Hi guys, nice to hear from you!
Riding with a radar dish over your head - naturally, it's crazy, that's why you have to go extra slow, mere 300 knots
No, no new units this time, and just a single gun (m-16, has no handob since I can't be possibly bothered to make one for *every* gun in this mod - I only do those who need to look different
As for the terrains, I've pretty much ran out of viable ground textures - I need to wait till the devs implement multi-terrain per texture for TFTD
I'll check out you mod none the less (Today, I've found wrong width/length declaration on PORTURBAN13, but I'm pretty sure you've caught it by now).
Also I'm starting to experiment with custom Pedia backgrounds - here's a generic 'papyrus' one for Text/HWP entries (I'm thinking either that or some rusty metal):