"how do you set an alien base command centre?"
take a look at the existing scripts
first part:
- type: addBlock
groups: 2
executions: 2
- type: addBlock
size: 2
groups: 3
it adds two blocks of group 2 and one of group 3
if you take a look at the asignemnt in the terrains only the commandcenter ubase_00 has type 3 so its always placed the xcom placement ubase=04 is group2 ans with executions:2 is placed two times before the map is filled with other blocks
its a bit confusing because normally the types 2-4 are the default groups used by the addlines command for roads here these numbers are used for different stuff but it works fine because no addline commands in the alinebase script
Falko, why is it
groups: [2]
Instead of
groups: 2
a terrain can be member of multiple groups
internally all "just a number" group declarations are converted into a list
and i like to be consistent instead of jumping between sometimes list sometimes number i prefer only list
but you can use "just number" without a problem
And why did you leave
type: 2
in the ruleset?
to make it somwhat workable with old and new nightlies/1.0
And what's the deal with all that mapScripts stuff, like "direction: vertical", "addBlock" and so on?
addline has a direction parameter it can be used for roads in a terror site with only vertical or only horicontal or both directions
addblock tries to put a block in a free space in a map
lets take a look at the first aiienbase command
- type: addBlock
groups: 2
executions: 2
it adds a block of group "2" two times (executions :2)
what terrainblock is group 2 is defined in terrains
you can do more stuff with executionchances, condinal , freq(uencies) max( occurances),....
Apparently you learned this from somewhere, so.
pestering warboy and trying stuff for myself

TLDR, if the Ufopaedia article is made useful, I'll gladly fix the maps. Right now, I can't see this happening.
i would say the mapscript needs its own page describing how conditionals groups, labels terrain ,.. interacts with each other is IMHO more than the already long ruleset-file description site needs