I've been brainstorming a bit, on the UFOpedia entries and started fiddling until I got some working images.
I've done up the Merit Star and Military Cross, and set up a Photoshop template to work on these. The medal pendant is just a simple placeholder to test the over all effect.
I'm using the Type 7 Entry (Alien Lifeforms, and UFO Components) as it allows a tall image on the right, and text in the left. There is not really a good section of the ufopedia to put these it, so I've shoved them into UFO Components. When an opportunity is presented to do some more coding, I wonder if it is possible to add a "Commendations" section to the Ufopedia.
Here are the screen Caps of the first two that I have worked up.
It feels like the short descriptions which work well on the soldier awards screen, are too short here. Maybe a more indepth description might be worthwhile.
Cheers, Ivan