
Author Topic: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0  (Read 592423 times)

Offline XB-7

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #315 on: August 29, 2014, 12:00:14 am »
WOW.  This mod is a nice touch!

Offline Shoes

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #316 on: August 29, 2014, 02:04:54 pm »
Well I am happy you're still able to use the mod for your thing! Most of my free coding time is being spent on a different project I started at the moment :x After you're done making changes to the ruleset name wise, you should post it on the forums. A lot of the names came from xracer, but I am open to suggestions!

WOW.  This mod is a nice touch!

Thanks! :3

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #317 on: August 29, 2014, 04:38:13 pm »
....Most of my free coding time is being spent on a different project I started at the moment :x

 :-\  ouch, ok.  Well, I guess we'll just have to go with crashes if they happen.  Thanks for the update.  I was trying to stall my series start, to wait for Goomba crashes to be fixed... but I had to go ahead with it anyway.

....After you're done making changes to the ruleset name wise, you should post it on the forums.

Will do. (attached) ;)
(# Modified Honor Cross to "XCOM Service Medal",  Service Medal to "Longevity Medal")

Offline TigerLord

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #318 on: September 05, 2014, 05:22:13 am »
Hello, really good mod.

However when i use it it over writes the UI for auto equiping soldiers. Am using Fmp. Any way i can keep both?

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #319 on: September 07, 2014, 03:27:24 pm »
I've got another erroneous award.

In episode 5 of my Up Close LP, I run through the memorial screen.  Capt Green has posthumously received the Bolt's Cross.  The criteria is a leader or commander stun, but all this soldier has on record is 2 kills of Floater Soldiers.  The missions he has been on have only been small ufos, so no leaders or commanders were present.

The only unusual thing is a kill with a combat knife.

I guess Order of the Hammer is erroneous too.  "killed enemies of all kinds..."  (STR_MEDAL_DISTINGUISHED_SERVICE_NAME)

Soldier's Save snippet:
Code: [Select]
  - death:
        month: 1
        day: 20
        year: 1999
        hour: 0
        minute: 44
        weekday: 4
        second: 50
      reactions: 53
      throwing: 57
      tu: 60
      stamina: 58
      health: 37
      bravery: 10
      strength: 33
      psiStrength: 79
      psiSkill: 0
      melee: 31
      firing: 45
      reactions: 53
      health: 41
      bravery: 10
      tu: 61
      stamina: 63
      throwing: 58
      firing: 45
      strength: 34
      psiStrength: 79
      psiSkill: 0
      melee: 31
    rank: 1
        - decorationLevel: 0
          commendationName: STR_MEDAL_BOLTS_CROSS_NAME
          decorationLevel: 0
        - decorationLevel: 0
          commendationName: STR_MEDAL_FALLEN_NAME
        - 0
        - 1
        STR_USA: 2
        - weaponAmmo: STR_GRENADE
          status: 6
          rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER
          mission: 0
          race: STR_FLOATER
          weapon: STR_GRENADE
          faction: 1
          turn: 12
        - race: STR_FLOATER
          weaponAmmo: STR_COMBAT_KNIFE
          weapon: STR_COMBAT_KNIFE
          rank: STR_LIVE_SOLDIER
          status: 6
          faction: 1
          turn: 336
          mission: 1
      killTotal: 2
      shotAtCounterTotal: 3
      hitCounterTotal: 2
      importantMissionTotal: 2
      longDistanceHitCounterTotal: 1
      lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal: 1
        STR_LARGE_SCOUT: 1
      scoreTotal: 355
      winTotal: 2
      nightMissionTotal: 1
    armor: STR_NONE_UC
    improvement: 0
    kills: 2
    missions: 2
    gender: 0
    look: 2
    id: 3
    name: CaptainGreen

Cheers, Ivan
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 03:35:41 pm by ivandogovich »

Offline SiceX

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #320 on: September 09, 2014, 04:04:45 am »
Hi! I worked on translate your mod, and here is the ruleset:
Code: [Select]
  - type: it
      STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT_LC: Assalto ad una Base Aliena
      STR_AWARDS_UC: Riconoscimenti
      STR_AWARD_0: Primo Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_1: Secondo Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_2: Terzo Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_3: Quarto Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_4: Quinto Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_5: Sesto Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_6: Settimo Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_7: Ottavo Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_8: Nono Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_9: Decimo Riconoscimento
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_0: Nessuno
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_1: Prima Stella di Bronzo
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_2: Seconda Stella di Bronzo
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_3: Terza Stella di Bronzo
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_4: "Prima Stella d'Argento"
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_5: "Seconda Stella d'Argento"
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_6: "Terza Stella d'Argento"
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_7: "Prima Stella d'Oro"
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_8: "Seconda Stella d'Oro"
      STR_AWARD_DECOR_9: "Terza Stella d'Oro"
      STR_BASE_DEFENSE_LC: Difesa di una Base
      STR_DAY: Giorno
      STR_DAYLIGHT_TYPE: "Tempo> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_DAYS_WOUNDED: "Giorni da Ferito> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_DETAILS_UC: Dettagli
      STR_DIARY: Record
      STR_HEAVY_WEAPONS_PLATFORM_LC: Piattaforme per Plasma Pesante
      STR_HUMAN: Umano
      STR_KILLED: Uccisi
      STR_KILLS_BY_RACE: Uccisi/Storditi per Razza
      STR_KILLS_BY_RANK: Uccisi/Storditi per Rango
      STR_KILLS_BY_WEAPON: Uccisi/Storditi per Arma
      STR_KILLS_UC: Uccisioni
      STR_LOCATION: Località
      STR_MEDALS: Medaglie
      STR_MEDAL_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha fatto parte di un incursione ad una base aliena che ha avuto successo.
      STR_MEDAL_AWARD_LEVEL: Livello di Riconoscimento
      STR_MEDAL_BLACK_CROSS_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato sopravvissuto a del fuoco amico.
      STR_MEDAL_BOLTS_CROSS_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che usato una forza non letale per abbattere un obiettivo importante.
      STR_MEDAL_BOLTS_CROSS_NAME: Croce del Fulmine
      STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha difeso con successo varie regioni.
      STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_MEDAL_NAME: Medaglia della Campagna
      STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_RIBBON_DESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che è stato importante nella protezione di {0}"
      STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_RIBBON_NAME: "Nastro della Campagna in {0}"
      STR_MEDAL_CRIMSON_HEART_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che è rimasto ferito per un lungo periodo di tempo.
      STR_MEDAL_DBLKILL_TMPDESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che ha agito mirabilmente sul campo di battaglia, uccidendo più di una minaccia ostile in breve successione."
      STR_MEDAL_DBLKILL_TMPNAME: Citazione per le Prestazioni
      STR_MEDAL_DECOR_LEVEL: Livello di Decorazione
      STR_MEDAL_DEFENDER_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha fatto parte di una missione di difesa di una base che ha avuto successo.
      STR_MEDAL_DEFENDER_MEDAL_NAME: Medaglia alla Difesa
      STR_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Descrizione
      STR_MEDAL_DISTINGUISHED_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha ucciso soldati alieni di tutti i tipi.
      STR_MEDAL_FALLEN_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato per onorare la sua morte ed il suo impegno nella difesa della Terra.
      STR_MEDAL_FALLEN_NAME: "L'Ordine dei Caduti."
      STR_MEDAL_GRENADIERS_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha lanciato un esplosivo uccidendo 3 alieni in una volta.
      STR_MEDAL_GRENADIERS_MEDAL_NAME: Medaglia dei Granatieri.
      STR_MEDAL_HELLRAISER_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha usato armi incendiarie per uccidere degli alieni.
      STR_MEDAL_HELLRAISER_MEDAL_NAME: "Stella dell'Inferno."
      STR_MEDAL_HONOR_CROSS_DESCRIPTION: "Data a tutti i soldati di ritorno come riconoscimento per aver combattuto la minaccia Aliena, e per esser stati parte della forza per salvare l'umanità. Questa Medaglia non ha decorazioni aggiuntive."
      STR_MEDAL_HONOR_CROSS_NAME: "Croce dell'Onore"
      STR_MEDAL_IRON_MAN_DESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che è veramente un Uomo d'Acciaio, o una Donna d'Acciaio."
      STR_MEDAL_LONGEST_NIGHT_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha assistito agli orrori delle missioni di terrore aliene di notte.
      STR_MEDAL_LONGEST_NIGHT_NAME: Nastro della Notte più Lunga
      STR_MEDAL_LUCKYSHOT_TMPDESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che ha vinto le probabilità, mandando a segno un imprevedibile colpo ad un altro bersaglio."
      STR_MEDAL_LUCKYSHOT_TMPNAME: Citazione per la Buona Fortuna
      STR_MEDAL_MAN_OF_STEEL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che è stato colpito varie volte durante una sola missione.
      STR_MEDAL_MAN_OF_STEEL_NAME: "Uomo d'Acciaio."
      STR_MEDAL_MEDAL_OF_HEROISM_DESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che ha combattuto fino all'ultimo respiro."
      STR_MEDAL_MEDAL_OF_HEROISM_NAME: "Medaglia all'Eroismo"
      STR_MEDAL_MERIT_STAR_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha ucciso molti alieni.
      STR_MEDAL_MERIT_STAR_NAME: Stella al Merito.
      STR_MEDAL_MILITARY_CROSS_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha partecipato a molte missioni.
      STR_MEDAL_NAME: Nome della Medaglia
      STR_MEDAL_NIKE_CROSS_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha ucciso da solo tutti gli alieni durante una missione.
      STR_MEDAL_NIKE_CROSS_NAME: Croce di Nike
      STR_MEDAL_ORDER_OF_EARTH_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che è stato importante nella difesa della Terra
      STR_MEDAL_ORDER_OF_EARTH_NAME: "L'Ordine della Terra"
      STR_MEDAL_ORDER_OF_GLORY_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che è stato importante nella riuscita di una missione.
      STR_MEDAL_ORDER_OF_GLORY_NAME: "L'Ordine della Gloria"
      STR_MEDAL_ORDER_OF_RESTRAINT_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha usato una forza non letale per abbattere vari nemici.
      STR_MEDAL_ORDER_OF_RESTRAINT_NAME: "L'Ordine del Contenimento"
      STR_MEDAL_PURPLE_HEART_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che è stato ferito sul campo di battaglia.
      STR_MEDAL_REACTIONFIRE_TMPDESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che ha dimostrato riflessi pronti, uccidendo degli alieni prima che potessero rivalersi."
      STR_MEDAL_REACTIONFIRE_TMPNAME: Citazione alla Rapidità
      STR_MEDAL_SERVICE_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha prestato servizio per vari mesi.
      STR_MEDAL_SERVICE_MEDAL_NAME: Medaglia al Servizio
      STR_MEDAL_SNIPER_TMPDESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha mandato a segno un colpo a grande distanza sul bersaglio designato.
      STR_MEDAL_SNIPER_TMPNAME: Citazione per il Tiratore Scelto
      STR_MEDAL_SPECIALISTS_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha usato forze non letali per controllare vari alieni con successo.
      STR_MEDAL_SPECIALISTS_MEDAL_NAME: Medaglia dello Specialista
      STR_MEDAL_STAR_OF_ASCLEPIUS_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che è stato sottoposto al fuoco nemico dalla minaccia aliena.
      STR_MEDAL_STAR_OF_ASCLEPIUS_NAME: Stella di Asclepio
      STR_MEDAL_STAR_OF_VALOR_DESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che è stato l'ultimo sopravvissuto di una missione."
      STR_MEDAL_STAR_OF_VALOR_NAME: Stella al Valore
      STR_MEDAL_TRAP_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato per aver usato le tattiche di guerriglia.
      STR_MEDAL_TRAP_NAME: Croce del Predatore
      STR_MEDAL_VALIANT_CRUX_DESCRIPTION: Data ad un soldato che ha protetto tutti i civili durante una missione del terrore.
      STR_MEDAL_VALIANT_CRUX_NAME: Il Punto Cruciale
      STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_DESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che ha dimostrato una differenza usando un {0}"
      STR_MEDAL_XENOCIDE_MEDAL_DESCRIPTION: "Data ad un soldato che ha combattuto con successo la minaccia dei {0}"
      STR_MEDAL_XENOCIDE_MEDAL_NAME: "Medaglia allo Xenocidio dei {0}"
      STR_MISSIONS_BY_LOCATION: Missioni per Località
      STR_MISSIONS_BY_TYPE: Missioni per Tipo
      STR_MISSIONS_BY_UFO: Missioni per UFO
      STR_MISSIONS_TYPE: Missioni
      STR_MISSIONS_UC: Missioni
      STR_MISSION_DETAILS: "Dettagli Missione per {NEWLINE}{0}"
      STR_MISSION_LOSS: Sconfitte
      STR_MISSION_TYPE: "Missione> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_MISSION_WIN: Vittorie
      STR_NIGHT: Di Notte
      STR_NO_KILLS: Nessun uccisione
      STR_RACE_TYPE: "Razza> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_REGION_UNKNOWN: Località Riservate
      STR_SCORE_VALUE: "Punteggio> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_STUNNED: Storditi
      STR_STUNS: "Stordimenti> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_TANK: Tank
      STR_TERROR_MISSION_LC: Missione del Terrore
      STR_UFO_CRASH_RECOVERY_LC: Recupero di un UFO Schiantato
      STR_UFO_GROUND_ASSAULT_LC: Attacco di un UFO Atterrato
      STR_UFO_TYPE: "UFO> {ALT}{0}"
      STR_VEHICLE: Veicolo
      STR_WEAPON_UNKNOWN: Improvvisazione
      STR_WINS: "Vittorie> {ALT}{0}"

Offline Vulgar Monkey

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #321 on: September 11, 2014, 08:22:10 pm »

At the moment I am staying away from 'bad' commendations ;p things like "you killed your friends" and "you're the reason everyone is homeless in this town" things would be funny, but would look weird next to hard earned commendations.

If you ever decide to implement this I suppose it'd make sense to get around the tonal dissonance by creating a separate page (assuming you can find space in the UI). Perhaps 'commendations / citations'?

I expect the psi-weenies would have a good collection of demerits for poor discipline in battle / desertion / friendly fire / negligent discharge / conduct unbecoming, etc etc. Not to mention unwarranted destruction of property / loss of civilian life etc etc.

You get enough crap off the council, it'd only be fair to pass that down the chain as in real life. If only we could have them spend the week peeling potatoes or on latrine duty. :D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 04:19:38 am by Vulgar Monkey »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #322 on: September 11, 2014, 10:18:33 pm »
You get enough crap off the council, it'd only be fair to pass that down the chain as in real life. If only we could have them spend the week peeling potatoes or on latrine duty. :D

That makes so much sense :D

Offline Shoes

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #323 on: September 11, 2014, 11:57:23 pm »
Hello, really good mod.

However when i use it it over writes the UI for auto equiping soldiers. Am using Fmp. Any way i can keep both?

If the auto equip is from another mod, it would be difficult for me to predict overlaps like that. However, if it's a merged mod I will just have to take a look myself and fix it! I am in the middle of a different project, so it'll be a little whiles away.

SiceX: Thanks for the translation! Including the Russian one that was PM'd to me, that makes 3 total languages :D

ivandogovich: Thanks again for the bug reports. So it seems like there is the goomba stomping, and a few erroneous commendation awards. If you keep tracking them (the soldier save is a big help), I will likely be able to fix them. Hopefully it's a simple logic error and not like ... save file corruption.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #324 on: September 12, 2014, 12:04:35 am »
ivandogovich: Thanks again for the bug reports. So it seems like there is the goomba stomping, and a few erroneous commendation awards. If you keep tracking them (the soldier save is a big help), I will likely be able to fix them. Hopefully it's a simple logic error and not like ... save file corruption.

No problem, I'll keep reporting stuff as I find it.  And keep passing saves, or snippets as needed. 

I did test editing the save file directly to remove erroneous commedations, and that seemed to work just fine.  They did not reappear.

Cheers, Ivan :D

Offline Shoes

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #325 on: September 12, 2014, 11:12:21 pm »
No problem, I'll keep reporting stuff as I find it.  And keep passing saves, or snippets as needed. 

I did test editing the save file directly to remove erroneous commedations, and that seemed to work just fine.  They did not reappear.

Cheers, Ivan :D

That's very very interesting. There is some information that is not saved, but it could also be corruption/bad code that awarded the commendation.

Offline TigerLord

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #326 on: September 13, 2014, 01:09:25 pm »
Hey Shoes, i think the auto equip is now just the standard UI option in Openxcom and that the exe of your mod is overwriting that part.

 No worries anyone dude, thanks for your reply and thank you for your hard work and awesome mod:)

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #327 on: September 21, 2014, 04:04:57 pm »
A bit more feedback.  This is a save from my current Lets Play.  I've been getting some more erroneous awards.  Multiple Bolt's crosses some Orders of the Hammer, and now a Nike Cross for a soldier who has only stunned a Navigator.

Cheers, Ivan

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #328 on: September 25, 2014, 02:49:00 pm »
Thanks again, this will be a great help when I finish my other project and start polishing this one for merge!

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [STAT TRACKING] Soldier Diaries 1.0
« Reply #329 on: September 27, 2014, 06:26:18 pm »
Erroneous Award Reporting. 
I just finished recording ep 018.  (this will air on Wed Oct 1st).   I have two rookies that killed sectoids with a combat knife.   Both of them Received Order of the Hammer (for killing many kinds of aliens) and Bolt's Cross (for stunning high ranking aliens (which should be for Leaders and Commanders Only).

I am attaching the save for evaluation, whenever your time frees up, Shoes. ;)

Soldier ids are:

I have also removed earlier erroneous awards before this save (Nike Crosses, Bolts Cross, Order of the Hammer).

Cheers, Ivan