I'm so glad everyone is enjoying this! Also, Yay, 1.0! 1000+ downloads on the Mod Site. Wow. That's awesome. I've been lazy modding of late, finding a balance between work and life. I'd like to get back to it.
But to answer Calapine's question, it's just a low chance. Each of the 12 large scouts has roughly 8% chance of appearance, and since the original layout is represented twice (one normal and one rotated) you have roughly 16-17% chance of encountering it. If you like, you can download my "lite" version and save just before you land then enable that instead, and the map generated will be the iconic map.
Clownagent, you're right! I had no idea at the time, but those values were redundant from the start. I'll make a patch.zip file with the updates, since it's not really a new version, but anybody who gets conflicts can use it.
Sorry, I'm really trying to make a battleship.