
Author Topic: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)  (Read 1812841 times)

Offline MeatLoaf

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #675 on: September 08, 2014, 03:49:00 pm »
Would it be possible to add in stun rounds for the blaster launcher? Researchable after stun bombs, stun grenades and blaster bombs perhaps and made using 2 stun bombs and 1 elerium.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #676 on: September 08, 2014, 05:57:33 pm »
A question about the craft plasma cannon. It uses Elerium as ammunition.

I noticed that the craft appears to  re-arm with clips of 10 units of Elerium as opposite to the numbers of shots used. I tried:

Normal two gun mount and shooting:
Stock 128-6(one ufo)-4(another ufo)= 118 but it's 108 after re-arming. So 10 more than expected is used.

Tried shooting with only one gun:
Stock 108 -2 (from gun#1 only) = 106, but it's 98 after re-arming. So 8 more.

The mod ruleset says:
  - type: STR_ELERIUM_115
    clipSize: 1

Am I doing something wrong? Currently using the plasma beam cannon may not be very elerium-bang-effective.

Bluntly speaking, I'm not sure. I did some testing back when I introduced the weapon, but I'm not able to decipher the code.
However, whatever the case, I think both mechanics are acceptable, although naturally one is easier on the player than the other.

Would it be possible to add in stun rounds for the blaster launcher? Researchable after stun bombs, stun grenades and blaster bombs perhaps and made using 2 stun bombs and 1 elerium.

Yeah, it'd be possible. I'm not sure if I'll do it for the Blaster Launcher, but there's also a possible Advanced Rocket Launcher coming up, and I'll consider adding guided stunning missiles to one of them.

Offline Alex_D

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #677 on: September 09, 2014, 10:28:11 am »
Bluntly speaking, I'm not sure. I did some testing back when I introduced the weapon, but I'm not able to decipher the code.
However, whatever the case, I think both mechanics are acceptable, although naturally one is easier on the player than the other.

I did some testing. It appears the number 10 is hard-coded somehow. Based on the 2014_09_08_0214 nightly:

use of Elerium as ammo = INT( 10 / clipSize ) * ROUNDUP( #roundsfired / 10 , 0 ); where clipSize >=1 and integer.

Boring raw data:
    clipSize: 1 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 106 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 2 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 3 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 120 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 4 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 5 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 6 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 7 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 8 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 9 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 10 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.

    clipSize: 1 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 106 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 2 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 3 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 120 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 4 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 5 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 6 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 7 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 8 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 9 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 10 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.

    clipSize: 1 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 2 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 3 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 123 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 4 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 5 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 6 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 7 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 8 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 9 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 10 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.

    clipSize: 1 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 76 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 2 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 101 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 3 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 111 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 4 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 5 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 6 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 7 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 8 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 9 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
    clipSize: 10 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #678 on: September 09, 2014, 10:30:08 am »
Thanks for your hard work, Alex.

Do you think this information could be added to the Ufopedia wiki?

Offline Falko

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #679 on: September 09, 2014, 11:11:02 am »
the "hardcoded" "10" is the rearming rate

there seems to be a buggy calculation in
Code: [Select]
int CraftWeapon::rearm(const int available, const int clipSize)
int needed = 0;
if (clipSize > 0)
{ https:// +(clipSize - 1) for correct rounding up
needed = std::min(_rules->getRearmRate(), _rules->getAmmoMax() - _ammo + clipSize - 1) / clipSize;
int ammoUsed = (available >= needed)? _rules->getRearmRate() : available * clipSize;
setAmmo(_ammo + ammoUsed);
_rearming = _ammo < _rules->getAmmoMax();
return (clipSize <= 0)? 0 : ammoUsed / clipSize;
int ammoUsed = (available >= needed)? _rules->getRearmRate() : available * clipSize;
should be
int ammoUsed = (available >= needed)? needed * clipSize : available * clipSize;

but that is just a guess i do not have the time to test now :(

Offline arrakis69ct

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #680 on: September 09, 2014, 06:21:22 pm »
  spanish translation v2

update to 10/9/14

is pending of correction but is mi working initial release
« Last Edit: September 10, 2014, 03:18:57 pm by arrakis69ct »

Offline Duke_Falcon

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #681 on: September 12, 2014, 07:53:53 pm »
I finished with the Alien commanders of the original X-com (except Muton what already done):
The zip contains the following:
- PCK and TAB files of the commanders (sheet bmp files also included but PCKview export them different size like the FMP png sheets have, so I put them back into PCK)
- Inventory pictures
- Ufopedia pictures (I liked the XenoOps muton commander entry, maybe alien commanders have separate "alive" pedia entries?)

Also wonder if Ethereal commanders may not wield weapon but bear the same psi-blast what Cerebreals AND mind controll abilities... Afterall they are the strongest psykers of their kind not?

And if elements shall borrowed from XenoOps mod may I ask that all the new aliens shall borrowed? Both muton guards and the armoured sectoid?
Maybe it is just me but I like the new aliens more than new weapons or such. It makes encounters more variable and not always Sectoids-floaters-mutons line-up like the vanilla X-com had...
And it may result more complex hybrid crews (raiders if remember correctly their "callsign").

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #682 on: September 12, 2014, 09:20:35 pm »
Thanks, Duke! I've checked and what I think:

- Floater is nice, though I had something like this already.
- Ethereal: DAT SWAG! An interesting concept, though it'd need some polishing, especially the battlesprite.
- Snakeman: owwwww, why did you give the cloak the same colour as the skin? Why not green, for example? Yeah, green would be good. Or maybe black.
- Sectoid: I don't really like the idea of an armour as rank indicator. It's a different gear, doesn't belong with the concept.

Also wonder if Ethereal commanders may not wield weapon but bear the same psi-blast what Cerebreals AND mind controll abilities... Afterall they are the strongest psykers of their kind not?

It's possible, but I'm not really convinced it would make much of a difference. Cerebreals are more unique this way, and Ethereals, well, have hands. :)

And if elements shall borrowed from XenoOps mod may I ask that all the new aliens shall borrowed? Both muton guards and the armoured sectoid?

I'll have to think about it. Anyway, these sprites are ready, so I can integrate them myself.

Maybe it is just me but I like the new aliens more than new weapons or such. It makes encounters more variable and not always Sectoids-floaters-mutons line-up like the vanilla X-com had...
And it may result more complex hybrid crews (raiders if remember correctly their "callsign").

I totally agree! And I plan to get rid of the TFTD sprites too (essentially made new ones for the recoloured TFTD aliens), so that we could have proper hybrid games. B)

Offline myk002

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #683 on: September 12, 2014, 10:12:55 pm »
I noticed that the version listed at the top of is 0.9.2.  Isn't 0.9.3 out?

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #684 on: September 12, 2014, 10:29:23 pm »
I noticed that the version listed at the top of is 0.9.2.  Isn't 0.9.3 out?

Yeah, it's hard to update the number in all the places. :P

Offline arrakis69ct

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #685 on: September 13, 2014, 12:52:08 am »
Yeah, it's hard to update the number in all the places. :P

and update with the translation to spanish XD

Pd may be a fail in research tree. I can research baterie of elerium. But i dont see elerium to research at this moment???
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 02:17:41 am by arrakis69ct »

Offline Duke_Falcon

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #686 on: September 13, 2014, 11:27:39 am »
Thanks, Duke! I've checked and what I think:

- Floater is nice, though I had something like this already.
- Ethereal: DAT SWAG! An interesting concept, though it'd need some polishing, especially the battlesprite.
- Snakeman: owwwww, why did you give the cloak the same colour as the skin? Why not green, for example? Yeah, green would be good. Or maybe black.
- Sectoid: I don't really like the idea of an armour as rank indicator. It's a different gear, doesn't belong with the concept.
- I though I shall give some more shades for the Ethereal gem and the "ribbons" just forgot to use the good palette and PS messed up like that. As it has now use the good palette (since it is in PCK) I shall work on it.
- Green cloak? Hmmmm... I think they shall disappear on grass or jungle much like Mutons do. But black - dark grey - is a good idea. I shall give it a try (want to change the inventory\pedia aswell or they may have green or golden or whatever).
- For Sectoid I first wanted something like I used in my OG-conversion: Sectoid head with Ethereal body... But Sectoid have more sprite sequences in different order and it may cause some trouble... And most of the users may laugh upon the result as such scale it looks hilarious. Then I recently finished XenoOps where the armoured sectoids description give me the idea. Sectoids do not use armour as they regard themselves as expendable? But Commanders must be rare and thus not as expendable, right? So a bit more protection for them seemed a good idea. I want to keep the armour but eager to give it a red cloak (then it shall have a meaning to have an armour). Or give them also a one-eye optical implant? Sectoids are hard to edit toward whatever ways...
I totally agree! And I plan to get rid of the TFTD sprites too (essentially made new ones for the recoloured TFTD aliens), so that we could have proper hybrid games. B)
What if you keep the current sprites and the new colour-adapted ones could be the Commanders? For Reptoid and Chtonite it may be explained by gender diversity assuming that males\females are stronger in those species and thus "rule" the weaker gender. The current red Reptoids may be the females, for example, sampled like the dragons in a film I saw once (there were thousand female dragons but only one, big and aggressive male). OR (!) it could be explained that sub-adults (line or low-rank specimens) are not exactly looks like as adults (commanders, as age make wiser as they say). What missing, trully missing, is the corpse floorobj-sprite for the Salamandron (I checked and my FMP did not contain such a sprite among the resources and thus the game show them as dead Reapers).
And I shall soon send two new aliens if interested (well, one since the "Crabman" is a Lobsterman where I corrected the death animation sprites as they were devoit of dark and brown pixels). Maybe not the most imaginative aliens but I used them to train my non-existing pixel-art skills.
Also there is a tons of Ufopedia pictures in my topic (well, the Tunlun still ugly but overall the rest is useable, still need Chtonite and Cerebreal larvas though). And drop together a quick crystal sword for aliens (the one the Floaters use on the examine room graphic).

Ahhh, I work on to much thing and most of them is useless. Take them as concepts...

Offline zetzet13

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #687 on: September 13, 2014, 11:39:19 am »
I totally enjoy this mod because I had to restart so often.
Sometimes it gets tedious to start from scratch but every game is so different after the first weeks.

I ran into a game breaking problem after I had upgraded to this nightly: openxcom_git_master_2014_09_13_0319

In the terror mission in this game I wanted my tank to shot, but that crashes the game.
I don't know if it's the nightly update or the mod pack because I didn't play much and my tank hadn't fired until now so the last few battlescape missions were okay.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #688 on: September 13, 2014, 12:37:44 pm »
- I though I shall give some more shades for the Ethereal gem and the "ribbons" just forgot to use the good palette and PS messed up like that. As it has now use the good palette (since it is in PCK) I shall work on it.

OK, we'll see what happens.

- Green cloak? Hmmmm... I think they shall disappear on grass or jungle much like Mutons do. But black - dark grey - is a good idea. I shall give it a try (want to change the inventory\pedia aswell or they may have green or golden or whatever).

Yeah, green tends to disappear on grass, though I never thought that much of it. Anyway, please do what you think is best!

- For Sectoid I first wanted something like I used in my OG-conversion: Sectoid head with Ethereal body... But Sectoid have more sprite sequences in different order and it may cause some trouble... And most of the users may laugh upon the result as such scale it looks hilarious. Then I recently finished XenoOps where the armoured sectoids description give me the idea. Sectoids do not use armour as they regard themselves as expendable? But Commanders must be rare and thus not as expendable, right? So a bit more protection for them seemed a good idea. I want to keep the armour but eager to give it a red cloak (then it shall have a meaning to have an armour). Or give them also a one-eye optical implant? Sectoids are hard to edit toward whatever ways...What if you keep the current sprites and the new colour-adapted ones could be the Commanders?

Yeah, armoured Sectoids from XenoOperations are bizarre, but tempting. How about this:
- Create a rare race of Sectoids, call them Mechtoids, use XOps' sprites (he agreed) for them.
- Also take the Mechtoid armour, recolour it, make it Commander.

This will preserve a sense of coherence.

For Reptoid and Chtonite it may be explained by gender diversity assuming that males\females are stronger in those species and thus "rule" the weaker gender. The current red Reptoids may be the females, for example, sampled like the dragons in a film I saw once (there were thousand female dragons but only one, big and aggressive male). OR (!) it could be explained that sub-adults (line or low-rank specimens) are not exactly looks like as adults (commanders, as age make wiser as they say). What missing, trully missing, is the corpse floorobj-sprite for the Salamandron (I checked and my FMP did not contain such a sprite among the resources and thus the game show them as dead Reapers).

As for the Reptoids, I don't worry about them much, since I am going to make new sprites for them. The reason is, TFTD is coming up and I don't want to use simple recolours in the same game (assuming hybrid games will be possible).

Salamandrons are missing the dead tile sprites because Dioxine hasn't ripped them. :) His reasoning was that a dead Triscene looks very, very dead, and it hurt his sense of immersion when the lizard was merely incapacitated, so he used the Reaper corpse as a lesser evil. I... never got around to rip it myself.

Oh, and the Salamandron will have to be changed too due to the TFTD, but in this case I think a simple recolour will be enough.

I totally enjoy this mod because I had to restart so often.
Sometimes it gets tedious to start from scratch but every game is so different after the first weeks.

Thanks! And congratulations on your patience! :)

I ran into a game breaking problem after I had upgraded to this nightly: openxcom_git_master_2014_09_13_0319

In the terror mission in this game I wanted my tank to shot, but that crashes the game.
I don't know if it's the nightly update or the mod pack because I didn't play much and my tank hadn't fired until now so the last few battlescape missions were okay.

I haven't updated the exe for a few weeks, I should do it at some point.

But tell me, what tank was it? What was the target? And what terrain was used?
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 12:39:28 pm by Solarius Scorch »

Offline Falko

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #689 on: September 13, 2014, 03:47:03 pm »
I totally enjoy this mod because I had to restart so often.
Sometimes it gets tedious to start from scratch but every game is so different after the first weeks.

I ran into a game breaking problem after I had upgraded to this nightly: openxcom_git_master_2014_09_13_0319

In the terror mission in this game I wanted my tank to shot, but that crashes the game.
I don't know if it's the nightly update or the mod pack because I didn't play much and my tank hadn't fired until now so the last few battlescape missions were okay.
I haven't updated the exe for a few weeks, I should do it at some point.

But tell me, what tank was it? What was the target? And what terrain was used?
from irc
build 2014-09-11 09:45, and every build afterwards, crashes xcom when popping smokes from a modded-in drone camera unit (lebashar rebalanced and MIB are installed). Crash happens the moment sfx for projectile hitting the ground plays.
can you open up whatever ruleset adds the drone camera and put the weapon up on pastebin or something?
specifically, the ammo the smoke launcher uses, and the hitAnimation defined for it
hitAnimation: 26
change that to 0
hitAnimation refers to the sprite to use when a projectile hits its target
for HE/smoke/incendiary weapons this field did nothing whatsoever
until about two days ago when i made the explosion sprites moddable
the explosion spritesheet has 8 entries, using hitAnimation: 26 tells it to start at frame 26. there is no frame 26
the author probably got this via lazy copy/paste, and as it was vestigial at the time, it went unnoticed
Bet that broke a bunch of mods. Take THAT mods!
que sera sera
they'll be thanking me later
also: please post this error in the thread for whichever mod this is
so hopefully i don't get inundated with reports for this issue :P