Sorry to hear that. I'm out of ideas since I haven't experieced such a crash, like, ever. Missing assets cause the game to bomb out to the desktop, so it's not that.
As for ideas :
- there will be some heavier armor or two in the shop, yeah (one kevlar suit, one EVA-kinda-thingy), plus, Basic Armor is just a few days of research away if you want to have it

- a big pistol of some sort, possibly that one, might appear eventually but that's not on priority list
- good idea with the super-firebomb, added to the list, although I've finally come to realization that the whole fear-of-the-dark thing isn't playing that well in Piratez (even if I love it in vanilla), hence I will eventually (post 1.0) move to some custom .exe file where armors with night vision will be possible (as well as enemies lacking it).
Hmm interesting thoughts about the deployment, although I personally use the big door a lot (that's why it has hiding spaces on both sides, for the opportunity fire to be less of a threat). Ideally there should be an option for manual deployment, but, well... It didn't make it to the main build. They're facing Northern wall because that's how default deployment works.
About the smoke, yeah, I've raised the default susceptibility to smoke to 200% to make the smoke a non-negligible enviro threat (it affects many enemies too, and was mentioned on the changelist, this list is there for a reason

). Still seems to work too weakly to be of much concern, maybe I'll raise it to 300%.