Author Topic: Couple of requests inspired from tftd and the other mod  (Read 4124 times)

Offline CoolKid

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Couple of requests inspired from tftd and the other mod
« on: May 07, 2014, 06:37:09 pm »
This requests is for adding more and more variety to the game. So here is the list:

1. Inspired from tftd extender smaller battlescape maps mod. Instead of smaller, how about make it bigger like TFTD? We already know TFTD maps sometimes really annoying because the AI are like scaredy cat stay hidden until prey are close enough wasting hour and hour playing hide and seek on big map. But openxcom AI are aggresive enough and can hide well. I really like it. I think this will work well on big map.

2. Inspired from luke ufo layout mod. This mod was amazing but, i want more variety. How about adding ruins in desert and rocky land and igloo in polar map or something like that. Because those map are almost have no cover. Bigger map + more variety object cover = fresh experience.

3. ufoextender roswell mod. Make the ufo in geoscape crash itself due accident like reactors blow up or something like that at interval rare ~ occasional for any scout ufo and very rare for bigger ufo. This will help for farming resource in early game. Because sometimes we get really really rare ufo encounter.

And of course make these as an option.

I know some of this maybe already been discussed before. But i just want to bring it back again. :)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 07:18:53 pm by CoolKid »

Offline Shoes

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Re: Couple of requests inspired from tftd and the other mod
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2014, 08:33:12 pm »
1. The devs will probably take care of this when they finish 1.0. The engine was designed with this in mind, but I am not sure of Xcom1 was designed with bigger maps in mind. I would expect more developpement after 1.0 is released.

2. Up to modders and artists. No one will turn away good art assets.

3. I read that Warboy recently fixed an issue with rare UFOs. Adding a rare "UFO crashed itself" event with the hope that it would crash in the early game won't work out as intended. Perhaps instead, if you're inclined to have a guaranteed first mission, you could think about adding a "Ground 0" or "UFO 0" crash site that some military organisation other than XCOM shot down that spawns in the first week. Or something.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Couple of requests inspired from tftd and the other mod
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2014, 09:01:13 pm »
CoolKid, if you make the sprites, I'll be happy to code them into the game. :D

Offline CoolKid

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Re: Couple of requests inspired from tftd and the other mod
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2014, 09:07:37 pm »
CoolKid, if you make the sprites, I'll be happy to code them into the game. :D

Sure Thing. :) But, Im still learning and messing around with modding tools.

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Couple of requests inspired from tftd and the other mod
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2014, 09:12:19 pm »
I agree there's much room for map-making, and I like how you mention the gameplay aspects of the different environments. IMO, tactical aspects should be the first concern before designing any more scenery.