Snakeman and the Chryssalid, they have big problems if your troops have flying suits. This also explains why the Cyberdisc is WAY too strong at the (original) game start right now, it simply was never meant to be fielded by the aliens that early.


Several mods and resources were used for this mod, basically I only made the ruleset, added some sounds and graphics and other things.
Mods used (I thank the original mod makers and all credits belong to them):
-TFTD_to_UFO mod for the original X-Com found on Strategycore. I don't know atm who made it, there is no name to be found in the source file.
-AlienInventoryMod. Again, there was no name to be found in the source file.
-Recolored Battle-Sprites Resource file. Again, no name in the source file.
-The MixedRaces-Mod provided the basic ruleset and I simply added the new stuff to it. Thanks to whoever made it (can't look at I am offline)

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Re: [RACES] TFTD and others.
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2014, 05:56:42 am »
I gotta try this one soon. I've been waiting for something like this!! I hope we can figure out what is and isn't compatible. Compatibility with other mods is probably gonna be a big thing after 1.0.


Offline Sectoid_Soldier

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Re: [RACES] TFTD and others.
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2014, 09:07:41 am »
Cool, TFTD races in XCOM.

Thanks, dude!

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [RACES] TFTD and others.
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2014, 05:18:05 pm »
Looks like I'll have to rethink my mods using your recoloured TFTD sprites. ;)

It looks great! I'll certainly have a very, very close look at this mod... :)