Had to do the same for the last 3 enemies so I look forawrd to what u may come up with. Btw pirates pogrom are bloody hard like flintlocks vs laser weapons!
Right. I built a version of the required nightly for Piratez in debug mode, and you still get the same crash.
From this I believe it is definitely a map crash. Once you get back to the geoscape you should be alright, you might even never see it again. However there was something suggested on the pirates thread that may reduce the chance of this happening. I'm going to quote Dioxine directly:
It might also be a map crash, but those are rare. Grab the latest Hobbes' Terrain Pack and overwrite Terrains, Maps and Routes with what you find there. If the crash persists, I guess there is no other choice than loading your game from before the landing and re-playing the mission. Also make sure Savescumming is enabled so a different terrain will be spawned.
The last version of the terrain pack specifically built for our nightly is 3.5.3, however as we only want TERRAIN, MAPS and ROUTES 3.7 may still be viable, as any incompatibility should be in the ruleset.
This should greatly reduce the risk of it ever happening again although not eliminate it completely. See Dioxine's next post:
Terrains that might cause crashes like this (occassionally, but still) are: Commercial, Railyard, Farm, Urban. The last 2 contain non-Hobbes made custom maps. Sooner or later I'll have to tackle those, but I don't want to 'fix' Hobbes' maps...
It's a pretty small chance it happens anyway, I'm 8 months in and haven't seen a map crash.
Sadly, replacing those files may not fix your current crash, as some map information is baked into your save. You may have to continue as you are (removing troublesome units from the save) for the duration of your current geoscape mission.
Maybe someone else may have another suggestion, but I'm sorry I cannot be any further help. Im 99.9% sure its not my exe.