Author Topic: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)  (Read 1967028 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2415 on: December 15, 2016, 09:19:34 pm »
could you possibly edit the Dragonfly map to have a second exit?

Yes, but not easily. I'll think about it, but I don't want to do that straight away - too much work.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2416 on: December 16, 2016, 02:11:05 am »
The second craft is far more eye-appealing.  After playing the newer starts of PirateZ I have a much deeper appreciation for smaller craft.  I'm not sure how it would stand up against SkyRangers without a side door though for most players.

Offline R1dO

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2417 on: December 16, 2016, 03:20:16 am »
I'd say the dragonfly. I kinda like it's looks [1].

Besides that i think the first one would better serve as an early game improvement of the skyranger with a comparable price tag, due to the following reasoning:
* The tactical advantage of front 'doors' is something that Xcom came to realize after a few battles surrounded by enemies, hence they want a quick solution.
* Adding doors is a structural nightmare (in the mechanical sense). Requiring shortening of the craft due to weight limitations. The increase in production complexity ($$$$) would undo any materials savings.

[1] To me it's looks would probably improve if the tail is shortened by 1 or 2 rows.

Offline Kjotleik

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2418 on: December 16, 2016, 04:26:37 am »
Hi, I'd like to ask you for opinion. I would like to add a new starting craft, a smaller and cheaper version of Skyranger (as an addition, not replacement). I have two candidates:
So, which one do you like better?

From the pictures, I'd have to agree with those who say the "Skyraider." Purely because of the extra door close to the front of the craft. But aesthetically I like the "Dragonfly" better. Function over fashion, I guess is what I try to say here.

I assume it will have shorter range (half the globe, or maybe even shorter?) than the Skyranger/Skymarshall crafts. Maybe a little bit faster and cheaper, as well. Then it would be a nice additional craft to keep around for small and close by missions, instead of a second Sky-ranger or -marshall. Kind of like a B-team craft.

If you can find ways to differentiate between them (maybe ranges/speed/HWP's) they could both be viable choices to give different pros and cons.

Oh, and one more thing. I'd like them to be buy-able. In the beginning of the game, you don't really have Workshop-space for craft-construction anyway. If you have, you are sure to have more pressing matters to take care of before spending all those resources on a new craft. Like ammunition and armour.

I won't be disappointed by any choice you make, though. Both are looking good enough to me.


Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2419 on: December 16, 2016, 03:04:44 pm »
All right, Skyraider it is! The Dragonfly, maybe later, but it's kinda outdated in comparison. If you like it, try it in X-Com Files!

I'll see what else I can port from XCF to FMP and then make a release. It's long overdue, since I wanted to wait until the portal is fixed, but now I no longer think it'll ever happen.

Offline Wimples

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2420 on: December 21, 2016, 10:55:05 pm »
I'm playing the FMP. I've made it to May, 2000. I've researched about as much as I can. I've got the know-how to build the Avenger, but I don't have any alien electronics. Where on earth do these things live?

I thought it was the envoy ship, which I've encountered twice. I shot down the second one, but didn't get any.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2421 on: December 21, 2016, 11:32:12 pm »
Alien Electronics can be recovered by disassembling alien robots, but you must also gain the knowledge about it from some alien engineer or officer.

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2422 on: December 22, 2016, 06:06:41 am »
Thanks! run into some cyberdiscs, cybermites, or Sectopods.

I've yet to run into an Obliterator or Sectopod. Is that common? I had an Ethereal base defense mission and they had cyberdiscs.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2423 on: December 22, 2016, 03:47:41 pm »
I've yet to run into an Obliterator or Sectopod. Is that common? I had an Ethereal base defense mission and they had cyberdiscs.

Yes, sometimes they have Sectopods, sometimes Cyberdiscs.

Now, I have an announcement to make: all FMP translators, assemble! There are some new strings for the next version!

Code: [Select]
      STR_SKYRAIDER_UFOPEDIA: "This plane can transport up to 10 people with unprecedented speed."
      STR_MELEE_UFOPEDIA: "For most fighters, melee weapons are only for desperate situations, but some agents rather enjoy their strong points: power and speed."
      STR_PISTOLS_UFOPEDIA: "Pistols have a number of advantages: they suffer no penalty from one-handed use, are fast-firing, light and easy to carry. Their main problem is limited effective range."
      STR_SMGS_UFOPEDIA: "Sub-machine guns have long auto shots, are one-handed, relatively light and have large clips. They are however quite inaccurate and their damage value is generally unimpressive."
      STR_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Rifles are very accurate, also at long distances. They often have autofire mode. They are highly versatile, the only significant disadvantage being that they require both hands."
      STR_SHOTGUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Shotguns deal relatively high damage. They are fast and very accurate, but only at short distances. They often use scattershot ammunition which works great against lightly armored targets."
      STR_CANNONS_UFOPEDIA: "Cannons are big, bulky weapons that deal high damage. They tend to have decent Aimed Shot accuracy and average Snap Shot accuracy. Some Cannons also have Auto-Shot mode and/or unusual ammo."
      STR_LAUNCHERS_UFOPEDIA: "Rocket launchers shoot self-propelled rockets, usually with an explosive charge. They are slow to use and can be heavy, but they deal massive damage and often have good damage radius."
      STR_MACHINE_GUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Machine Guns are powerful, accurate and have good, long auto-shots. They are quite heavy though and have limited use other than suppressive fire."
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Sniper Rifles require high Firing Accuracy to be effective, but in the right hands are extremely accurate and powerful. However, they are quite slow to fire. Their accuracy often drops at very short distances."
      STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "Incendiary weapons deal direct damage and also cover an area with flames. Fire deals damage every turn to all units standing in it. Fire doesn't cause fatal wounds, but may cause immolation of the target unit. A burning unit will take damage every turn, as if it was standing in fire, and has a chance to stop burning every turn. Armor does not protect from fire, but may in some cases reduce damage by a set percentage."
      STR_MELEE: "Melee Weapons"
      STR_PISTOLS: "Pistols"
      STR_SMGS: "SMGs"
      STR_RIFLES: "Rifles"
      STR_SHOTGUNS: "Shotguns"
      STR_CANNONS: "Cannons"
      STR_LAUNCHERS: "Launchers"
      STR_MACHINE_GUNS: "Machine Guns"
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLES: "Sniper Rifles"
      STR_INCENDIARIES: "Incendiaries"

Help is welcome!

Offline Kammerer

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2424 on: December 22, 2016, 06:51:54 pm »
Hi, Solarius Scorch!

Here's the Russian translation.

Code: [Select]
      STR_SKYRAIDER_UFOPEDIA: "Этот летательный аппарат способен перевозить до 10 человек с беспрецедентной скоростью."
      STR_MELEE_UFOPEDIA: "Для большинства оперативников оружие ближнего боя - крайнее средство в критической ситуации, но некоторые бойцы уважают его за скорость и наносимый урон."
      STR_PISTOLS_UFOPEDIA: "У пистолетов есть ряд преимуществ: они не имеют штрафов при стрельбе с одной руки, скорострельны, легки и удобны в переноске. Главная их проблема - низкая эффективная дальность."
      STR_SMGS_UFOPEDIA: "Пистолеты-пулеметы позволяют вести огонь длинными очередями, рассчитаны на ведение огня с одной руки, относительно легки и имеют магазин большой емкости. Однако их точность и огневая мощь невысоки."
      STR_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Винтовки обладают высокой точностью даже на больших дистанциях. Также нередко у них есть режим автоматического огня. Они весьма универсальны, и единственный их недостаток в том, что при стрельбе их необходимо держать обеими руками."
      STR_SHOTGUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Дробовики причиняют относительно высокий урон. Они быстры и очень точны, но только на коротких дистанциях. В них зачастую заряжают картечные патроны, которые обладают высокой эффективностью против легкобронированных целей."
      STR_CANNONS_UFOPEDIA: "Пушки - это большое, тяжелое оружие, которое наносит высокий урон. Они облаждают неплохой точностью прицельного огня и средней - при стрельбе навскидку. Некоторые пушки также обладают режимом автоматического огня и/или могут заряжаться необычными боеприпасами."
      STR_LAUNCHERS_UFOPEDIA: "Ракетные установки выстреливают ракеты с собственным двигателем и чаще всего с фугасной боевой частью. Подготовка к выстрелу из них занимает много времени, но они наносят огромный урон и зачастую причиняют разрушения в большом радиусе."
      STR_MACHINE_GUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Пулеметы наносят большой урон, точны и позволяют вести огонь очень длинными очередями. Однако они обладают довольно большой массой, а сфера их применения довольно ограниченна, помимо ведения огня на подавление."
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Снайперские винтовки требуют от стрелка высогого навыка точности для ведения эффективного огня, но в правильных руках они чрезвычайно точны и обладают большой мощью. Однако их скорострельность совсем не высока. На коротких дистанциях их точность чаще всего заметно снижается."
      STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "Зажигательное оружие наносит прямой урон и покрывает территорию огнем. Огонь каждый ход наносит урон всем боевым единицам, которые находятся в зоне, покрытой пламенем. Огонь не вызывает критических ранений, но тот, кто в нем находится, может в свою очередь воспламениться. Горящей боевой единице наносится урон каждый ход, как если бы она все еще находилась в зоне огня, и каждый ход существует вероятность, что пламя на ней погаснет. Защитное снаряжение от огня не защищает, но в некоторых случаях способно снизить урон на некоторый процент."
      STR_MELEE: "Оружие ближнего боя"
      STR_PISTOLS: "Пистолеты"
      STR_SMGS: "Пистолеты-пулеметы"
      STR_RIFLES: "Винтовки"
      STR_SHOTGUNS: "Дробовики"
      STR_CANNONS: "Пушки"
      STR_LAUNCHERS: "Пуск. установки"
      STR_MACHINE_GUNS: "Пулеметы"
      STR_SNIPER_RIFLES: "Снайп. винтовки"
      STR_INCENDIARIES: "Зажиг. оружие"

I really wish I could find some time to translate XCF and Piratez :(.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2425 on: December 22, 2016, 07:03:59 pm »
That's OK, both mods are kinda still changing, so translating at this point seems premature.

As or the STR_SKYRAIDER, is is intended that it's not translated?

Offline Kammerer

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2426 on: December 22, 2016, 07:22:21 pm »
No, of course not, it's my mistake, here's the line: STR_SKYRAIDER: "РЕЙДЕР".

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2427 on: December 22, 2016, 08:08:15 pm »
No, of course not, it's my mistake, here's the line: STR_SKYRAIDER: "РЕЙДЕР".


I'll wait a couple more days for more translations, than I'll release the damn thing. :P

Offline Slaughter

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2428 on: December 22, 2016, 11:59:08 pm »
You know, one day I gotta stop being lazy and start translating X-COM and its mods for pt-br

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Re: [COMPILATION] Final Mod Pack (FMP)
« Reply #2429 on: December 25, 2016, 06:02:55 am »
If you wanted to go with the Dragonfly later and have an alternative exit, you could open a 2x1 area in toward the cockpit so some troops could jump down, but couldn't come back up without hover capabilities.  Kind of like the Menace class from X-Piratez. 

The mod is great, I'm having a ball going through my first playthrough.  I'm trying to come up with an answer to Muton hover tanks, I'm guessing lasers are not the right answer like for the rest of the Mutons.  But I can keep trying until I figure it out.  It's a lot of fun to rediscover XCOM, and that I need to use more than just the newest gun I unlocked is great.