Author Topic: [ENEMIES] Men in Black 4.5 | Cover 2.3.2 | Gazer 1.9.1 | Anthropod 1.5.2  (Read 181901 times)

Offline guille1434

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Yes, Solarius, please do!  :D

Offline Aldorn

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As I heard performance was better using unique files instead of folders containing many unitary sprites (I mean for spriteSheets, handobs, ...), I did convert them while integrating your stuff for my own use
In case it maybe useful, I attached the converted files

I did not tested it yet, but I used this method for all other stuff I integrated, so there is no visible reason that it would not work this time (in any case, do not lose your original folders !)

To do this :
- first I used Falko's Python script (thanks Falko) to convert from GIF to PNG
- then I used Falko's web link (thanks again dude) to convert a folder to a unique file respecting the number of sheets, that is to say 80/96/272
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 09:34:18 pm by Aldorn »

Offline robin

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As I heard performance was better using unique files instead of folders containing many unitary sprites (I mean for spriteSheets, handobs, ...), I did convert them while integrating your stuff for my own use
In case it maybe useful, I attached the converted files

I did not tested it yet, but I used this method for all other stuff I integrated, so there is no visible reason that it would not work this time (in any case, do not lose your original folders !)

To do this :
- first I used Falko's Python script (thanks Falko) to convert from GIF to PNG
- then I used Falko's web link (thanks again dude) to convert a folder to a unique file respecting the number of sheets, that is to say 80/96/272
I know about Falkos's amazing tools. But for now I'll keep them separated, it's more convenient to me to have them like that and also: laziness.
(For my WIP mod on the other hand I'm going to merge them, since there're many, many more sprites and the impact on performance is significant. This only when everything will be complete though, all "0.x" version will likely have everything separated).
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 09:37:30 pm by robin »

Offline Aldorn

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I have a remark, I am not sure if it's vaulable but I prefer to mention it just in case *
I already met some issues using a same sound file for many "destinations"
Also, while integrating your mod, I prefered to duplicate hitSound and fireSound wav files in order to assign one (also two in fact) per spitter type

Thanks for this new alien and its terrorist  :)

* : I mention it in case you would meet any issue in the future, as this could be a potential cause

Offline ThatDude

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I noticed while playing with the anthropods mod that, 1: Spitter autopsy isn't researchable 2: STR_SPITTER_NAKED_TERRORISTS (and plenty of other spitter variations) have no extraStrings so they're just flat out called STR_SPITTER_NAKEDs. Those are the only two problems I really found with the Anthropods mod, i'll report any more that I discover as I play the game, thank you for your time.

Offline robin

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Everything should (should) be fixed.

Offline LeBashar

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I have notice there isn't french trad in MiB mod 3.8 so I have made one when working one compatibility mod with my one. here it is if it can be usefull :
Code: [Select]
- type: fr
      STR_MIB: Men In Black
      STR_MIB_SOLDIER: Agent MiB
      STR_MIB_MEDIC: Médecin MiB
      STR_MIB_ENGINEER: Saboteur MiB
      STR_MIB_LEADER: Leader MiB
      STR_MIB_COMMANDER: Commandant MiB
      STR_MIBTANK_TERRORIST: Tank Terroriste MiB
      STR_MIB0_CORPSE: Corps MiB
      STR_MIB1_CORPSE: Corps MiB
      STR_MIB2_CORPSE: Corps MiB
      STR_MIB3_CORPSE: Corps MiB
      STR_MIBTANK_CORPSE: Carcasse de Tank MiB
      STR_MACHINE_PISTOL: Pistolet mitrailleur
      STR_MACHINE_PISTOL_CLIP: Chargeur de Pistolet mitrailleur
      STR_MACHINE_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: Ce pistolet mitrailleur est conçu pour tirer d'une seule main. Il est moins précis qu'un pistolet, mais fourni un tir automatique très rapide de cartouches de 9x19mm et utilise un grand chargeur de 25 balles.
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: Fusil de précision
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: Chargeur de fusil de précision
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Le fusil de précision est conçu pour maximiser la précision à très longue distance. Il utilise un gros calibre de 12.7x99mm pour rendre ses tirs de précision aussi efficaces que possible et capables de faire des dommages significatifs même contre des cibles blindées.  
      STR_MIB_CRAFT_0: Transporteur MiB
      STR_MIB_CRAFT_1: Transporteur - Amélioré MiB
      STR_MIB_CRAFT_2: Transporteur - Hybride MiB
      STR_MIB_TERROR_MISSION: Mission de terreur MiB
      STR_MIB_BASE_LANDING: Mission de base MiB
      STR_MIB_BASE_ASSAULT: Assault de base MiB
      STR_URBANA: OVNI Urbain
      STR_MIB_COVERUP: Couverture MiB
      STR_MIB_TERROR: Terrorisme MiB
      STR_MIB_BASE: Base MiB
      STR_MIB_ACTIVITY: Activités Men In Black
      STR_MIB_IDENTITY: Men In Black
      STR_MIB_ACTIVITY_UFOPAEDIA: Cette organisation mime en quelque sorte XCom, s'équipant de technologies avancées et intervenant lorsque des événements liés aux aliens arrivent. Il semble cependant qu'elle est plus encline à dissimuler les aliens qu'à les repousser. Nous devons capturer un de leurs leaders pour en savoir plus.
      STR_MIB_IDENTITY_UFOPAEDIA: MiB et XCom sont les deux faces d'une même pièce. Les deux ont été fondées par les élites mondiales, mais alors que XCom a été établi pour combattre les envahisseurs, MiB l'a été pour les apaiser. On dirait que les leaders du monde voulaient garder toutes les options ouvertes.

(I have insert caliber in guns description to match my mod but it should'nt be a problem)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 12:32:08 am by LeBashar »

Offline robin

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Nice; added. I won't upload immediately because I'm still pondering a couple of other changes I made.

Offline Arthanor

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Those races are really cool! I've ran quick "New battles" with them, just to see if they work, but sadly, two of them are missing body parts..

Any idea where I can find gazer and anthropod heads and torsos?

I'm using v1.0, and the 1.5a version of gazers; 1.3 version of anthropods. Thanks!

Offline robin

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Are you using linux?
I never had that problem, all sprites/anims are in and working correctly.

Offline Falko

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could you try copying this image in the Resources\gazer_alien folder
and changing the lines in the ruleset
Code: [Select]
  - type: GAZER.PCK
    width: 32
    height: 40
      0: Resources/gazer_alien/GAZER/
Code: [Select]
  - type: GAZER.PCK
    width: 512
    height: 680
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
      0: Resources/gazer_alien/gazertest.png
and give feedback for the gazer?

Offline Arthanor

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Are you using linux?
I never had that problem, all sprites/anims are in and working correctly.
Well well.. I am using Linux, yes. I suspect it is giving me issues with graphics as yours is not the first mod with that kind of problem for me. I have a few weapons mods where the graphics are all over the place too. I suspect graphics in individual files are not handled well by the Linux version of OpenXCom. (At least, when using shotguns or laser weapon sprites all in one file, all works well, but the sniper rifle with many files doesn't)

@Falko: It worked!! Gazers look great now :)
I used Aldorn's sprite sheet for the anthropod with the code below and that works too!

    width: 8704
    height: 40
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
      0: Resources/anthropod_alien/ANTHROPOD.PNG

I had a hunch of what caused the problem, but never got around to testing it. Seems like sprite sheets are much better for Linux indeed!

I just changed all the definitions for the anthropods and ran a quick battle, saw spitters of all kinds and the anthropods. I works really well now! (Those worms are DISGUSTING!)

A side comment on the spitters, the retracted spitters (I guess? The ones where it's mostly a shell on the floor) rise as naked ones when you hit them with stun weapons. Is that intended? I'm not sure what the relationship between the 3 spitters "mode" is supposed to be.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 11:53:35 pm by Arthanor »

Offline Falko

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i suspect that the builtin order of the files in windows/linux/mac? filesystems differs so having one image that is split up within openxcom should solve this issue

Offline Aldorn

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I already did the job (Waspite, Gazer, Anthropod and Muton Commander) for my own purpose so I attach files, I let you take what you need (I guess only the spritesheets)

Look for the size of the image, then use same technique as above

If Falko is able to provide them too, it will be safer as he is more comfortable with sprites conversion

If not, use these ones, I think they are ok but I did not really tested them as I am more focused on modding for the moment
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 11:56:45 pm by Aldorn »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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« Reply #134 on: August 05, 2014, 12:27:47 am »
Then I'll post this, just to annoy Robin. :D

(Fire breath optional.)